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Opening a Door Beyond Foster Care: Retaining Former Foster/Homeless Students Ana Ramos, MSW, Program Director, Fostering Panther Pride Tiffani Tallon,

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1 Opening a Door Beyond Foster Care: Retaining Former Foster/Homeless Students Ana Ramos, MSW, Program Director, Fostering Panther Pride Tiffani Tallon, M.S., Assistant Director, Student Access and Success Florida International University


3 Access to Higher Education  Casey Family Programs:  We have more than 500,000 children in foster care.  We have more than 23,000 children aging out from the system with no financial and family support.  About 7 to 13 percent of students from foster care enroll in higher education (national average is 24%).  About 2-9% graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Emerson, John and Bassett Lee. (2010) “Supporting Success: Improving Higher Education Outcomes for Students from Foster Care.” Retrieved September 11, 2014 from

4 Foster Care in Florida  Circuit 11 2013-14  Total DCF Florida: 15,414 students (0.6%)  Total DCF students All Grades: 1329 (0.4%)  DCF Grade 12 students: 47  Earned Standard Diploma: 25 (53%)  Dropouts: 64 students (15%) Florida Department of Children and Families

5 What is Fostering Panther Pride (FPP)? FPP offers tailored academic and other support services to undergraduate students identified as former foster youth and homeless.

6 FPP Components  Program Director  Student Success Coordinator  Mentoring Program  Research  Graduation Success Initiative(GSI)

7 FPP Components

8 HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCIAL RESOURCES  Financial Aid: Federal : Stafford Loans: Unsubsidized, Plus, and Graduate Plus Loans. Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG- Federal educational Opportunity Grant, Federal work Study. Institutional : FSAG-Florida Student assistance Grant, Leverage Grant, Tuition Differential, Graduate Need Grant, Upper Division Grant.

9 HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCIAL RESOURCES (Continuation)  The federal Chaffee Education and Training Vouchers Program (EVT) provides all states funds for vouchers to help students fund the cost of attendance for students aging out from foster care.  Homeless Tuition Exemption/McKinney-Vento Act

10 FPP students: RACE and Gender Prepared by Tekla Nicholas, PhD. September 11, 2015 Office of Retention & Graduation Success

11 Fostering Panther pride 2014-2015 statistics Waiver TypeFall 2014Spring 2015 Fall 2015 Adopted25 35 Road5551 37 Homeless2527 Grand Total8283 99

12 Fostering Panther pride 2014-2015 statistics Academic LevelFTICReadmitTransfer Grand Total Freshman19 Sophomore13114 Junior182139 Senior711927 Grand Total5714199

13 Advising OUR Students

14 Building trust  Often difficult to gain  Consistency  Intrusive Advising without intruding  Create a comfortable space  Informal gatherings

15 Best Practices on Campus  Campus advisors can work together to create campus networks to focus on meeting needs of homeless and foster care youth.  Develop partnerships with local agencies who are committed to serve homeless and foster youth.  Communicate with local homeless liaisons to streamline the transition process to higher education.  Create a single point of contact (SPOC) on campus. –

16 What is your institution doing to help Former Foster/ Homeless students? Do you know how to identify them? How can you develop a program to serve these populations?

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