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The Complete Health History QUESTIONS ????????????????

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1 The Complete Health History QUESTIONS ????????????????

2 In response to a question regarding the use of alcohol, a patient asks the nurse why the nurse needs to know. What is the reason for needing this information? 1. This information is necessary to determine the patient’s reliability. 2. Alcohol can interact with all medications and can make some diseases worse. Correct 3. The nurse needs to be able to teach the patient about the dangers of alcohol use. 4. This information is not necessary unless a drinking problem is obvious.

3 The nurse is assessing a patient’s headache pain. Which questions reflect one or more of the critical characteristics of symptoms that should be assessed? Select all that apply. 1. “Where is the headache pain?” Correct 2. “Did you have these headaches as a child?” 3. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is the pain?” Correct 4. “How often do the headaches occur?” Correct 5. “What makes the headaches feel better?” Correct 6. “Do you have any family history of headaches?”

4 The nurse is performing a functional assessment on an 82- year-old patient who recently had a stroke. Which of these questions would be most important to ask? 1. “Do you wear glasses?” 2. “Are you able to dress yourself?” 3. “Do you have any thyroid problems?” 4. “How many times a day do you have a bowel movement?”

5 A patient tells the nurse that he is allergic to penicillin. What would be the nurse’s best response to this information? 1. “Are you allergic to any other drugs?” 2. “How often have you received penicillin?” 3. “I’ll write your allergy on your chart so you won’t receive any penicillin.” 4. “Describe what happens to you when you take penicillin.”

6 A 59-year-old patient tells the nurse that he has ulcerative colitis. He has been having “black stools” for the last 24 hours. How would the nurse best document his reason for seeking care? 1. J.M. is a 59 year old man seeking treatment for ulcerative colitis. 2. J.M. came into the clinic complaining of having black stools for the past 24 hours. 3. J.M. is a 59 year old man who states that he has ulcerative colitis and wants it checked. 4. J.M. is a 59 year old man who states that he has been having “black stools” for the past 24 hours.

7 The nurse is asking a patient for his reason for seeking care and asks about the signs and symptoms he is experiencing. Which of these is an example of a symptom? 1. Chest pain Correct 2. Clammy skin 3. Serum potassium level at 4.2 mEq/L 4. Body temperature of 100° F

8 A 29-year-old woman tells the nurse that she has “excruciating pain” in her back. Which would be the nurse’s appropriate response to the woman’s statement? 1. How does your family react to your pain?” 2. “The pain must be terrible. You probably pinched a nerve.” 3. “I’ve had back pain myself, and it can be excruciating.” 4. “How would you say the pain affects your ability to do your daily activities?” Correct

9 In recording the childhood illnesses of a patient who denies having had any, which note by the nurse would be most accurate? 1. Patient denies usual childhood illnesses. 2. Patient states he was a “very healthy” child. 3. Patient states his sister had measles, but he didn’t. 4. Patient denies measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis, and strep throat. Correct

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