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Negotiable and Non! AKA – The Care and Feeding of Welcher!

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Presentation on theme: "Negotiable and Non! AKA – The Care and Feeding of Welcher!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Negotiable and Non! AKA – The Care and Feeding of Welcher!

2 The Concept There are some elements of how we work that I can move around on. There are some elements of how we work that I will not put up for debate.


4 Negotiable Cell phones/texting Food/Drinks Leaving the Room Discussion

5 Cell Phones/Texting Keep on vibrate, unless royal can’t turn it off As long as the teacher is not speaking Texting as long as it’s not disruptive If the teacher directs you to use it

6 Leaving The Room Tell the teacher where you’re going 5 minute time limit You may be asked if you can wait 1 boy 1 girl

7 Food Drinks Clean up after yourself As long as it doesn’t disrupt the class No mangos, pumpkins, squash… Keep the food in your mouth

8 Discussion No need to yell Respect peoples opinions One voice at a time Wait for someone to finish before you begin to speak Use hands when the teachers talking

9 Other Scent free class Ipods turned down No secret service ear phones while you need to pay attention Can use personal tech


11 Non-Negotiable Late/Attendance Missing Assignment Polite Constitutional Monarchy Announcements

12 Late/Attendance When the bell goes you are on my tile or you are late. I will take attendance directly after the bell. I follow the attendance policy of the school to the L.E.T.T.E.R! I will phone home after 3 absences. I will phone again after 5. At 8, I will refer you to Mrs. Emmanuel/Mr. Drapak.

13 Missing Formative Assessments Formative assessments are completed to give me and you an idea of how well you know the material. They are commented on and reviewed. They are not optional. Incomplete formative assessments may result in consultations, calls home, and low grades on summative assessments.

14 Missing Summative Assessments Summative Assessments are completed to inform me about your progress and you ability to meet or exceed outcomes. They are not optional. A missing summative assessment will result in a consultation and a learning contract. Failing to meet the deadline on the learning contract will result in contact home and a referral to administration.

15 Polite I do not demand you respect me or anyone else. I want us all to earn the respect. I DO DEMAND YOU ARE POLITE! This means realizing your words may hurt someone else, your actions impact others as well. Use please and thank-you! If my 5 year old can, you can as well. Treat my things well and put them back when you are done. Treat the possessions of others well, ask for permission to use them and return them in good condition promptly.

16 Constitutional Monarchy This classroom is a constitutional monarchy. You are the government. You are able to make decisions, vote, have some input into how we operate, and have a voice. I am the Queen. I can over rule you if need be. I can make decisions about rules and laws we have not decided. In times of crisis or war, I can make authoritarian decisions. If our laws or rules do not work, I can change them and implement new ones I have created.

17 Announcements Announcements are for us! We all need to hear them. Please make sure you are quiet enough to allow people around you to listen and get what they need.


19 Questions? Comments? Concerns? We can revisit these as we need!

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