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05/25/2000 Emerging Issues: Practice Standards and Guidelines Aaron Chen, CIH E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Chair: PS&G Gap Sub-committee.

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Presentation on theme: "05/25/2000 Emerging Issues: Practice Standards and Guidelines Aaron Chen, CIH E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Chair: PS&G Gap Sub-committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 05/25/2000 Emerging Issues: Practice Standards and Guidelines Aaron Chen, CIH E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Chair: PS&G Gap Sub-committee

2 05/25/2000 What are the emerging issues?  Need for a permanent committee to address the need to develop new and updated PS&Gs within AIHA.  Need for a comprehensive reference on current available resources for practicing IHs.  Need for a process to define research gaps within the industrial hygiene profession. 1

3 PS&G History  In 1996, the AIHA Board creates a taskforce to survey all TCs to determine where we had shortfalls in PS&Gs within the AIHA knowledge base.  In 1997, the Board approved the formation of a PS&G TC to facilitate the process of development of standards and guidelines to enhance the profession.  In 1998 to present, the PS&G TC has worked to develop and publish a compendium of IH knowledge. 2

4 PS&G History  In Spring of 1999, the PS&G formed the Gap Sub-committee to begin to address the process of identifying and development of standards and guidelines. In Fall of 1999, Gap sent out a preliminary survey to again determine needs for PS&Gs.  Spring 2000, Gap has sent out a comprehensive package to Gap Liaisons to work with TCs to facilitate development of identified PS&G needs. 2

5 Today’s Status for AIHA and PS&G  Currently AIHA does not do enough to address the needs for standards and guidelines in the profession. AIHA needs to take a more proactive approach to meeting the PS&Gs of the profession.  The PS&G TC, although in existence for little more than 3 years, has been taking a leadership role in creating the framework to allow AIHA to better meet the needs of its members by developing PS&Gs.  The PS&G TC is fully functional and its GAP sub- committee has recently begun to address the shortfalls that exist in PS&Gs as they relate to each TC. 3

6 Practice Standards and Guidelines Committee Mission Statement  Mission Statement: To plan, facilitate, and coordinate a comprehensive program of AIHA activities in development of practice standards and guidelines. 4

7 Goals and Objectives  Goal: Assist AIHA technical committees in the development of standards and guidelines.  Objective #1: Coordinate the activity of technical committees when proposing, selecting, and developing standards and guidelines. 5

8 Goals and Objectives  Strategies: 1) Create the Gap sub-committee to be the primary group to assure objective #1 with PS&G leadership input is accomplished. 2) Establish organizational procedures for submission, quality assurance, review, and dissemination. 3) Prioritize the committees’ proposals with regard to AIHA’s strategic plan, financial/staff resources and Board oversight. 4) Ask technical committees to identify gaps where no standards or guidelines currently exist. 5

9 Goals and Objectives. 5  Objective #2: Develop and maintain a Compendium of Current IH Practices.  Strategies: 1) Establish a subcommittee responsible for development of the Compendium. 2) Ask technical committees to collect and review existing literature for use as chapter elements. 3) Upon completion of the First Edition, establish a review policy/procedure for updating the Compendium.

10 The Gap Sub-committee  Gap sub-committee formed at 99 AIHCE to begin to start the process of identification, facilitation and completion of gaps in IH.  Sep.99, Gap sent a preliminary survey to follow-up the survey from 1996. Liaisons were established to contact technical committees to facilitate the gap process.  April 00, Gap sent out a comprehensive package of information to the Liaisons to work with their TCs at the AIHCE. 6

11 The Gap Sub-committee  Some typical gaps Identified from the 1996, 1999 surveys. A) Biological Monitoring TC - need bio-monitoring guidelines for dermal absorption. B) Epidemiology TC - Guideline regarding the interpretation of epidemiologic studies for industrial hygienists. C) Exp. Ass. Strat. TC - Develop standards for Dermal Exp. Ass.(see Biomonitoring TC, probably should work together) D) Gas & Vapor TC - develop PS&Gs with other organizations, need direct reading instrument guideline, summary of limits of direct reading instr.. 6

12 The Compendium Sub-committee  The Compendium sub-committee was formed to compile an up-to-date listing of all of the latest reliable references/resources in industrial hygiene.  Mike Harris has lead this group in a large undertaking to compile the best information sources for all of the different subject areas within the profession.  The project was completed at the end of 1999 thus giving the industrial hygiene community a guide to all major resources to better complete our jobs. 7

13 PS&G Goals for the Future  Publicize the Compendium.  Continue working with the other TCs thru the PS&G Gap Liaisons to identify and develop new standards and guidelines for Industrial Hygiene practice.  Begin, with assistance from the Research Task Force, to put into place a process for identifying new areas for research in industrial hygiene. Determine how to facilitate creating, funding and carrying out newly identified research. 8

14 Summary  Identification and development of new or updated PS&Gs will most likely lead to improved systems for practicing IHs to use as well as giving the other stakeholders in safety and health a better idea of what to expect from industrial hygiene.  New opportunities for research and development of new PS&Gs will most likely come from this work. 9

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