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Marie-Florence Estimé Principal Administrator OECD Working Party on SMEs 2nd Meeting of the INSME Steering Group Rome, 15 October 2001 THE BOLOGNA PROCESS:

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Presentation on theme: "Marie-Florence Estimé Principal Administrator OECD Working Party on SMEs 2nd Meeting of the INSME Steering Group Rome, 15 October 2001 THE BOLOGNA PROCESS:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie-Florence Estimé Principal Administrator OECD Working Party on SMEs 2nd Meeting of the INSME Steering Group Rome, 15 October 2001 THE BOLOGNA PROCESS: PROMOTING SMEs IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY THE ROLE FOR GOVERNMENTS

2 OECD Working Party on SMEs n A high-level international forum for SME policymakers to: n discuss and better understand issues and policies related to SMEs and their interaction in economies, both domestically and across borders n exchange experience and assess best practices M-F. Estimé, OECD

3 The OECD Bologna Ministerial Conference on SMEs (13-15 June 2000) n has put SMEs at the forefront of the international policy agenda with a view to releasing their potential and enhancing their access to global markets n has emphasised that SMEs are confronted with:  new opportunities created by the knowledge-based economy and globalisation  strong pressures for change which they have difficulty managing effectively.

4 SMEs in OECD Countries n Over 95% of OECD enterprises n 60-70% of total employment in most countries n Close to 100% of firms in many service activities n Increasingly present in technology-intensive industries n Predominate in strategic business services n More SMEs are globalising and becoming internationally competitive M-F. Estimé, OECD

5 New Challenges / New opportunities n Rapid technological change, globalisation, heightened competition n Opportunities derive from doing business in new ways, e.g. through: n developing knowledge-based services and techonology-intensive goods n finding market niches n exploiting the Internet & E-Commerce n Global mergers & joint ventures M-F. Estimé, OECD

6 Cross-border alliances involving SMEs, 1988-2000 M-F. Estimé, OECD

7 New Orientations for SME Policies promote entrepreneurship; facilitate firm start-up and expansion (and not hinder exit); improve access to venture capital and other types of financing; improve access of new firms and SMEs to information, innovation networks and business services; reduce the regulatory burden on smaller firms; and promote enterprise partnerships, networks, and clusters, at international, national and local level. In addition to fostering market liberalisation and securing appropriate framework conditions, governments should: M-F. Estimé, OECD

8 The Bologna Charter on SME Policies n The final Declaration of the 1st OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs jointly organised by the Italian government n Adopted by Ministers and Representatives of governments of almost 50 OECD Member and non-Member countries n Welcomed by over 200 international and national organisations and NGOs M-F. Estimé, OECD

9 Provides…. The Bologna Charter Provides…. n Appropriate framework conditions and conducive business environment n Innovation n Clusters & networks n Electronic commerce n OECD and non-OECD country SME partnership n FUTURE ACTIONS: e. g. INSME, etc. M-F. Estimé, OECD a frame of reference for Enhancing SME competitiveness in the Global Economy through:

10 “THE BOLOGNA PROCESS” Implementing the recommendations of the Bologna Charter Bologna was meant to mark the beginning of a long-term process. n The OECD is firmly committed to developing the Bologna Process through:  Substantive work on enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs in the global economy: e. g. new WP study on Financing SMEs  Involving non-OECD countries in the Bologna Process  Exploring possibilities of holding a 2nd OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs in 2003 or 2004  Closely following development of the INSME feasibility study M-F. Estimé, OECD

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