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1 Clinical Expectations VN Program. Current AHA BCLS Must be maintained current during the entire program Current Immunizations Must be kept up to date.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Clinical Expectations VN Program. Current AHA BCLS Must be maintained current during the entire program Current Immunizations Must be kept up to date."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Clinical Expectations VN Program

2 Current AHA BCLS Must be maintained current during the entire program Current Immunizations Must be kept up to date during the entire program Influenza vaccine (Sept-March) Must be repeated each Flu season Proof of health insurance Clinical Passport Stethoscope, pen, scissors, penlight, watch with 2 nd hand Drug Book 2

3 If you will be absent: notify your clinical instructor 2 hours prior to the start of clinical. Notify via text or phone call, do not e-mail, do not send message with another student. If you will be late: notify your clinical instructor as soon as you realize you will be late. Persistent tardiness will warrant a written warning. Arriving to clinical more than 45 min. late is not acceptable, you will be sent home. 3

4 Clinical Days are 10 hours Clinical Evenings are 5- 6 hours You are responsible for monitoring your attendance If you are absent for 10% of the total hours, you will be dismissed. “ To the extent that student clinical absence do not allow faculty to fully evaluate the student, a course failure may result even if a student only misses 1 clinical experience.” 4

5 You are expected to demonstrate progression in the clinical setting. Failure to demonstrate progression will result in an Unsatisfactory grade for Clinical. Administering medications without faculty supervision places patients at risk for harm. Placing patients at risk for harm will result in an Unsatisfactory grade in Clinical. Performing invasive procedures without faculty supervision places patients at risk for harm. Placing patients at risk for harm will result in an Unsatisfactory grade in Clinical. 5

6 “A professional appearance supports the confidence and competence you provide to clients.” Official Galen uniform Must be neat Name badge worn at all times Shoes: white closed toes, closed heel Jewelry: watch, single ring (plain band), small stud earrings. No necklace, no chains Piercings: No facial piercing, No visible body piercings Remove prior to the start of clinical 6

7 Tattoos: Must be covered Cover prior to the start of clinical Nails: clean, short, No nail polish. No artificial nails Hair: Must be worn up & off the collar & face Stethoscopes: clean, place in pocket when not in use. Do not wear around the neck when not in use. Failure to comply with dress code will result in dismissal from clinical & an absence will be recorded. 7

8 Review the Student Catalog Critical Offense Cheating Plagiarism Threat to safety Violation of patient confidentiality Theft Serious Offense Taking pictures or video at the clinical site Unprofessional behavior Violation of safety standards Committing 2 documented minor offenses within a 12 month period. 8

9 Review the Student Catalog Minor Offenses Vulgar, demeaning or offensive language Unauthorized use of a mobile device during class or clinical Failure to observe parking or traffic regulations Failure to follow Galen rules, policies or procedures (dress code, class conduct). Repeated commitment of minor offenses may require a written warning or dismissal as outlined in the Disciplinary Process. 9

10 Comply with HIPPA and patient confidentiality Professionalism Respect Demonstrate initiative & actively participate Seek clarification Follow direction *Crucial Be flexible-expect change in Healthcare Be a team player-You are part of a Healthcare TEAM Communication is essential Positive Caring Attitude 10

11 11 Leave the ANTS outside, they will ruin our picnic! Automatic Negative Thoughts

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