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Elements of a short story Plot: a short story’s plot is its series of related events. Characterization: writers give descriptions of what characters look.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of a short story Plot: a short story’s plot is its series of related events. Characterization: writers give descriptions of what characters look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of a short story Plot: a short story’s plot is its series of related events. Characterization: writers give descriptions of what characters look like, words and actions, showing interactions with other characters, share characters’ thoughts and feelings. Symbol: person, place or object that has a literal meaning and also stands for something larger, such as an idea or an emotion. Theme: central message or insight into life – Stated – expressed directly by author Implied – indirectly through experiences of characters or events/setting of the story.

2 Conflict The plot of a short story focuses on conflict and struggle. 2 types: Internal: struggle within the mind of one character (man vs. self) External: struggle between 2 characters (man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. environment/nature)

3 Plot Structure of a Short Story Exposition: Inciting Incident: Rising action: Climax: Falling action: Resolution/denouement:

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