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Nutrition Challenge Design a Healthy Meal.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Challenge Design a Healthy Meal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Challenge Design a Healthy Meal

2 Your goal for this project is to research healthy and tasty food choices. You will be planning a lunch and preparing it to display for the students at St. John to see and admire on Monday, March 21st.

3 Your Role Look Out Emeril!
You are going to research, plan and prepare a nutritious and tasty meal for lunch. You will present your culinary masterpiece at Café St. John for all to admire and will share what you learned about good nutrition with your class.

4 Your Audience You will make the lunch and display your meal for St. John students and teachers to see and drool over, SO… the final judges of your success will be the St. John students and your teacher. You need to research healthy ingredients and combine them to create the most nutritious, tastiest, most appealing lunch you can.

5 Your Challenge Investigate food labels.
Design a healthful meal reflecting the guidelines from Record the information about the nutrition values and calories. Prepare your meal for attractive display and lunchtime eating. Write paragraphs reporting on your learning. Design a great presentation to share it all!

6 Project Details Your lunch (did we say that already??)
Nutrition Values Chart Amount of calories Total grams of fat Total grams of protein Total grams of carbohydrates A list of all the vitamins & minerals Presentation: a powerpoint or a report. A cover page (can be first page of ppt) A recipe

7 Rubric Nutritional Report Rubric

8 Let’s Review…. What You’ll Need to Turn In
The Meal Itself Your presentation: powerpoint or report Completed Nutrition Value Charts

9 Bon Appitite

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