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INSTALLING AUDIO VIDEO CCTV SYSTEM 3. Explain the principles of camera placement monitoring By Sarbini S.Pd, SMK Muh 3 Yogyakarta)

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Presentation on theme: "INSTALLING AUDIO VIDEO CCTV SYSTEM 3. Explain the principles of camera placement monitoring By Sarbini S.Pd, SMK Muh 3 Yogyakarta)"— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTALLING AUDIO VIDEO CCTV SYSTEM 3. Explain the principles of camera placement monitoring By Sarbini S.Pd, SMK Muh 3 Yogyakarta)

2 CCD CAMERA  Key factors in the design of CCTV system is a camera.  CCD (charge couple device) is a camera’s product of the most preferred CCD EXAMPLE

3 THE ADVANTAGE OF CCD  Easily operated  Increasing of usage  Small, wrapped concise  Sensitivity perfect  Slightly more sensitive to EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and RFI (Radio Frequency Interference).  Cost effective.

4 CCD PRINCIPLE  CCD image sensor is actually a series of integrated (IC).  A series of integrated surface is surface of the sensor flat establish order device (pixels) sensitive light.

5  Light knock down this formation cause causes electron flow with a comparable number of light that allows a particular pixel.  In fact, the actually process is more complicated, some variation depending on the particular technology used CCD

6 CCD TECHNOLOGY  MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor)  Sensitivity and low resolution  The results are very satisfactory condition of the light  Illuminate  Sharp image, waved  There is shadows  Image detail lost in dark  Interline transfer  Sensitivity can be improved  Flexible (light / dark)

7  Frame transfer.  Area Picture Surface taker more wider  CCD Frame transfer produces images of high quality  Having IR sensitivity more on the less light  Colors translate on day bright perfect  Expensive

8  CCD SENSOR  Different Effect of Picture Resolution

9 QUALITY DETERMINATE FACTORS AND REABILITY CCTV SYSTEM  Image sensor Resolution  comparison of signal to noise  Auto light compensation  Synchronize  Output signal  Environment condition and camera reliability  Dimension and weight

10  Resolution  Namely the number of lines observed with the image sensor and the output from the camera.  Resolution image sensor minimum 600 lines.  Camera with lower resolution (home video camera 450 line resolution) may not provide the detail needed to detection.

11  COMPARATION OF SIGNAL TO NOISE  Namely the comparison number of visual noise in the video signal to the pure image information in the same signal.  Noise in the form of snow often appear (there is a especially monitor when the camera transmitted black).  All the camera noise.  The good camera has comparison of S / N high and expressed in decibel.

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