1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently it is in gradual spread to industrial, “fringe”, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free “fuel” + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity is practically discussed for quantum level nano device as well as in relation to beyond Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell, and non-linear optic/laser/spintronics technology. As of Mar 2016, no mainstream endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW industrial electricity generator "Ecat" has been sold under pre-conditions. 、 Low cost resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra energy efficiency, or solid state thermo Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with catalytic, supercritical water, cold or steam plasma mechanics are starting to make into mainstream quietly in last few yrs. 、 These could eventually trigger first full science review of ridiculed yet recurring mainly private inventor based unconventional efficiency claims & small commercialized installations: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power without using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxyhydrogen gas, also as mileage booster, 4-Electromagnetic or plasma pulse/vortex creation in confined water/inert gas, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm"> 1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently it is in gradual spread to industrial, “fringe”, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free “fuel” + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity is practically discussed for quantum level nano device as well as in relation to beyond Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell, and non-linear optic/laser/spintronics technology. As of Mar 2016, no mainstream endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW industrial electricity generator "Ecat" has been sold under pre-conditions. 、 Low cost resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra energy efficiency, or solid state thermo Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with catalytic, supercritical water, cold or steam plasma mechanics are starting to make into mainstream quietly in last few yrs. 、 These could eventually trigger first full science review of ridiculed yet recurring mainly private inventor based unconventional efficiency claims & small commercialized installations: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power without using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxyhydrogen gas, also as mileage booster, 4-Electromagnetic or plasma pulse/vortex creation in confined water/inert gas, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm">

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2 2 La fusion froide - LENR, est en principe déjà acceptée dans le courant scientifique dominant: L’énergie produite avec "carburant" essentiellement gratuit, équipements et coûts de fonctionnement, Le succès de la tentative de fusion thermonucléaire pour l'énergie illimitée en 2013, Il n'y a pas «société majoritaire» approuvé dispositif LENR commercialisé existant au jour de 2016, mais 1 MW générateur électrique "Ecat" est vendu au marché industriel sous certaines conditions. Cela peut également provoquer la révision complète de techniques d’energie-libre mises sur pied a petite échelle par des inventeurs prives jusqu’alors completement ignorées: 1- Extraction d'énergie ambiante sous forme d’électricité, 2- Génération de tension inversée et la récolte pour le pouvoir au lieu d'utiliser une force supplémentaire pour l'annuler(force contre-électromotrice; f.e.m.), 3- Production rapide de gaz HHO - peut aussi être utilisé pour augmenter l’efficacité de l’Hydro Carbone tout en réduisant drastiquement ses émissions, 4- Création d' état ​​ de plasma, impulsion électromagnétique, vortex dans l'eau/gaz, 5- Le moteur à air comprimé, echangeur et amplificateur de chaleur le mécanisme qui se transforme en puissance cinétique ou de l’électricité, 6- Émulsion d'eau incorporant bien au-delà de 20% d’eau, 7- Récolte combinée force de BOYANCE sous-marine + gravité, 8- Hydrodynamique chauffe-cavitation, 9- Limite Betz performance supérieure turbine hydro / éolien, 10- Single Junction Cellule photovoltaïque avec une efficacité au-delà de la limite de Shockley-Queisser, etc. 、 Le processus de ces technologies et leur effets secondaires ne peuvent pas être expliqués par la physique actuelle, Les coùts d’infrastructure et d’operations sont très faibles et la technologie facilement convertie à travers d’autre techniques physiques non standardisees; Ses offre un bien meilleur rendement pour les domaines de médical, propulsion, d'assainissement radioactif, et certains procédés miniers, industriels et agricole. Ceci pourrait être vérifié si une investigation complète basée sur une revision scientifique était entreprise. 、 La fusion froide - LENR, est en principe déjà acceptée dans le courant scientifique dominant: L’énergie produite avec "carburant" essentiellement gratuit, équipements et coûts de fonctionnement, Le succès de la tentative de fusion thermonucléaire pour l'énergie illimitée en 2013, Il n'y a pas «société majoritaire» approuvé dispositif LENR commercialisé existant au jour de 2016, mais 1 MW générateur électrique "Ecat" est vendu au marché industriel sous certaines conditions. Cela peut également provoquer la révision complète de techniques d’energie-libre mises sur pied a petite échelle par des inventeurs prives jusqu’alors completement ignorées: 1- Extraction d'énergie ambiante sous forme d’électricité, 2- Génération de tension inversée et la récolte pour le pouvoir au lieu d'utiliser une force supplémentaire pour l'annuler(force contre-électromotrice; f.e.m.), 3- Production rapide de gaz HHO - peut aussi être utilisé pour augmenter l’efficacité de l’Hydro Carbone tout en réduisant drastiquement ses émissions, 4- Création d' état ​​ de plasma, impulsion électromagnétique, vortex dans l'eau/gaz, 5- Le moteur à air comprimé, echangeur et amplificateur de chaleur le mécanisme qui se transforme en puissance cinétique ou de l’électricité, 6- Émulsion d'eau incorporant bien au-delà de 20% d’eau, 7- Récolte combinée force de BOYANCE sous-marine + gravité, 8- Hydrodynamique chauffe-cavitation, 9- Limite Betz performance supérieure turbine hydro / éolien, 10- Single Junction Cellule photovoltaïque avec une efficacité au-delà de la limite de Shockley-Queisser, etc. 、 Le processus de ces technologies et leur effets secondaires ne peuvent pas être expliqués par la physique actuelle, Les coùts d’infrastructure et d’operations sont très faibles et la technologie facilement convertie à travers d’autre techniques physiques non standardisees; Ses offre un bien meilleur rendement pour les domaines de médical, propulsion, d'assainissement radioactif, et certains procédés miniers, industriels et agricole. Ceci pourrait être vérifié si une investigation complète basée sur une revision scientifique était entreprise. 、 Il est toujours censuré par les principaux médias, mais accroitre les temoignages documentés sur la R et D des techniques supposement pseudo-scientifiques illimitée: à un gouvernement / aéronautique / militaire / agence de renseignement avec des entrepreneurs privés secrètes, protégé par la sécurité nationale à-dire le programme budgétaire noir, qui ci-dessus dirigeants de l'organisation dans eux-mêmes ne ont souvent pas accès. C’est completement séparé et isolé de la “science consommation publique” “qui est arrivée dans une impasse”, et qui est contrôlé et limité par la "loi de la science"; par exemple, dans une nation avancée technologique, même informations officielles indique, plus de 1000 inventions dans Energie-Environnement-Propulsion, dont beaucoup brevetée, sont censuré au moyen de loi sur le secret. Malgré tout cela, il ya beaucoup de signes subtils mais collectivement sans ambiguïté aussi de la majorité d'établissement d'introduire progressivement nouveau paradigme "système ouvert" illimitée. 、 Meme si les processus industriels reliés au gaz, charbon et a l’huile peuvent continuer d’innover en meme temps que le d’énergie alternative, la commercialisation de l'énergie gratuit lui-même est inévitable. Ceci pourrait poser des problèmes sociaux et économiques s’il n’y a pas une volonté de communication pour déterminer à quelle rythme toutes les techniques et l’information qui en decoule devrait être partagée librement. Il est toujours censuré par les principaux médias, mais accroitre les temoignages documentés sur la R et D des techniques supposement pseudo-scientifiques illimitée: à un gouvernement / aéronautique / militaire / agence de renseignement avec des entrepreneurs privés secrètes, protégé par la sécurité nationale à-dire le programme budgétaire noir, qui ci-dessus dirigeants de l'organisation dans eux-mêmes ne ont souvent pas accès. C’est completement séparé et isolé de la “science consommation publique” “qui est arrivée dans une impasse”, et qui est contrôlé et limité par la "loi de la science"; par exemple, dans une nation avancée technologique, même informations officielles indique, plus de 1000 inventions dans Energie-Environnement-Propulsion, dont beaucoup brevetée, sont censuré au moyen de loi sur le secret. Malgré tout cela, il ya beaucoup de signes subtils mais collectivement sans ambiguïté aussi de la majorité d'établissement d'introduire progressivement nouveau paradigme "système ouvert" illimitée. 、 Meme si les processus industriels reliés au gaz, charbon et a l’huile peuvent continuer d’innover en meme temps que le d’énergie alternative, la commercialisation de l'énergie gratuit lui-même est inévitable. Ceci pourrait poser des problèmes sociaux et économiques s’il n’y a pas une volonté de communication pour déterminer à quelle rythme toutes les techniques et l’information qui en decoule devrait être partagée librement. SOMMAIRE ET CONCLUSION LE RESTE DE LA PRÉSENTATION EST EN ANGLAIS SOMMAIRE ET CONCLUSION LE RESTE DE LA PRÉSENTATION EST EN ANGLAIS

3 ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently it is in gradual spread to industrial, “fringe”, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free “fuel” + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity is practically discussed for quantum level nano device as well as in relation to beyond Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell, and non-linear optic/laser/spintronics technology. As of Mar 2016, no mainstream endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW industrial electricity generator "Ecat" has been sold under pre-conditions. 、 Low cost resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra energy efficiency, or solid state thermo Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with catalytic, supercritical water, cold or steam plasma mechanics are starting to make into mainstream quietly in last few yrs. 、 These could eventually trigger first full science review of ridiculed yet recurring mainly private inventor based unconventional efficiency claims & small commercialized installations: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power without using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxyhydrogen gas, also as mileage booster, 4-Electromagnetic or plasma pulse/vortex creation in confined water/inert gas, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science, & currently it is in gradual spread to industrial, “fringe”, & non-western media: Energy produced with basically free “fuel” + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity is practically discussed for quantum level nano device as well as in relation to beyond Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell, and non-linear optic/laser/spintronics technology. As of Mar 2016, no mainstream endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW industrial electricity generator "Ecat" has been sold under pre-conditions. 、 Low cost resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra energy efficiency, or solid state thermo Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with catalytic, supercritical water, cold or steam plasma mechanics are starting to make into mainstream quietly in last few yrs. 、 These could eventually trigger first full science review of ridiculed yet recurring mainly private inventor based unconventional efficiency claims & small commercialized installations: 1-Extracting ambient-radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting reverse voltage power without using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxyhydrogen gas, also as mileage booster, 4-Electromagnetic or plasma pulse/vortex creation in confined water/inert gas, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Water emulsion fuel incorporating far beyond 20% H2O, 7-Harvesting underwater force of floating air + gravity, 8-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 9-Betz limit excess yield hydro/wind turbine, 10-Pyromagnetic self running trash decomposer etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by side effects current official physics cannot explain (explainable by Russian Torsion physics or Pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & furthermore, are convertible to superior effect new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, psychology, & some of key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. 、 Still scantly covered by interlocked main Western media, but increasing documents/testimonies exist on various clandestine “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by small groups in Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agency with private contractors, protected under national security, but to which above organizations’ executives themselves often have no access i.e. “privately controlled” black project. This is totally isolated from “dead-end public consumption science” which is monitored & restricted by “science law”: e.g. At an advanced nation, even official data indicates, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, many patented, are classified by secrecy law, & applicable to allies. Despite this & risk of large investment loss, there are subtle but collectively clear signs that a large majority of establishment is steadily introducing new unlimited “Open System” paradigm. Although both gas- oil-coal based industrial process & alternative energy can remain by innovation, Mainstream commercialization of "0 emission type unlimited energy production" system's is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public participation is beneficial to discuss if, or at what rate & how all related tech/info to be officially released & endorsed. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

4 CONTENTS CONTENTS PART1 p06 Looked over science legal energy generators, Wind, Solar, ………Hydro etc PART2 p40 Under-utilized Biomass & Waste-to-Energy p66 Forgotten larger portion of Clean Natural Gas p66 Forgotten larger portion of Clean Natural Gas p72 Ten categories of “over-unity” claims p72 Ten categories of “over-unity” claims PART3 p89 Commercialization attempts p95 Law of Thermodynamics, “Dissident” scientists p95 Law of Thermodynamics, “Dissident” scientists p106 Scalar “wave”, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field.. p106 Scalar “wave”, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field.. p131 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, “No light required” Photo Catalysis p131 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, “No light required” Photo Catalysis PART4 p140 LENR/Cold Fusion update, losers & gainers by its success p152 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transition models p152 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transition models p163 LENR use might lead to Inventor tech acceptance & its ramifications p163 LENR use might lead to Inventor tech acceptance & its ramifications PART5 p191 What if inventor tech related “Outrageous claims” become mainstream p223 Summary & Macro level Recommendations p223 Summary & Macro level Recommendations 4

5 QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION This presentation might not always reflect the view of mainstream media & academia/wikipedia/science consensus; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from own independent perspective This presentation might not always reflect the view of mainstream media & academia/wikipedia/science consensus; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from own independent perspective “Free energy” or “Over-unity” in this presentation is defined as seeming: ■ Draw of more energy than exerted to generate ■ Continuous motion without energy input ■ Use of free material generally not considered as fuel “Free energy” or “Over-unity” in this presentation is defined as seeming: ■ Draw of more energy than exerted to generate ■ Continuous motion without energy input ■ Use of free material generally not considered as fuel High likelihood about quoted inventors-scientists: 1- Statistical error chance for false effect claims, plus undetected intentional fraud, some organized-coordinated, is a possibility 2- Even greater probability of quality & reliability misrepresentations 3- Yet at least collective majority repeatedly produces claimed effects High likelihood about quoted inventors-scientists: 1- Statistical error chance for false effect claims, plus undetected intentional fraud, some organized-coordinated, is a possibility 2- Even greater probability of quality & reliability misrepresentations 3- Yet at least collective majority repeatedly produces claimed effects Currently accumulative reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, commercialization product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations.. Currently commercialized company/product names are in Boldface Navy Currently accumulative reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, commercialization product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations.. Currently commercialized company/product names are in Boldface Navy THIS FILE IS PART 1 of 5 SERIES: ENTIRE 5 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar-wave-Torsion-field-Free- energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New-Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b THIS FILE IS PART 1 of 5 SERIES: ENTIRE 5 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar-wave-Torsion-field-Free- energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New-Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar-wave-Torsion-field-Free- energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New-Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar-wave-Torsion-field-Free- energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New-Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b 5

6 QUEST FOR “FREE ENERGY”: 1 CLAIMS STARTED WELL BEFORE 1800S Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy by early 1900s(Anthony+), 1 - Free Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity with minimum moisture, also power generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+), 2 - Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+) Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy by early 1900s(Anthony+), 1- Free Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity with minimum moisture, also power generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+), 2- Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+) Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: Data lack/fabrication, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no commercialization(also p90,91) Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: Data lack/fabrication, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no commercialization(also p90,91) Science legal 1 & 2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free energy(p72-88) & repeated side effects in combination didn’t fit with “science package” then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science, which matched major business-financial lobby interest then Science legal 1&2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free energy(p72-88) & repeated side effects in combination didn’t fit with “science package” then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science, which matched major business-financial lobby interest then 6 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

7 QUEST FOR “FREE ENERGY”: 2 TOWARDS MODERN ERA Same mechanics & side effects repeated by unrelated inventors, but linear progress often limited to recent Western mainstream academia(LENR, Cavitation), also Russia-Soviet had some development(Cavitation, Torsion, Ion heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse) Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p72-88) with similar tendency: ➢ Often energy is ”triggered in” by rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin, plasma-magnetic field, cavitation, transmutation, or anomalous electron movement causing standing wave resonance, or antioxidant "field effect", linking to quantum coherence ➢ Manifest as anomalous cooling/heat, water hammer, coupled vibration, electrical breakdown, spike, surge, implosion, spontaneous corona discharge, ball lightning, vibration, vortex, similar to mainstream Electron Avalanche effect, often thought of as short circuit ➢ Above is avoided by extra energy use or design change, seeming influence by geophysical/cosmo-physical elements, side effects also contradict “science law” i.e. not closed system?; some techs’(p64-80) efficiency fluctuates, by time-location, altitude, humidity, position direction etc; similar to ground-earth battery(p6), Rare cases emotion(O Carr, Jo Keely, Ra Ring, Th Ludwig, Dan Davidson,Vogel, Seelhofer+) Occasional rift:1- Mainstream Western scientist vs 2- Inventor, sidelined & Non- Western scientist(Russia, China+), Some mainstream scholars in West as exception(Austria, Italy+) 7 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

8 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH FREE ENERGY TYPES; staying microscale, seems voluntarily limiting growth, withdrawn etc, but increasing actively commercialized exceptions(in navy), FREE ENERGY TYPES; staying microscale, seems voluntarily limiting growth, withdrawn etc, but increasing actively commercialized exceptions(in navy), ■ Ground/Tree/plant Electricity harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas: Voltree, Helder: Plant-e +), ■ Properly grounded electricity conductive kite or rod extracts atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann, Dalibard, De Romas+), easily replicated by amateurs(p88), completely ignored by mainstream, ■ Ground/Tree/plant Electricity harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas: Voltree, Helder: Plant-e+), ■ Properly grounded electricity conductive kite or rod extracts atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann, Dalibard, De Romas+), easily replicated by amateurs(p88), completely ignored by mainstream, ■ Low temperature dif. Thermoelectric device: Widely known to generate power only from a few degrees difference(Lumen Eternal Flashlight: R Zhuravskiy) and easily made as garage project(A Makosinski+) & commercializable(Fujitsu, Yahama has test products, Citizen: Eco- Drive Thermo, Vodaphone: PowerPocket+), mass produceable by easy printing(AIST Japan+), can be woven into fabric(KAIST South Korea+)(Gr Moriarty+), industrial type(see p20 ■ 2.), ■ Low temperature dif. Thermoelectric device: Widely known to generate power only from a few degrees difference(Lumen Eternal Flashlight: R Zhuravskiy) and easily made as garage project(A Makosinski+) & commercializable(Fujitsu, Yahama has test products, Citizen: Eco- Drive Thermo, Vodaphone: PowerPocket+), mass produceable by easy printing(AIST Japan+), can be woven into fabric(KAIST South Korea+)(Gr Moriarty+), industrial type(see p20 ■2.), 8 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

9 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH2 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Ambient temperature run perpetual thermionic device:(GD Mahan, Hagelstein, Xinyong Fu[“magnetic demon”]+), higher performance than thermoelectric, ■ Ambient temperature run perpetual thermionic device:(GD Mahan, Hagelstein, Xinyong Fu[“magnetic demon”]+), higher performance than thermoelectric, ■ ElectroMagnetic(EM) & sound wave electricity converter, Infrared Rectenna (Vanke, Briscoe, R Phillips, P Cutler+)(eg RCA Airpower, Already used for military type implants-sensors), Negative resistance/self entraining oscillators in high freq.; microwave, mm-wave etc: ElectroMagnetic wave of any frequency, ■ ElectroMagnetic(EM) & sound wave electricity converter, Infrared Rectenna (Vanke, Briscoe, R Phillips, P Cutler+)(eg RCA Airpower, Already used for military type implants-sensors), Negative resistance/self entraining oscillators in high freq.; microwave, mm-wave etc: ElectroMagnetic wave of any frequency, ■ Metamaterial based harvester(A Katko+), or MEMS(MicroElectroMeciahical Systems) can also convert any EM wave even Acoustic waves into electricity ■ Metamaterial based harvester(A Katko+), or MEMS(MicroElectroMeciahical Systems) can also convert any EM wave even Acoustic waves into electricity 9 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

10 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH3 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■α Cantilever use Electret Electrostatic power harvester from minute oscillations (Boisseau+): Explainable even under mainstream idea as Oscillation of Brownian Ratchet/Ambient Thermal noise(hence impossible to harvest as ratchet rotation but oscillation exists[Feynman+]) is actually extracted as energy by rectification(Astumian+), ■β TriboElectric NanoGenerator (TENG) harvests static from ambience, air flow or most minute contact-friction(Contact Electrification) at 20%+ efficiency, and can become significant power source along with conventional ElectroMagnetic Induction Generator(EMIG)(Youfan Hu+), Above α & β can quickly become disruptive tech & getting very close to science illegal versions(p72,73), ■α Cantilever use Electret Electrostatic power harvester from minute oscillations (Boisseau+): Explainable even under mainstream idea as Oscillation of Brownian Ratchet/Ambient Thermal noise(hence impossible to harvest as ratchet rotation but oscillation exists[Feynman+]) is actually extracted as energy by rectification(Astumian+), ■β TriboElectric NanoGenerator (TENG) harvests static from ambience, air flow or most minute contact-friction(Contact Electrification) at 20%+ efficiency, and can become significant power source along with conventional ElectroMagnetic Induction Generator(EMIG)(Youfan Hu+), Above α & β can quickly become disruptive tech & getting very close to science illegal versions(p72,73), ■ γ Not fully established but carrying electrical current by Spin current related methods, or by fractionally charged quasi-particle in quantum hall effect regime(as opposed to conventional charge current), seem to strongly imply overunity(Cyr Smith+): 1-Spin rectification at Larmor precession freq to control spin to produce DC current(YS Gui+), 2-Spin Battery: EMF (Electromotive force) of spin origin generated by static magnetic field in magnetic tunnel junction(S Maekawa+), ■ γ Not fully established but carrying electrical current by Spin current related methods, or by fractionally charged quasi-particle in quantum hall effect regime(as opposed to conventional charge current), seem to strongly imply overunity(Cyr Smith+): 1-Spin rectification at Larmor precession freq to control spin to produce DC current(YS Gui+), 2-Spin Battery: EMF (Electromotive force) of spin origin generated by static magnetic field in magnetic tunnel junction(S Maekawa+), 10 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

11 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH4 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Solar Chimney: Initial high cost, mainstream selectively quoting high LCOE, less electricity produced at night, many side benefits: Hyperion Energy, Enviromission +, Claims of more efficient, far less land use versions from pilot tests, —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Solar Chimney: Initial high cost, mainstream selectively quoting high LCOE, less electricity produced at night, many side benefits: Hyperion Energy, Enviromission+, Claims of more efficient, far less land use versions from pilot tests, ■ Salinity Gradient Solar Pond: Ormat +, suitable only with low cost land near salt water, tech & maintenance unstandardized, ■ Permanent Tourmaline electrode electrolysis(Kubo effect), ■ Self generating micro-current minerals: Acos Terahertz Face Roller (Kun Sasaki)+, ■ Salinity Gradient Solar Pond: Ormat+, suitable only with low cost land near salt water, tech & maintenance unstandardized, ■ Permanent Tourmaline electrode electrolysis(Kubo effect), ■ Self generating micro-current minerals: Acos Terahertz Face Roller(Kun Sasaki)+, ■ Efficient Piezoelectricity/Magneto-Ristriction: Mid-large power: 200kw+/km at busy hwy (Edery-Azulay/Innowattech), Polyvinylidene Fluoride based flexible Piezoelectric polymer woven fabric + photovoltaic coating(El Siores / FibrLec), Micropower device: MicroGen Systems +, 40times more efficient types than Western mainstream tech(KAIST: Keon Jae Lee+), ■ Efficient Piezoelectricity/Magneto-Ristriction: Mid-large power: 200kw+/km at busy hwy (Edery-Azulay/Innowattech), Polyvinylidene Fluoride based flexible Piezoelectric polymer woven fabric + photovoltaic coating(El Siores / FibrLec), Micropower device: MicroGen Systems+, 40times more efficient types than Western mainstream tech(KAIST: Keon Jae Lee+), 11 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

12 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH5 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ a Water-Oil emulsion, Science legal till 30% H2O(illegal: p83-84); Nonox, Monohakobi, Vodmazut Раптех, ЦЭТ Гидротопливо +, but Western equipment can be very expensive & actual cost saving is often on par or less than simple much lower cost best performing Magnetic flowing fuel treatment device, or Far InfraRed or Torsion Wave emitting mineral/matter/fluid wrapped around fuel line(generally non substantial[5- 20%] saving range, this is pseudoscientized at media level & superficial science level). Finally mainstream maritime industry open debut from European back up: Quadrise MSAR, ■ a Water-Oil emulsion, Science legal till 30% H2O(illegal: p83-84); Nonox, Monohakobi, Vodmazut Раптех, ЦЭТ Гидротопливо+, but Western equipment can be very expensive & actual cost saving is often on par or less than simple much lower cost best performing Magnetic flowing fuel treatment device, or Far InfraRed or Torsion Wave emitting mineral/matter/fluid wrapped around fuel line(generally non substantial[5- 20%] saving range, this is pseudoscientized at media level & superficial science level). Finally mainstream maritime industry open debut from European back up: Quadrise MSAR, b Coal-Water Slurry, 30-45% H2O; EET CWS, Vodougol, Ukrheat, 1&2 both discreet fair sized use, Strong in Russia, Ukraine, China, cuts emission, can use “unburnable grade” bitumen, carefully ignored by major Western environmental NGOs & mainstream entities, b Coal-Water Slurry, 30-45% H2O; EET CWS, Vodougol, Ukrheat, 1&2 both discreet fair sized use, Strong in Russia, Ukraine, China, cuts emission, can use “unburnable grade” bitumen, carefully ignored by major Western environmental NGOs & mainstream entities, ■ Atmos clock+(C Drebbel+), use of self oscillating Torsion pendulum - Electro-mechanical transducer, ambience change, can combine with Foucalt pendulum element, ■ Bacteria generator; Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor (Pankratov+), Geobacter Microbial Fuel Cell(MFC)(Lovley) or its “overunity” electrolysis(Microbial Electrolysis Cell - MEC), Magnetotactic Bacteria based types etc., ■ ”Levitron”type, or ”Drinking Bird” generator, 12 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

13 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH6 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Hydrodynamic heater( TEKMASH, CT Systems +), (see p80: G Ivanenko, Bespalko+), inconsistent “Self running” ability but happens often, valid mainstream science until it becomes overunity ■ Hydrodynamic heater(TEKMASH, CT Systems+), (see p80: G Ivanenko, Bespalko+), inconsistent “Self running” ability but happens often, valid mainstream science until it becomes overunity ■ Temperature based volume changing ultra sensitive Phase Change Material (PCM) driven Hydraulic Motor: SOLO- TREC(J Jones & Y Chao) ■ Atomic/Nanogenerators, 24hr Infrared Solar(Hong Liu+), Particulates(Da Yurth+), Atomic Hydrogen Welding(Langmuir), Negative electrical resistance carbon fibre(De Chung+), 13 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

14 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “FREE ENERGY” TECH7 —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■a Small water flow/Thermal Ionic movement in water harvested as electricity by Graphene/CarbonNanotube, Harvesting unlimited ionic thermal motion in water with asymmetric electrodes, or water in nanotube dragged to flow directionally by an external electric field to generate electromotive force(EMF) etc, many academic replications, sub different methods & possibly already military type use(Pe Král, S Gosh, Zihan Xu, Jun Yin, Seung Ho Lee, VI Petrik, P Dhiman, Hui Cao, Jianwei Liu, Koratkar+ at least since 2001), b Water evaporation driven ElectroScavenging effect generator(Rub Borno+): this also relates to advanced non cloud seeding weather modification(for more details go to this link [four levels of..]and search "ElectroScavenging"), c Reverse Electrowetting power harvester(Krupenkina+): Both western science approved but Western mainstream media ignored, & no commercialization discussed 、 ■ Some “free energy” actually costs more than existing system such as Blue Energy : Reversed electrodialysis, Pressure Retarded Osmosis(PRO)/Osmotic power, Hydrocratic ocean energy. But Capacitive(mix) energy extraction by Double Layer Expansion(CDLE)(Br Logan+), or by Donnan Potential(CDP), and Two stage PRO(Wei He+) might become super low cost in future —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■a Small water flow/Thermal Ionic movement in water harvested as electricity by Graphene/CarbonNanotube, Harvesting unlimited ionic thermal motion in water with asymmetric electrodes, or water in nanotube dragged to flow directionally by an external electric field to generate electromotive force(EMF) etc, many academic replications, sub different methods & possibly already military type use(Pe Král, S Gosh, Zihan Xu, Jun Yin, Seung Ho Lee, VI Petrik, P Dhiman, Hui Cao, Jianwei Liu, Koratkar+ at least since 2001), b Water evaporation driven ElectroScavenging effect generator(Rub Borno+): this also relates to advanced non cloud seeding weather modification(for more details go to this link [four levels of..]and search "ElectroScavenging"), c Reverse Electrowetting power harvester(Krupenkina+): Both western science approved but Western mainstream media ignored, & no commercialization discussed 、 ■ Some “free energy” actually costs more than existing system such as Blue Energy: Reversed electrodialysis, Pressure Retarded Osmosis(PRO)/Osmotic power, Hydrocratic ocean energy. But Capacitive(mix) energy extraction by Double Layer Expansion(CDLE)(Br Logan+), or by Donnan Potential(CDP), and Two stage PRO(Wei He+) might become super low cost in future[four levels of..][four levels of..] 14 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

15 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: often same treatment as ”free energy”(p72-88); stopped, stay microscale, suddenly retracted without explanation, some suspected internal only corporate use, Selective, under-exaggerated, outdated data for efficiency & cost performance in mainstream reporting contradicts manufacturer or academic/field-lab data(particularly in fast advancing tech like Solar/Wind/Ocean energy, etc, But again now emerging exceptions, SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: often same treatment as ”free energy”(p72-88); stopped, stay microscale, suddenly retracted without explanation, some suspected internal only corporate use, Selective, under-exaggerated, outdated data for efficiency & cost performance in mainstream reporting contradicts manufacturer or academic/field-lab data(particularly in fast advancing tech like Solar/Wind/Ocean energy, etc, But again now emerging exceptions, ■ Non UV H2 Photolysis from water by Sn3O4(H Abe+), many other “artificial photosynthesis”s, ■ 50-200%+ increased efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle,Covey, Pogue, Castellini, Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano, Belland, Holland, Ch Brown, Fish+) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor+), Specific angled screen in carburetor “accidentally” improved 50% mileage in 1960s(Ford), but model was soon “recalled to correct it back” to factory spec(Pantone+). Pneumatic engine(“science illegal”, p79-81): Peugeot 208 Hybrid Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata & MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some Japanese cars mostly sold only in Japan (30km+/l), Volkswagen XL1(100km/l, 250 test units only) & discontinued Lupo(35km/l). In1920s mainstream predicted 80mpg norm with test cars 100mpg+(Byr Wine, Al Wallace, Bru McBurney+), Now available 95% efficient Shinsei Electrostatic Motor, ■ Non UV H2 Photolysis from water by Sn3O4(H Abe+), many other “artificial photosynthesis”s, ■ 50-200%+ increased efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle,Covey, Pogue, Castellini, Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano, Belland, Holland, Ch Brown, Fish+) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor+), Specific angled screen in carburetor “accidentally” improved 50% mileage in 1960s(Ford), but model was soon “recalled to correct it back” to factory spec(Pantone+). Pneumatic engine(“science illegal”, p79-81): Peugeot 208 Hybrid Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata & MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some Japanese cars mostly sold only in Japan(30km+/l), Volkswagen XL1(100km/l, 250 test units only) & discontinued Lupo(35km/l). In1920s mainstream predicted 80mpg norm with test cars 100mpg+(Byr Wine, Al Wallace, Bru McBurney+), Now available 95% efficient Shinsei Electrostatic Motor, ■ Super efficient Phase Change Material(PCM) for housing: to release or absorb heat at preset temperature: BioPCM, DuPont Energain, PCM injected wood: Enertia Home, ■ Super efficient Phase Change Material(PCM) for housing: to release or absorb heat at preset temperature: BioPCM, DuPont Energain, PCM injected wood: Enertia Home, 15 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

16 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH2 —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Portable ammonia maker from H 2 O+air by compression cycle etc for engines(J Fleming), ■ (N 2 H 4 )Hydrazine Fuel Cell: small, no precious metal, easy high power fuel(Daihatsu co), ■ Aluminium Air Battery:1700km+ run range 100kg weight for electric cars(Phinergy), ■ Thorium:US in 70s, Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less radiation, re-starting (India, Russia, China, US, Norway, Israel+), portable(Dratch+), —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Portable ammonia maker from H 2 O+air by compression cycle etc for engines(J Fleming), ■(N 2 H 4 )Hydrazine Fuel Cell: small, no precious metal, easy high power fuel(Daihatsu co), ■ Aluminium Air Battery:1700km+ run range 100kg weight for electric cars(Phinergy), ■ Thorium:US in 70s, Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less radiation, re-starting (India, Russia, China, US, Norway, Israel+), portable(Dratch+), ■ Biofuel(Ethanol) from cellulose only(grass straw, tree branches, broken trees etc), Some produce with <1/2 cost of retail petrol of high fuel price nation(Kawasaki Heavy - within 2weeks of intending commercialization, key board members + CEO fired, and project shelved), others also announced tech success without commercialization intention since 2006(Taisei Kensetsu & Sapporo Beer, Honda+), as often happens in Japan, domestic only or 3rd world use intention seems allowed?( Kita-Akita city forestry coop, Sumitomo Forestry, Mitsui Zosen +): But stagnant commercialization situation started to change world wide since around 2014(see Biomass: p42-44) ■ Biofuel(Ethanol) from cellulose only(grass straw, tree branches, broken trees etc), Some produce with <1/2 cost of retail petrol of high fuel price nation(Kawasaki Heavy - within 2weeks of intending commercialization, key board members + CEO fired, and project shelved), others also announced tech success without commercialization intention since 2006(Taisei Kensetsu & Sapporo Beer, Honda+), as often happens in Japan, domestic only or 3rd world use intention seems allowed?(Kita-Akita city forestry coop, Sumitomo Forestry, Mitsui Zosen+): But stagnant commercialization situation started to change world wide since around 2014(see Biomass: p42-44) ■ Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd & Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carbonization: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol+, Similar Lurgi process active in China(70+ plants), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC (Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+), A few of IGCC (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle, usually said to be more expensive with in-situ use, but high efficiency low cost data can be hidden), ■ Super high density Enzymatic fuel cell(YH Percival Zhang), ■ Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd & Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carbonization: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved Bergius method, Micro active at Sasol+, Similar Lurgi process active in China(70+ plants), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC (Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+), A few of IGCC (Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle, usually said to be more expensive with in-situ use, but high efficiency low cost data can be hidden), ■ Super high density Enzymatic fuel cell(YH Percival Zhang), 16 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

17 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH3 —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Certain customized Geothermal heating: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy Harvesting etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS( Sologen ), Downhole heat exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even without heat pump cost etc, ■ Cooling use OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some water areas(Sea Water Air Conditioning)( Makai, Bluerise nl +), PCM used OTEC engine, —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Certain customized Geothermal heating: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy Harvesting etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even without heat pump cost etc, ■ Cooling use OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some water areas(Sea Water Air Conditioning)(Makai, Bluerise nl+), PCM used OTEC engine, ■ Betavoltaics types: Tritium Light or Battery(P Brown+), Zinc sulfide or Radium Paint + Solar Cell, Optoelectric Nuclear Battery(Kurcharov Inst+), Radioisotope Generator(NASA+): mininuclear heat converted to electricity by thermoelectric device. ■ Hydrothermal vent power extraction: large scale indicated by test success, ■ Orimulsion: Water emulsified bitumen by Venezuelan state corp, ■ Betavoltaics types: Tritium Light or Battery(P Brown+), Zinc sulfide or Radium Paint + Solar Cell, Optoelectric Nuclear Battery(Kurcharov Inst+), Radioisotope Generator(NASA+): mininuclear heat converted to electricity by thermoelectric device. ■ Hydrothermal vent power extraction: large scale indicated by test success, ■ Orimulsion: Water emulsified bitumen by Venezuelan state corp, ■ Exotic configurations: Limited to pilot success; Advanced Compressed air energy storage by additional full recovery of both Heat compressed & Cold air released, Pneumatic engine (Negre+, “illegal” version: p79-81), Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch (Shimada+): “legal back EMF(electromotive force)”, Water-carbon rod low powered electric arc gas: AquaFuel(H Eldridge, W Richardson, Rug Santilli), Salt water move MagnetoHydroDynamics - MHD(Rynne+), or ocean tide LMMHD (Koslover+), ■ Exotic configurations: Limited to pilot success; Advanced Compressed air energy storage by additional full recovery of both Heat compressed & Cold air released, Pneumatic engine (Negre+, “illegal” version: p79-81), Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch (Shimada+): “legal back EMF(electromotive force)”, Water-carbon rod low powered electric arc gas: AquaFuel(H Eldridge, W Richardson, Rug Santilli), Salt water move MagnetoHydroDynamics - MHD(Rynne+), or ocean tide LMMHD (Koslover+), 17 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

18 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HYDROGEN —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Exotic Hydrogen Production methods Aluminium based metal alloy & water “Hydrogen fuel cell” lab results as all similar mechanics but mostly uncommercialized (also p88) eg: i Slow oxidizing low cost focused alloy pellets(B Froats), ii Rapid shock cooling-heating as catalyst to “crack” oxidized film of nano aluminium particles to reactivate(Dynamix-Muroran univ: Mas Watanabe+)+, —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Exotic Hydrogen Production methods Aluminium based metal alloy & water “Hydrogen fuel cell” lab results as all similar mechanics but mostly uncommercialized (also p88) eg: i Slow oxidizing low cost focused alloy pellets(B Froats), ii Rapid shock cooling-heating as catalyst to “crack” oxidized film of nano aluminium particles to reactivate(Dynamix-Muroran univ: Mas Watanabe+)+, iii Use of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not consumed) to prevent/delay aluminium oxidation (Hy-Energy: Erl Andersen)+, iv Undisclosed catalyst accelerates pitting of aluminum powder surface to prevent/delay passivation(AlumiFuel: Jas Anand+), v Chloride ion use pitting to dissolve oxidized film(Hydergy India: AVK Reddy+), iii Use of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not consumed) to prevent/delay aluminium oxidation (Hy-Energy: Erl Andersen)+, iv Undisclosed catalyst accelerates pitting of aluminum powder surface to prevent/delay passivation(AlumiFuel: Jas Anand+), v Chloride ion use pitting to dissolve oxidized film(Hydergy India: AVK Reddy+), 18 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

19 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HYDROGEN 2 —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ Exotic Hydrogen Production methods Aluminium based metal alloy & water “Hydrogen fuel cell” eg: vi Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which prevents/slows oxidized layer from fully covering aluminum(HydroAlumina: Ge Woodall, Chemalloy: Freedman+), vii CatalyticCarbon and aluminum in 80C hot water + DC pulse(not electrolysis) to prevent almost all aluminium oxidation, this on-board generator makes 110L/minute of H2, low quality-dirty-sea water ok( Phillips Company 4T : Haw Phillips) vi Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which prevents/slows oxidized layer from fully covering aluminum(HydroAlumina: Ge Woodall, Chemalloy: Freedman+), vii CatalyticCarbon and aluminum in 80C hot water + DC pulse(not electrolysis) to prevent almost all aluminium oxidation, this on-board generator makes 110L/minute of H2, low quality-dirty-sea water ok(Phillips Company 4T: Haw Phillips) Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp+), Ultrasonic H2 generation from water with non-oxidizing nanocrystal: ZnO fibers + BaTiO3 dendrites (Xiaochun Li), Molecular Molybdenum Persulfide catalyst H2 dissociation from water(JR long+), 84% efficiency pure water Electrolysis by Cathode 35Mpa high pressure Solid Polymer Electrolyte use, fluctuating power input workable like wind(Honda R&D), Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp+), Ultrasonic H2 generation from water with non-oxidizing nanocrystal: ZnO fibers + BaTiO3 dendrites (Xiaochun Li), Molecular Molybdenum Persulfide catalyst H2 dissociation from water(JR long+), 84% efficiency pure water Electrolysis by Cathode 35Mpa high pressure Solid Polymer Electrolyte use, fluctuating power input workable like wind(Honda R&D), 19 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

20 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HEAT —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ HEAT RECOVERY(as Electricity & Heat or Torque ), also leads to emission reduction: part of mainstream focus in many, particularly Western nations, while almost ignored in others: —>> continued SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ HEAT RECOVERY(as Electricity & Heat or Torque), also leads to emission reduction: part of mainstream focus in many, particularly Western nations, while almost ignored in others: ■ 1. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by Kinetic Power Generators: Often as industrial CHP(Combined Heat & Power), or Combined Cycle at power generator: common installation in at least as new system in Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Wood, Petroleum Refining, Metal, Gas turbine/Nuclear power generation industries, use of Regular 1 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)( Nooter/Eriksen, Alstom, GE etc; most large mainstream industrial conglomerate types offer), Specialists( 2G Energy AG +) can improve more with rarely used Radial Flow Organic Rankine( Exergy SpA +), Kalina Cycle( Wasabi Global Geothermal ), or further efficient its 2nd generation( Kalex Systems ), CO 2 SuperCritical Rankine, Trilateral Flash Cycle etc. Other Higher Rate & various scale applicable, 2 Sterling engine type ( Qnergy, Calnetix +), 3 Deluge Engine (Hageman) runs from 30C° diff, ■1. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by Kinetic Power Generators: Often as industrial CHP(Combined Heat & Power), or Combined Cycle at power generator: common installation in at least as new system in Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Wood, Petroleum Refining, Metal, Gas turbine/Nuclear power generation industries, use of Regular 1 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)(Nooter/Eriksen, Alstom, GE etc; most large mainstream industrial conglomerate types offer), Specialists(2G Energy AG+) can improve more with rarely used Radial Flow Organic Rankine(Exergy SpA+), Kalina Cycle(Wasabi Global Geothermal), or further efficient its 2nd generation(Kalex Systems), CO 2 SuperCritical Rankine, Trilateral Flash Cycle etc. Other Higher Rate & various scale applicable, 2 Sterling engine type (Qnergy, Calnetix+), 3 Deluge Engine(Hageman) runs from 30C° diff, ■ 2. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by Solid State Harvesting device, real available tech is more competitive against combustion engines or steam generators(J Fairbanks+) 1-10 : ■2. Industrial Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY by Solid State Harvesting device, real available tech is more competitive against combustion engines or steam generators(J Fairbanks+) 1-10: 20 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

21 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HEAT 2 —>> cont ■ 2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY: by Solid State device, 1-10 : 1 Thermoelectric(same unit with temp gap between one end to the other) used in Soviets since 1940s, other nations for military/space application after 1960s, recent western mainstream use: Evident Thermo, [acquired 43% efficiency claimed GMZ tech], Carnot limit far exceeding MicroPower Global : ex-ENECO inc, Kucherov, Sevastyanenko, & Hagelstein: LENR researchers), 15% range(Je Snyder+), Komatsu/KELK ’s 40% rating device with other Japanese peer likely slightly lower rating( Yamaha, Toshiba+), Alkali-Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter(AMTEC)by C-TEC Nano Conversion at least 20% range etc. But as of 2016, 10%+ efficiency is possibly too disruptive to commercialize. And even regular 4-7% low efficiency ( Melcor, TECTEG, Gentherm, Экоген Ecogen + many others) products are space saving energy recovery, also with success track record. Thermo-responsive material and Osmotic power use Osmoblue(E Dahan+)works from 30C° temp difference, 、 —>> cont ■2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY: by Solid State device, 1-10: 1 Thermoelectric(same unit with temp gap between one end to the other) used in Soviets since 1940s, other nations for military/space application after 1960s, recent western mainstream use: Evident Thermo, [acquired 43% efficiency claimed GMZ tech], Carnot limit far exceeding MicroPower Global: ex-ENECO inc, Kucherov, Sevastyanenko, & Hagelstein: LENR researchers), 15% range(Je Snyder+), Komatsu/KELK’s 40% rating device with other Japanese peer likely slightly lower rating(Yamaha, Toshiba+), Alkali-Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter(AMTEC)by C-TEC Nano Conversion at least 20% range etc. But as of 2016, 10%+ efficiency is possibly too disruptive to commercialize. And even regular 4-7% low efficiency (Melcor, TECTEG, Gentherm, Экоген Ecogen+ many others) products are space saving energy recovery, also with success track record. Thermo-responsive material and Osmotic power use Osmoblue(E Dahan+)works from 30C° temp difference, 、 2 Thermionic device(electron discharged from one electrode to the other as collector across vacuum when there is temp difference between them)(NASA use with 12% efficient in 1976), 3 Pyro-electric(Wenxi Guo et. al, 30% efficient by Sc Hunter/ORNL+) for time variant temp. gap of whole device, can be hybridized with piezoelectric generator(Ju-Hyuck Lee+), 4 90% efficient Nirvana Thermoacoustic, 2 Thermionic device(electron discharged from one electrode to the other as collector across vacuum when there is temp difference between them)(NASA use with 12% efficient in 1976), 3 Pyro-electric(Wenxi Guo et. al, 30% efficient by Sc Hunter/ORNL+) for time variant temp. gap of whole device, can be hybridized with piezoelectric generator(Ju-Hyuck Lee+), 4 90% efficient Nirvana Thermoacoustic, 21 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

22 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HEAT 3 —>> cont ■ 2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY: by Solid State device: 5 Heat pipe/pump: 30% extra energy saver Fisonic Cavitation (Fisenko), 6 Micron-gap ThermoPhotoVoltaics: MTPV corp (DiMatteo+); generally ignored Near Field TPVs efficiency is upto a magnitude ahead of mainstream Far Field TPVs, 7 Jx Crystals TPV: Jx Crystals (Fraas) already measured 35% efficiency in 1989, —>> cont ■2. Heat Recovery as ELECTRICITY: by Solid State device: 5 Heat pipe/pump: 30% extra energy saver Fisonic Cavitation(Fisenko), 6 Micron-gap ThermoPhotoVoltaics: MTPV corp(DiMatteo+); generally ignored Near Field TPVs efficiency is upto a magnitude ahead of mainstream Far Field TPVs, 7 Jx Crystals TPV: Jx Crystals (Fraas) already measured 35% efficiency in 1989, 8 Some high heat generating Fuel Cells can build in CHP to boost efficiency up to 90%+(heat included) level: ■PAFC(Phosphoric acid): Fuji Electric +, ■MCFC(Molten Carbonate): FuelCell Energy +, ■SOFC(Solid Oxide) Bloom Energy, Ene Farm/Kyocera - Osaka Gas - Toyota +, Ene Farm is for house based unit, its SOFC is at 52% electrical efficiency & produces lower cost power than retail price and can be sold to grid(Japan only), ■PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane): Ene Farm/Panasonic +, 9 Paintable heat recovery system can significantly benefit: Thermo Diode Coating(Ne Chernoff) or Spin Seebeck - Reverse Spin Hall Effect Paint(Ei Saito), Ultrasonic spray coating hetrojunction perovskite solar cell of 11% efficiency(AT Barrows+), 10 Recovery increase if high temp electro-conductive waste heat exhaust or hot molten salt like flow is recovered first by MHD device 8 Some high heat generating Fuel Cells can build in CHP to boost efficiency up to 90%+(heat included) level: ■PAFC(Phosphoric acid): Fuji Electric+, ■MCFC(Molten Carbonate): FuelCell Energy+, ■SOFC(Solid Oxide)Bloom Energy, Ene Farm/Kyocera - Osaka Gas - Toyota+, Ene Farm is for house based unit, its SOFC is at 52% electrical efficiency & produces lower cost power than retail price and can be sold to grid(Japan only), ■PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane): Ene Farm/Panasonic+, 9 Paintable heat recovery system can significantly benefit: Thermo Diode Coating(Ne Chernoff) or Spin Seebeck - Reverse Spin Hall Effect Paint(Ei Saito), Ultrasonic spray coating hetrojunction perovskite solar cell of 11% efficiency(AT Barrows+), 10 Recovery increase if high temp electro-conductive waste heat exhaust or hot molten salt like flow is recovered first by MHD device 22 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

23 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HEAT 4 —>> continued. Heat Recovery as HEAT, Can more than double efficiency with conventional tech use, surprisingly low use in some nations(Japan, France, Sweden+), but well established in others ( Denmark, Finland, Russia, Netherlands, many ex-soviet allies+, often as centralized District Heating System, this set up allows all types of new heat recovery like Solar thermal, biomass to incorporate later on): —>> continued. Heat Recovery as HEAT, Can more than double efficiency with conventional tech use, surprisingly low use in some nations(Japan, France, Sweden+), but well established in others (Denmark, Finland, Russia, Netherlands, many ex-soviet allies+, often as centralized District Heating System, this set up allows all types of new heat recovery like Solar thermal, biomass to incorporate later on): General Combined Heat and Power(CHP, Cogeneration) system, Combined Heat & Power District Heating(CHPDH), Industrial CHP. Further efficient Combined Cooling, Heat & Power(CCHP, Trigeneration, use of absorption chiller) when there is also cooling need, General Combined Heat and Power(CHP, Cogeneration) system, Combined Heat & Power District Heating(CHPDH), Industrial CHP. Further efficient Combined Cooling, Heat & Power(CCHP, Trigeneration, use of absorption chiller) when there is also cooling need, ■ 3. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Nitinol engine; “Negative fatigue” temperature shapeshift metal with significant torque, US Navy link(Rid Banks, Sandoval, Ginell, McNichols, Hochstein, A Johnson+), ■ 3. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Nitinol engine; “Negative fatigue” temperature shapeshift metal with significant torque, US Navy link(Rid Banks, Sandoval, Ginell, McNichols, Hochstein, A Johnson+), 23 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

24 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR ■ SOLAR: Rapid cost dropping(most competitive LCOE[Levelized Cost Of Electricity] is on par with std Wind: 1, by theoretical/experimental level at mainstream academic with corporate/NGO/Gov’t sponsored. Although academic & socio-economical ramification is much bigger, this is a sharp contrasted attitude towards wind[Betz Limit], nuclear remediation(p174) or thermodynamics[2nd law, p105], And this mainstream handling method of S-Q limit can be applied/simulated to the way of embracing inventor tech classic level over-unity electricity/energy extraction, as LENR-Cold Fusion gets officially accepted (p160-162), but this requires powerful Western interlocked mainstream sponsor back up(p93-95) which is fractured support at best currently(p153-162): excess S-Q is far less disruptive for business structure. 24 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

25 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 2 —>> cont ■ SOLAR: But Direct Solar Heat(solar thermal) application is universally lower cost in most of the world up to high latitude Southern Scandinavia or Middle of Western Canada. Following solar pages list up potential cost reduction ideas, also some techs are installable as lowest cost energy in some areas (*Note: due to photovoltaic’s high tech nature, production process, choice of material & how it is used affect costing much more than most other energy tech but this report doesn’t cover it) ■ 1. Over S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar Cell(SC): Significant number of SJ cell Shockley-Queisser Limit 33% exceeding efficiency at lab level experimental claims or strong indications/theoretical ideas discussed at conference without criticism/risking loss of job, articles pass mainstream journal editorials, and embraced by influential business/NGO/Gov’t lobbies & funders, Examples: i Light concentrating property Standing Nanowire (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral+), ii Solar Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV, thermal upconversion: absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for capture; Boriskina+)(also see p22 6,7 ) with specific geometric emitter-absorber combo(Rephaeli+), —>> continue ■1. Over S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar Cell(SC): Significant number of SJ cell Shockley-Queisser Limit 33% exceeding efficiency at lab level experimental claims or strong indications/theoretical ideas discussed at conference without criticism/risking loss of job, articles pass mainstream journal editorials, and embraced by influential business/NGO/Gov’t lobbies & funders, Examples: i Light concentrating property Standing Nanowire (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral+), ii Solar Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV, thermal upconversion: absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for capture; Boriskina+)(also see p22 6,7) with specific geometric emitter-absorber combo(Rephaeli+), —>> continue 25 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

26 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 3 —>> continued- ■ 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: iii Multiple Exciton Generation( MEG ) by Quantum Dot Solar Cell:(Nozik, Oc Semonin, Ra Ellingson+): Electron avalanche effect triggering(Br Parkinson, W Tisdale+), Beyond thermodynamic efficiency limit Electron Carrier Multiplication?: Tuneable Quantum Dot(also does instant photon capture before disappears) to make photon disappear into vacuum, then reappear(p164■) with Electron/exciton multiplying effect: singlet fission effect, “7 excitons at cost of 1”/ Quantum efficiency COP=7(& indication on over-unity like actual electricity yield?), linked to Population Inversion - Self Powering Laser(VI Klimov, RD Schaller+ : US Gov’t at Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics [CASP]), Similar replication at NREL(H Brody), Outside US(BL Oksengendler+), —>> continued- ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: iii Multiple Exciton Generation(MEG) by Quantum Dot Solar Cell:(Nozik, Oc Semonin, Ra Ellingson+): Electron avalanche effect triggering(Br Parkinson, W Tisdale+), Beyond thermodynamic efficiency limit Electron Carrier Multiplication?: Tuneable Quantum Dot(also does instant photon capture before disappears) to make photon disappear into vacuum, then reappear(p164■) with Electron/exciton multiplying effect: singlet fission effect, “7 excitons at cost of 1”/ Quantum efficiency COP=7(& indication on over-unity like actual electricity yield?), linked to Population Inversion - Self Powering Laser(VI Klimov, RD Schaller+ : US Gov’t at Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics [CASP]), Similar replication at NREL(H Brody), Outside US(BL Oksengendler+), iv Plasmon types: Surface Plasmon Solar Cell(use collective oscillation-resonance of electron) to trap light & increase absorption(Mi Burns+), Plasmonic enhancement of Dye Sensitized SC: DSSC)(Co Andrei+), Plasmonic nanostructure with upconverter-doped dielectric core(A Atre+), iv Plasmon types: Surface Plasmon Solar Cell(use collective oscillation-resonance of electron) to trap light & increase absorption(Mi Burns+), Plasmonic enhancement of Dye Sensitized SC: DSSC)(Co Andrei+), Plasmonic nanostructure with upconverter-doped dielectric core(A Atre+), v Infrared Capture: 24hr solar( Solterra Solar : Squires & Jabbour+), Lead selenide nanocrystals to convert Infrared ray to visible photons for increased capture(Bardeen+), Trap infrared photon to directly generate electricity(Fr Meseguer+), Infrared capturing nano solar rectenna arrays made by atomic layer deposition(Br Willis), —>> continue v Infrared Capture: 24hr solar(Solterra Solar: Squires & Jabbour+),Lead selenide nanocrystals to convert Infrared ray to visible photons for increased capture(Bardeen+), Trap infrared photon to directly generate electricity(Fr Meseguer+), Infrared capturing nano solar rectenna arrays made by atomic layer deposition(Br Willis), —>> continue 26 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

27 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 4 —>> continued- ■ 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: vi Others: vi-a Down conversion(split 2x too high energy photons for band-gap into two lower energy photons to recover both), vi-b Hot Carrier Solar Cell(Le Bris+): keep low heat transfer from electron to phonon, vi-c Intermediate Band Solar Cell(Yo Okada+) with “photon ratchet” for extra light recovery, —>> continued- ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: vi Others: vi-a Down conversion(split 2x too high energy photons for band-gap into two lower energy photons to recover both), vi-b Hot Carrier Solar Cell(Le Bris+): keep low heat transfer from electron to phonon, vi-c Intermediate Band Solar Cell(Yo Okada+) with “photon ratchet” for extra light recovery, vi-d Single Junction Tandem Solar cell(Wl Walukiewicz+), Perovskite oxides photo-ferroelectric material to function like Multi-Junction cell(An Rappe+), vi-e Piezo-phototronics(3way coupling: piezoelectric-semiconductor- photoexcitation effects) used for beyond seeming thermodynamics limit?(Zhong Lin Wang+), vi-f If cost is low, high performance Solid State Device (p20-23) can replace photovoltaics to generate electricity up to 50 times more than photovoltaics per same area(Ka Matsubara+), vi-d Single Junction Tandem Solar cell(Wl Walukiewicz+), Perovskite oxides photo-ferroelectric material to function like Multi-Junction cell(An Rappe+), vi-e Piezo-phototronics(3way coupling: piezoelectric-semiconductor- photoexcitation effects) used for beyond seeming thermodynamics limit?(Zhong Lin Wang+), vi-f If cost is low, high performance Solid State Device (p20-23) can replace photovoltaics to generate electricity up to 50 times more than photovoltaics per same area(Ka Matsubara+), vi-g Larger than unity” thermodynamic light efficiencies, when cooling involved (cold electricity link?[supercurrent “plus”]: p72,73): Part of mainstream in Soviet-Russia since 1930s(SI Vavilov, YP Chukova, Yu Slyusarenko+); related to “over unity” anti-stokes excitation from lattice energy(Letokhov+), laser cooling+, Converting lattice vibrations into infrared photons(Raj Ram+), Solar cell illuminated by circularly polarized light generates charge/spin currents far more than spin polarization of carrier density(I Žutić, Ja Fabian+), —>> continue vi-g Larger than unity” thermodynamic light efficiencies, when cooling involved (cold electricity link?[supercurrent “plus”]: p72,73): Part of mainstream in Soviet-Russia since 1930s(SI Vavilov, YP Chukova, Yu Slyusarenko+); related to “over unity” anti-stokes excitation from lattice energy(Letokhov+), laser cooling+, Converting lattice vibrations into infrared photons(Raj Ram+), Solar cell illuminated by circularly polarized light generates charge/spin currents far more than spin polarization of carrier density(I Žutić, Ja Fabian+), —>> continue 27 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

28 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 5 —>> continued- ■ 1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: vi-h Quantum efficiency COP >1, Singlet Exciton Fission cell(Congreve, Ma Böhm+), vi-i Infrared & Heat absorbing Iron oxide based Charge Ordering RFeO4 solar cell(Green Ferrite: Na Ikeda) in which electric dipole depends on electron correlations(not covalency, ie controllable by spin?), 24hr power generation, and COP>1 indication, seemed commercial ready but shelved? 、 vii Heavier on theory: Fill factor(FF, Available power at the maximum point) modelling shows higher limit for Organic Solar Cell(VA Trukhanov+), Nanostructured cell limit doesn’t apply(Yunlu Xu+), Combine Upconversion & MEG (Shpaisman+), Application of Photonic Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) to concentrate, amplify, store light etc. Some algae-bacteria’s photon-to-charge conversion ratio is close to 100%(FH Alharbi+), But S-Q limit seems to come from non-empirical data(& new data after 1960s excluded) & based on 2nd law of thermo-dynamics without substantial data back up(Bolin Liao+), which has (ignored) contradictions (p103-105) and considered as more of conditional reference by many even in mainstream level, at least privately. —>> continued- ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: vi-h Quantum efficiency COP >1, Singlet Exciton Fission cell(Congreve, Ma Böhm+), vi-i Infrared & Heat absorbing Iron oxide based Charge Ordering RFeO4 solar cell(Green Ferrite: Na Ikeda) in which electric dipole depends on electron correlations(not covalency, ie controllable by spin?), 24hr power generation, and COP>1 indication, seemed commercial ready but shelved? 、 vii Heavier on theory: Fill factor(FF, Available power at the maximum point) modelling shows higher limit for Organic Solar Cell(VA Trukhanov+), Nanostructured cell limit doesn’t apply(Yunlu Xu+), Combine Upconversion & MEG(Shpaisman+), Application of Photonic Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) to concentrate, amplify, store light etc. Some algae-bacteria’s photon-to-charge conversion ratio is close to 100%(FH Alharbi+), But S-Q limit seems to come from non-empirical data(& new data after 1960s excluded) & based on 2nd law of thermo-dynamics without substantial data back up(Bolin Liao+), which has (ignored) contradictions (p103-105) and considered as more of conditional reference by many even in mainstream level, at least privately. ■ 2. Under S-Q limit? Photovoltaic Solar Cell: but still significant cost reduction methods, commercialized or prototype lowest cost products, some redundant: i 25% field efficiency SJ silicon cell( Solvoltaics +), ii Optical Rectification non- semiconductor cell(Ste Rand+), 、 ■2. Under S-Q limit? Photovoltaic Solar Cell: but still significant cost reduction methods, commercialized or prototype lowest cost products, some redundant: i 25% field efficiency SJ silicon cell(Solvoltaics+), ii Optical Rectification non- semiconductor cell(Ste Rand+), 、 28 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

29 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 6 ■ iii iv Sunpower C60 v —>> continued- ■2. Under S-Q limit? Solar Cell: iii Consolidated solar cell(M Baldo), iv Low cost thin film/organic solar cell by light trapping: classical limit 15x exceeding nanophotonic type: by resonance for full absorption (Shanhui Fan+), or by Fullerene C60(Sunpower C60)/Coherent Population Trapping(CPT), Electromagnetically Induced Transparency(EIT) link, v Titanium based spray DSSC solar cell is 10% efficiency but cost is <1/5 of others(Showa Titan, seems shelved) vi Solar BankersPrism solar cell vii Bloo Solarviii 3G Solar, ix x vi Holographic solar cell:(Solar Bankers, Bifacial added Prism solar cell[G Rosenberg]), vii Nanostructured solar cell: Increase surface area to trap more light, less recombination- Solar Brush by Bloo Solar, viii Low cost thin film/DSSC with High outside light low efficiency but low indoor light high efficiency(20%+): 3G Solar, ix Enhance light harvesting by trapping, quantum dot relation etc by use of Cavity QuantumElectrodynamics (Mi Calic+), x Would solar cell application of Circular Photogalvanic Effect(circularly polarized light) & Spin Galvanic Effect(spin polarization) have significant efficiency potential(eg at Gyroscopic Quantum well+)? ■ Morgan Solar SolarCubeREhnu ■3. Concentrated ThermoPhotoVoltaics, Cost uncompetitiveness challenge: But some might have significant low cost potential: eg Morgan Solar(J-P Morgan), SolarCube(Gr Watson), REhnu(Ro Angel), Other cost lowering elements eg: Micro- Optic Solar Concentrator(Ja Karp+), Stretched Lens Array-SLA light concentrator(M O’Neill)+ - --Continue ->> 29

30 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 7 ■ —>> continued-■3. Concentrated ThermoPhotoVoltaics: Boeing- SpectrolabCDO-100-C3MJ/C4MJ SolAero-Emcore Northrop Grumman MicroLink Teledyne For efficiency only: Mainstream ignored aerospace targeting Boeing- Spectrolab’s Multi Junction solar cell CDO-100-C3MJ/C4MJ is average efficiency 38.5/40 % in 2009/10 for terrestrial market, and sells to civilian companies(OEM?), SolAero-Emcore was 37% in 2007, Hybrid concentrated PV & thermo-acoustic engine(Northrop Grumman), MicroLink’s specialized dual-junction solar cell works at 400C, PhotoElectrowetting/Optofluidics sun tracker by Teledyne, etc. 45 * Due to their space industry sales, there might be classified more robust products. Civilian market focused companies’ R&D lab efficiency is 45% level in 2016 (Spectrolab linked Amonix-Arzon Solar, Lattice- Matched solar cell by Solar Junction +), * What happens if Optical Vortex Soliton & Self-Focusing element is applied? 30 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

31 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 8 ■ ■ —>> continued ■ SOLAR: ■4. Non Std Concentrated Solar Power(CSP), i Rippaso Stirling Hybrid, Cleanergy, United Sun Systems Schlaich Bergermann & Partner i 30%+ field efficiency Dish Stirling(parabolic), (CSPs drop performance as much as 85-90% at rain or cloudy weather), lowest cost available solar in sunny area: Rippaso Stirling Hybrid, Cleanergy, United Sun Systems -all linked to Sweden, Schlaich Bergermann & Partner - Germany, US Majors participated in 1980s-90s but withdrawn(McDonnell Douglas, Cummins), No water use, Much less land needs(2.5ha/mw) with Module based 10-50kw installation, <5cents/KWh range cost is on par with lowest cost by non mega hydro. ii ii Solid State Energy Harvesting device: or high efficiency combined cycle can lower cost than Stirling: eg Photon enhanced thermionic emission(Melosh), Others(p20-23) ■ i Skyfuel ii Flabeg Solar ■5. Standard CSP: can be currently <6-10cents/KWh, Molten Salt storage type can supply power almost 24hrs with significantly increased cost(Calcium & SuperCritical Fluid experimentally lower cost), Ongoing further cost reduction, eg: i Skyfuel’s Heliostats by low cost film instead of mirror, ii UltimateTrough collector by Flabeg Solar, etc, 31 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

32 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 9 —>> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 6. Unique niche specific installation solar cell: low efficiency(5-10%) but attachable/wearable/textile Organic PhotoVoltaics(Samsung, Mitsubishi+) for convenience, by low cost material/manufacturing: from Hetrojunction, Dye Sensitized(DSSC) to Perovskite use, Thermoelectric/fibreoptic textile with 3-5% level(NASA+), ■6. Unique niche specific installation solar cell: low efficiency(5-10%) but attachable/wearable/textile Organic PhotoVoltaics(Samsung, Mitsubishi+) for convenience, by low cost material/manufacturing: from Hetrojunction, Dye Sensitized(DSSC) to Perovskite use, Thermoelectric/fibreoptic textile with 3-5% level(NASA+), ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: Disruptively low cost, often forgotten, instantly applicable with 50%+ efficiency with existing tech use, For residential, commercial, industrial(Industrial Heat Process, at least 60% of electricity is used to generate) application as co-heat source: i Solar Air Heating, Very scalable, Can be combined with Solar Thermal Collector: SolarWall (J Hollick)+, Low tech dessert area heating and cooling by Trombe Wall(M Dabaieh+), ii Solar thermal by hot water collecting: Enerworks +, Extensive District Heating system incorporation & heat storage in Denmark(Marstal, Brædsrup +), ->>cont ■7. Solar thermal/heat: Disruptively low cost, often forgotten, instantly applicable with 50%+ efficiency with existing tech use, For residential, commercial, industrial(Industrial Heat Process, at least 60% of electricity is used to generate) application as co-heat source: i Solar Air Heating, Very scalable, Can be combined with Solar Thermal Collector: SolarWall(J Hollick)+, Low tech dessert area heating and cooling by Trombe Wall(M Dabaieh+), ii Solar thermal by hot water collecting: Enerworks +, Extensive District Heating system incorporation & heat storage in Denmark(Marstal, Brædsrup+), ->>cont 32 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

33 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 10 —>> continued ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: iii Rare but most efficient(70%+) combined PV & Solar thermal unit type by hot water recovery while cooled temperature improves PV cell performance: eg Technique Solar (D Thoroughgood), Concentrated thermal at 80% efficiency(IBM), Similar concept with housing construction element added more energy produced than used home idea can be cost competitive depends on solar panel costing(Sonnenschiff-PlusEnergy-Heliotrope[R Disch], Övolution, “Sous-le-Soleil”, ArchiBlox+) —>> continued ■7. Solar thermal/heat: iii Rare but most efficient(70%+) combined PV & Solar thermal unit type by hot water recovery while cooled temperature improves PV cell performance: eg Technique Solar(D Thoroughgood), Concentrated thermal at 80% efficiency(IBM), Similar concept with housing construction element added more energy produced than used home idea can be cost competitive depends on solar panel costing(Sonnenschiff-PlusEnergy-Heliotrope[R Disch], Övolution, “Sous-le-Soleil”, ArchiBlox+) iv Solar Heat for Industrial Process(SHIP): suitable for low/mid temp needs, iv-a Food: Scheffler reflector etc use, pasteurizing, cooking( Tss-India +), iv-b Various Industrial: washing desalinating, drying, cooling, bleaching( Megawatt Solutions, Clique Solar ARUN, Trivelli Energi +), higher efficiency Linear Fresnels used Chromasun Micro-Concentrator, iv-c Utility: Gas-steam turbine augmenting or reduce start up time, Integrated Solar Combined Cycle(ISCC): Yazd Solar Energy +, iv-d Solar Thermal EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery): Novatec Solar, GlassPoint +, iv Solar Heat for Industrial Process(SHIP): suitable for low/mid temp needs, iv-a Food: Scheffler reflector etc use, pasteurizing, cooking(Tss-India+), iv-b Various Industrial: washing desalinating, drying, cooling, bleaching(Megawatt Solutions, Clique Solar ARUN, Trivelli Energi+), higher efficiency Linear Fresnels used Chromasun Micro-Concentrator, iv-c Utility: Gas-steam turbine augmenting or reduce start up time, Integrated Solar Combined Cycle(ISCC): Yazd Solar Energy +, iv-d Solar Thermal EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery): Novatec Solar, GlassPoint+, 33 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

34 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: SOLAR 11 —>> continued: ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: Solar thermal is applicable to most industries except Metal-Smelting(high temp system must be custom made) types, Cost justifiable even when heat storage is needed, Different temp types: Basic Standard Flat Plate Collector( > continued: ■7. Solar thermal/heat: Solar thermal is applicable to most industries except Metal-Smelting(high temp system must be custom made) types, Cost justifiable even when heat storage is needed, Different temp types: Basic Standard Flat Plate Collector(<80C°), or Evacuated tube (<100C°), Mid temp system: Parabolic Trough or Linear Fresnel Collector(<400C°), CSP(<600-800C°), Up to 3500C° system exists but non commercial: Le Four Solaire d’Odeillo PROMES, produced H2 by non catalyst pure heat from water, Or Большая солнечная печь in Uzbekistan: lasting 45+yrs; Some CSP system might last much longer than std rating of 25yrs, also some Photovoltaic cell would last 50yrs+ with 25% less initial capacity: i.e. Cost of certain device can be much lower than publicly discussed ■ 8. Other fundamentally different mechanics type, Practically untouched by mainstream, but national labs/space agencies seem to involve, some indication of “over-unity” solar under right conditions: i Maglev Vertical Axis Mendocino Motor: V3Solar (C LaDue), Array of AC current producing multiple spinning solar cones with “mutual counter rotating amplifying effect”?, ii Solar Liquid Power (D Linman), iii Diffused light workable Superconducting paint(C Bolaños), similar 85% efficiency steam generating carbon foam(Ha Ghasemi) ■8. Other fundamentally different mechanics type, Practically untouched by mainstream, but national labs/space agencies seem to involve, some indication of “over-unity” solar under right conditions: i Maglev Vertical Axis Mendocino Motor: V3Solar(C LaDue), Array of AC current producing multiple spinning solar cones with “mutual counter rotating amplifying effect”?, ii Solar Liquid Power(D Linman), iii Diffused light workable Superconducting paint(C Bolaños), similar 85% efficiency steam generating carbon foam(Ha Ghasemi) 34 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

35 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: WIND —>> continued: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ WIND ENERGY, Wide range of under deployed different mechanics/tech available, extensively tested by labs & smaller scale models to back up claims, even mini turbines more efficient than larger conventional, but often much lower cost than all conventional energy tech, only in specific locality and not universally, but some are > continued: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: ■ WIND ENERGY, Wide range of under deployed different mechanics/tech available, extensively tested by labs & smaller scale models to back up claims, even mini turbines more efficient than larger conventional, but often much lower cost than all conventional energy tech, only in specific locality and not universally, but some are <4cents/KWh, Following listing includes many commercialization failures/bankruptcies due to being new: product quality issue & failing to capture “unconventional” wind effect in half of installed sites, sometimes highlighted as proof of non std wind tech invalidity in wind energy media or “industry expert” blogs, Almost no participation by largest ranking wind power majors, Majority of following wind tech indicates science illegal performance of Betz limit(59% efficiency) exceeding up to 4 times(vortex, venturi coanda type effect funnels “extra wind”, also limit might not apply to nonHAWT[Horizontal Axis], etc), hence frequently called exaggeration/miscalibration, Often a- Fundamentally different mechanics from conventional wind tech, b -Works with higher & lower wind level, c -Quieter, d -Very space efficient, e -Reduced or no bird/bat accidents. Some are f -Specialized in small scale, g -Longer lasting and less maintenance, h -Simpler mechanics, i -Involved with aerospace industry (eg DAWT- Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine, Delta Wing, Use of mechanics of Sailing directly against wind or faster than wind speed+), indicated in Boldface Navy is actively being commercialized: following 1-17 Almost no participation by largest ranking wind power majors, Majority of following wind tech indicates science illegal performance of Betz limit(59% efficiency) exceeding up to 4 times(vortex, venturi coanda type effect funnels “extra wind”, also limit might not apply to nonHAWT[Horizontal Axis], etc), hence frequently called exaggeration/miscalibration, Often a-Fundamentally different mechanics from conventional wind tech, b-Works with higher & lower wind level, c-Quieter, d-Very space efficient, e-Reduced or no bird/bat accidents. Some are f-Specialized in small scale, g-Longer lasting and less maintenance, h-Simpler mechanics, i-Involved with aerospace industry (eg DAWT- Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine, Delta Wing, Use of mechanics of Sailing directly against wind or faster than wind speed+), indicated in Boldface Navy is actively being commercialized: following 1-17 35

36 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: WIND 2 —>> continued: ■ Wind: 1 Advanced VAWT(vertical axis wind turbine: Darrius & Savonius combo etc, material integrity improvement continued from past wind farm failures(Yih Ho Pao+): Turbina VAWT(Mi Tesic), Luethi Wind (M Luethi), Sambrabec Catavent - ERD qc(Obidniak), —>> continued: ■ Wind: 1 Advanced VAWT(vertical axis wind turbine: Darrius & Savonius combo etc, material integrity improvement continued from past wind farm failures(Yih Ho Pao+): Turbina VAWT(Mi Tesic), Luethi Wind(M Luethi), Sambrabec Catavent - ERD qc(Obidniak), 2 Large VAWT types: Agile Power(Bahnmüller), Terra Moya(R Taylor), Mass Megawatts(Jo Ricker: Multi-Axis Turbo system & MMW augmenter), New Millenium Wind(Drew Thacker, high profile with contracts- suddenly retracted), Wind Harvest International(B Thomas), 3 Maglev VAWT by Senzhen TYPMAR, Regenedyne (Choi & Jenkins), Mag-Wind(Rowan, later charged as fraud, typical event when inventor type free energy tech is commercialized p90,91), 4 ”Unconventional rotation” type: Windpods (Attey), 5 Turbine engine type: Stormblade Wind(Jovanovic), Hush Wind Turbine(Ar O’Connor), 6 Different blades or bladeless: Saphon (Aouini), de Archimedes (Ruijtenbeek), SpiralAirFoil(Parker & Noonan), 2 Large VAWT types: Agile Power(Bahnmüller), Terra Moya(R Taylor), Mass Megawatts(Jo Ricker: Multi-Axis Turbo system & MMW augmenter), New Millenium Wind(Drew Thacker, high profile with contracts- suddenly retracted), Wind Harvest International(B Thomas),3 Maglev VAWT by Senzhen TYPMAR, Regenedyne (Choi & Jenkins), Mag-Wind(Rowan, later charged as fraud, typical event when inventor type free energy tech is commercialized p90,91), 4 ”Unconventional rotation” type: Windpods (Attey), 5 Turbine engine type: Stormblade Wind(Jovanovic), Hush Wind Turbine(Ar O’Connor), 6 Different blades or bladeless: Saphon(Aouini), de Archimedes (Ruijtenbeek), SpiralAirFoil(Parker & Noonan), 36 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

37 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: WIND 3 —>> continued: ■ Wind: 7 Specific Shaped Fluid dynamic effects: i Tesla Turbine: Tesnic(Ho Nica), spins with same speed as wind, extremely strong with high wind, close to 100% efficient, ii Magnus effect Rotor ship(Flettner) by Enercon E-ship1, but Rotor type oscillation wind generators are only marginally lower cost than conventional, iii DAWT: Airsynergy(J Smyth), iv Spiral magnus cylinder blades: Mecaro (Nob Murakami), needs electricity to initially activate generator, v Venturi rotor: Energy Ball Vindkraft,(van der Klippe), vi Conical Helicoid: Windstrument(Cl Clark), disruptively scalable, vii Rectangular building roof edges: Anerdgy WindRail (Sv Koehler), viii Others: BERWIAN wind concentrator(In Rechenberg), “3D wind turbine”: Nheolis (Haddjeri, French govn’t backing), Warp ENECO(Weisbrich), —>> continued: ■ Wind:7 Specific Shaped Fluid dynamic effects: i Tesla Turbine: Tesnic(Ho Nica), spins with same speed as wind, extremely strong with high wind, close to 100% efficient, ii Magnus effect Rotor ship(Flettner) by Enercon E-ship1, but Rotor type oscillation wind generators are only marginally lower cost than conventional, iii DAWT: Airsynergy(J Smyth), iv Spiral magnus cylinder blades: Mecaro(Nob Murakami), needs electricity to initially activate generator, v Venturi rotor: Energy Ball Vindkraft,(van der Klippe), vi Conical Helicoid: Windstrument(Cl Clark), disruptively scalable, vii Rectangular building roof edges: Anerdgy WindRail(Sv Koehler), viii Others: BERWIAN wind concentrator(In Rechenberg), “3D wind turbine”: Nheolis (Haddjeri, French govn’t backing), Warp ENECO(Weisbrich), 8 Airborne wind: majors(eg Google) participating: Altaeros (Glass), KiteGen (Ippolito), Ampyx (Koning & Ruiterkamp), e-kite(van den Brink), TwingTec(C Houle), Ocean freight “free wind” propulsion SkySails, 9 Omni directional: Katru IMPLUX(Sureshan), 10 Wind-solar hybrid( Skywolf /WindTamer: J Brock), Blue Energy (Melchior: structured & self cleaning solar surface),8 Airborne wind: majors(eg Google) participating: Altaeros(Glass), KiteGen (Ippolito), Ampyx(Koning & Ruiterkamp), e-kite(van den Brink), TwingTec(C Houle), Ocean freight “free wind” propulsion SkySails, 9 Omni directional: Katru IMPLUX(Sureshan), 10 Wind-solar hybrid(Skywolf/WindTamer: J Brock), Blue Energy(Melchior: structured & self cleaning solar surface), 11 Basic spiral convection & vortex effect, mostly by active engineers + mainstream academics + large corporate/Gov’t backing, Upright vortex or Along steep mountain contour pipe: Vortex Engine(Michaud), Tornado Wind Energy TWECS(Ja Yen), Windhamster(Jü Schatz), Microwave projection triggered tornado generator(Sl Tepic), Other research pre 1960s: (Cheng Ting Hsu, Nazare, Ma Haug, Be Dubo, Ma Menard+), After 1990s:(Stiig, Ma Tanner, Bubnov, Ra Menard, Ar Glezer, More common among Russian & Chinese academics+),11 Basic spiral convection & vortex effect, mostly by active engineers + mainstream academics + large corporate/Gov’t backing, Upright vortex or Along steep mountain contour pipe: Vortex Engine(Michaud), Tornado Wind Energy TWECS(Ja Yen), Windhamster(Jü Schatz), Microwave projection triggered tornado generator(Sl Tepic), Other research pre 1960s: (Cheng Ting Hsu, Nazare, Ma Haug, Be Dubo, Ma Menard+), After 1990s:(Stiig, Ma Tanner, Bubnov, Ra Menard, Ar Glezer, More common among Russian & Chinese academics+), 37 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

38 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: WIND 4 —>> continued: ■ Wind, 12 Downward vortex by water spray(P Carlson+), Sharav Sluices(Zaslavsky, Guetta, Israel Gov backed), side effect use for desalinating water, 13 Horizontal, large version of vortex tubes(De Oliver), Vsquare Wind(Ro Freda, US army link), Sheerwind INVELOX (Allaei), 14 Mini size vortex: Western Co Fotovoltaici(Gachechiladze & Cimini), Convection Mill model(AR Bennett, A Holmes), can be interpreted as ambient permanent free energy —>> continued: ■ Wind,12 Downward vortex by water spray(P Carlson+), Sharav Sluices(Zaslavsky, Guetta, Israel Gov backed), side effect use for desalinating water, 13 Horizontal, large version of vortex tubes(De Oliver), Vsquare Wind(Ro Freda, US army link), Sheerwind INVELOX(Allaei), 14 Mini size vortex: Western Co Fotovoltaici(Gachechiladze & Cimini), Convection Mill model(AR Bennett, A Holmes), can be interpreted as ambient permanent free energy 15 Boundary Layer, Coupled Vortex Effect(Paraschivoiu, Daibiri+), Only small improvement but universal wind turbine performance booster adopter: Leviathan Wind Energizer (D Farb), 16 Oscillation based, no rotation, easily installed literally anywhere, highly scalable: Altenera BreezeBee(Mo Kaplan), Even more efficient Standing Wave causing Resonance freq. crossover type of: Self exciting vortex shedding Zephyr Energy Windbeam(Dy Thorp+), Aeroelastic flutter: Windbelt/Windcell(S Frayne), sold only under certain special conditions, some already copied: Wolt Wind Energy. If resonance creation is aimed (avoided by regular turbine for device integrity reason) it might further improve efficiency as seen in other techs. Also Piezo-Triboelectricity(p8 ■β ),15 Boundary Layer, Coupled Vortex Effect(Paraschivoiu, Daibiri+), Only small improvement but universal wind turbine performance booster adopter: Leviathan Wind Energizer(D Farb), 16 Oscillation based, no rotation, easily installed literally anywhere, highly scalable: Altenera BreezeBee(Mo Kaplan), Even more efficient Standing Wave causing Resonance freq. crossover type of: Self exciting vortex shedding Zephyr Energy Windbeam(Dy Thorp+), Aeroelastic flutter: Windbelt/Windcell(S Frayne), sold only under certain special conditions, some already copied: Wolt Wind Energy. If resonance creation is aimed (avoided by regular turbine for device integrity reason) it might further improve efficiency as seen in other techs. Also Piezo-Triboelectricity(p8 ■β ), 17 Portable & foldable wind generator: Natural Power Concepts(J Pitre, US military link), Micro Windmill(Sm Rao), Ventus Folding Wind(Kuckir), 15-100cm diameter scalable & space fillable interconnected light turbines generates useable power from 2m/sec: MotorWind (Gambarota)17 Portable & foldable wind generator: Natural Power Concepts(J Pitre, US military link), Micro Windmill(Sm Rao), Ventus Folding Wind(Kuckir), 15-100cm diameter scalable & space fillable interconnected light turbines generates useable power from 2m/sec: MotorWind(Gambarota) 38 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

39 SCIENCE-LEGAL INACTIVE & NEWLY ACTIVE “SUPER LOW COST” TECH: HYDRO ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave, Some are much lower cost only in remote towns or private power generation,1 Fundamentally conventional turbine operated super low cost hydro: eg Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro, Three Gorges Dam +, ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave, Some are much lower cost only in remote towns or private power generation, 1 Fundamentally conventional turbine operated super low cost hydro: eg Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro, Three Gorges Dam+, 2 Underwater tidal flow, Low head hydro, some regular hydro turbine: Benkatina (D Farb), Mako Turbine - SeaUrchin(M Urch), Beck Mickle Hydro allows full weight of water power capture with 70% range efficiency instead of regular premature turbine rotation (Gilmartin & Cattley), ORPC (Gorlov Turbine used), New Energy EnCurrent, Strom-Boje (F Mondl), Hydrovolts (Da Roth), Izumi si(V Markovic), Hydrocat, Larger scale: Verdant Power (D Corren), More efficient large scale Sundermann Turbine tilts power blades as rotate - vertical version of above Beck Hydro: Many of above are easy installation- no damming/digging, Often easy relocation, some show Betz law violation efficiency. Also large hydro dam equivalent in ocean: Mega scale tidal(B Davis+)2 Underwater tidal flow, Low head hydro, some regular hydro turbine: Benkatina (D Farb), Mako Turbine - SeaUrchin(M Urch), Beck Mickle Hydro allows full weight of water power capture with 70% range efficiency instead of regular premature turbine rotation (Gilmartin & Cattley), ORPC(Gorlov Turbine used), New Energy EnCurrent, Strom-Boje(F Mondl), Hydrovolts(Da Roth), Izumi si(V Markovic), Hydrocat, Larger scale: Verdant Power(D Corren), More efficient large scale Sundermann Turbine tilts power blades as rotate - vertical version of above Beck Hydro: Many of above are easy installation- no damming/digging, Often easy relocation, some show Betz law violation efficiency. Also large hydro dam equivalent in ocean: Mega scale tidal(B Davis+) 3 Use of both wave surging & webbing for power: Greenwave Energy, Use of highest & lowest point with in a set of wave scalable system: MotorWave(Gambarota): also can work as a floating connected "trompe"s to pump water to high land. No-moving -parts wave: Reverse MagnetoRestriction/Villari Effect use iMEC Oscilla Power,4 Non Turbine, highly scalable, low speed workable: Vortex shedding oscillation VIVACE Vortex (Bernistas), Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle/Dielectric Elastomers electric generation on any moving water(Kornblush+), or by Nano Fibre (Huifang Xu+), Also Piezo- Triboelectricity(p8 ■β )5 Liquid pipe flow electricity recovery: Lucid Energy (Schlabach+),6 Also completely different far more efficient mechanics system exists but pseudoscience treatment due to over unity efficiency(p88)3 Use of both wave surging & webbing for power: Greenwave Energy, Use of highest & lowest point with in a set of wave scalable system: MotorWave(Gambarota): also can work as a floating connected "trompe"s to pump water to high land. No-moving -parts wave: Reverse MagnetoRestriction/Villari Effect use iMEC Oscilla Power,4 Non Turbine, highly scalable, low speed workable: Vortex shedding oscillation VIVACE Vortex (Bernistas), Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle/Dielectric Elastomers electric generation on any moving water(Kornblush+), or by Nano Fibre (Huifang Xu+), Also Piezo- Triboelectricity(p8 ■β ) 5 Liquid pipe flow electricity recovery: Lucid Energy(Schlabach+), 6 Also completely different far more efficient mechanics system exists but pseudoscience treatment due to over unity efficiency(p88) 39 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigmlinkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm

40 CONTENTS CONTENTS End of Part 1: ENTIRE 5 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT End of Part 1: ENTIRE 5 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar- wave-Torsion-field-Free-energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New- Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b http://www.scribd.com/doc/227644705/2016-UPDATE-Cold-fusion-Tesla-Scalar- wave-Torsion-field-Free-energy-Over-unity-Really-All-Pseudo-Science-A-New- Paradigm-Energy-Trigger-b PART2 p40 Under-utilized Biomass & Waste-to-Energy p66 Forgotten larger portion of Clean Natural Gas p66 Forgotten larger portion of Clean Natural Gas p72 Ten categories of “over-unity” claims p72 Ten categories of “over-unity” claims PART3 p89 Commercialization attempts p95 Law of Thermodynamics, “Dissident” scientists p95 Law of Thermodynamics, “Dissident” scientists p106 Scalar “wave”, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field.. p106 Scalar “wave”, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field.. p131 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, “No light required” Photo Catalysis p131 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, “No light required” Photo Catalysis PART4 p140 LENR/Cold Fusion update, losers & gainers by its success p152 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transition models p152 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transition models p163 LENR use might lead to Inventor tech acceptance & its ramifications p163 LENR use might lead to Inventor tech acceptance & its ramifications PART5 p191 What if inventor tech related “Outrageous claims” become mainstream p223 Summary & Macro level Recommendations p223 Summary & Macro level Recommendations 40


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