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Coal Made By: Medina Mahic Francesca Barajas Cristiano Al-Guzzie.

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1 Coal Made By: Medina Mahic Francesca Barajas Cristiano Al-Guzzie

2 Electricity Conducting Electricity Conducting  Coal generates a total of 41% of electricity.  Other generates a total of 2% of electricity, which is the least amount.  Hydro generates a total of 16%, as a form of electricity.  Gas contains 15% of power from conducting electricity.  Nuclear generates 15% of power for electricity using.  Oil powers 6% of electricity.

3 Knowing About Coal Knowing About Coal - Coal is a black or brownish black combustible mineral. - Coal is the worlds major source of energy. - Coal is typically burned to create steam, which is then piped at high pressure over a turbine, causing it to rotate, then it starts producing electricity. - Using coal to generate electricity involves steam power. - It’s a very complex and diverse type of energy source. - Coal has an important fuel for electrical generation. - Coal is the compacted and preserved remains of plant matter. - There are four different type of coal. Which are: Lignite, Sub- Bituminous, Bituminous, and Anthracite. - Coal is a black or brownish black combustible mineral. - Coal is the worlds major source of energy. - Coal is typically burned to create steam, which is then piped at high pressure over a turbine, causing it to rotate, then it starts producing electricity. - Using coal to generate electricity involves steam power. - It’s a very complex and diverse type of energy source. - Coal has an important fuel for electrical generation. - Coal is the compacted and preserved remains of plant matter. - There are four different type of coal. Which are: Lignite, Sub- Bituminous, Bituminous, and Anthracite.

4 Pictures! Pictures!

5 When coal was formed  Coal was formed million of years ago.  You could find most of the coal in the eastern part of the United States. For example in swamps are most common

6  Burning coal and using the heat to power turbines or generators is in which electricity is created.  Coal is currently the most used primary source for fuel.  Coal is a solid brittle carbonaceous black sedimentary rock that can be burned.  It consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and little sulfur.  All coal rocks are not the same. They have different qualities  Coal ranks are based on carbon content in the coal measured as the heat value per BTU.  BTU are British Thermal Units.

7 Quality  not all coal is the same  Some has unique properties which give off different results when burned  To see which properties coal has there is a basic test which is called proximate analysis, or chemical analysis.  Which is when you find the amount of moisture, volatile matter, fix carbon and ash.


9 Energy in coal  1 BTU is about the amount of energy to light match  1lb of Colorado coal is about 10,000 BTUS

10 Coal rank  Is based on carbon content in the coal measured as the heat value per BTU  Coal is also categorized by the rock types

11 Pollution  When coal is burned it causes urban smog, acid rain, and air toxins as well.  smog is like smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog  When burned the sulfur in coal combines with the oxygen, and forms sulfur oxide.  - which is very bad to our health


13 Other thing you should know  There is over 100 coal plants  These coal plants are responsible for over 57% of electricity in the united states  About 50% of weight is formed by various plant remains derived by peat  Coal is like a sponge in groundwater which absorbs like a charcoal filter.


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