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Early India History Dravidians and Aryans. Indus Valley Civilization  One of the world’s oldest civilizations was in the Indus River Valley in what is.

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Presentation on theme: "Early India History Dravidians and Aryans. Indus Valley Civilization  One of the world’s oldest civilizations was in the Indus River Valley in what is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early India History Dravidians and Aryans

2 Indus Valley Civilization  One of the world’s oldest civilizations was in the Indus River Valley in what is now Pakistan.  The area was protected by the Hindu Kush and Himalaya Mountains and the Thar Desert.

3 Indus Valley Civilization  The Indus Valley had very fertile soil due to annual flooding.  Around 4000 BC, farming began in the Indus Valley.  Around 3000 BC, irrigation began making the farming more productive leading to the development of towns and cities.

4 Annual Flooding -The annual flooding in the Indus Valley is due to the monsoon climate. - The monsoon climate causes heavy seasonal rainfalls which help the soil and crops. - The agriculture is extremely sensitive due to this. If the rains come to early or too late, or too light or too heavy, the crops are destroyed and thousands starve.

5 Cities of the Indus Valley  Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro, ancient cities of the Indus Valley flourished between 2500 and 1500 BC.

6 Cities of the Indus Valley  Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro, ancient cities of the Indus Valley flourished between 2500 and 1500 BC. The cities were planned in blocks with districts for government, businesses, and homes.The cities were planned in blocks with districts for government, businesses, and homes. Plumbing – running water and sewer.Plumbing – running water and sewer. Citadel at the center for protection.Citadel at the center for protection.

7 Harappan Civilization - At its peak, Harappa had 35,000 inhabitants. - The cities had large walled neighborhoods, with alleys separating the rows of houses. - Cities had a garbage disposal system. - These cities could only have been maintained by a well-organized government.

8 Harrappan Civilization - Governments/ rulers based their powers on divine assistance. -Religion and political powers were closely linked. -The citadel is where the royal palace and the holy temple were. - Their economies were based on farming. -Traded with Mesopotamia for other goods not available in the Indus Valley.

9 Cities of the Indus Valley (cont.)  Abandoned around 1500 BC. Archaeologists disagree as to why. Flood? Drought? Famine? War?  Little is known about this civilization because their writing has never been deciphered.


11 The Aryan Invasion  The Aryans (Noble Ones) were light skinned people from the Caucasus Mountains. They invaded the Indus Valley around 1500 BC. They invaded the Indus Valley around 1500 BC. The drove the dark skinned Dravidians south of the Vindhya Mountains. The drove the dark skinned Dravidians south of the Vindhya Mountains. The Aryans were ruled by rajas (princes). The Aryans were ruled by rajas (princes). The Aryans spoke and wrote in Sanskrit. The Aryans spoke and wrote in Sanskrit.

12 Daily Life in Ancient India - Daily life centered around the family unit. - The family unit was patriarchal, because Indian tradition dictated that the oldest male controlled the family unit. - Ancient Indians picked the spouses of their children. -Funeral rituals were centered around the burning of family members on funeral pyres.

13 Hinduism was developed by the Aryans.  Aryans felt that everything in nature was holy, so there was a god for everything. –thunder, fire, earth, sun etc.  The Vedas, books of poems about the gods, are the most holy books of Hinduism.  The Rig-Veda said four classes came from the body of Brahma, the main god.

14 The Caste System 1. Mouth – Brahmans – priests 2. Arms – Kshatriyas – warriors and rulers 3. Legs – Vaisyas – merchants and artisans 4. Feet – Sudras – workers and servants * Below the four castes were the Untouchables or Out-castes.

15 Gods of Hinduism  Hinduism is polytheistic with over 30,000 gods. * The Main gods are … 1. Brahma – the creator 2. Vishnu - the preserver. 3. Shiva (Siva) – the destroyer. Brahma Vishnu Shiva

16 Polytheism: Many Gods  Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple in Singapore with figures of gods on the external wall.

17 OM The symbol of Hinduism is the Sanskrit letter “OM”.

18 Elements of Hinduism  Hindus believe in reincarnation. * Dharma – rules to live by. * Karma – divine law - The consequences of one’s actions.  The most sacred animal is the cow.  Yoga (union) is practiced to build an oneness with Brahman, “The Ultimate Reality.”  The part of Brahman in the person is called the atman.

19 Buddhism  Buddhism was begun by Siddhartha Gautama (563 – 480 BC) or Buddha (“The Enlightened One”) (563 – 480 BC) or Buddha (“The Enlightened One”)

20 The Teachings of Buddha.  Buddha’s teachings were written down in the Three Baskets of Wisdom.  The Four Noble Truths. Suffering is part of life. Suffering is part of life. The Cause of Suffering is wants and desires – greed. The Cause of Suffering is wants and desires – greed. The way to end suffering is to become free from wants and desires. The way to end suffering is to become free from wants and desires. To overcome desire, follow the eightfold path. To overcome desire, follow the eightfold path.

21 The Eightfold Path 1. Right faith 2. Right purpose 3. Right speech 4. Right action 5. Right living 6. Right effort 7. Right thought 8. Right meditation

22 The Middle Way The Middle Way  Do nothing to extreme. Peace is found in the middle.

23 The Circle of Life. The Circle of Life.  A person goes from birth to death to rebirth (reincarnation). This cycle is called samsara.  To end the cycle, one must reach nirvana. Nirvana is the state of enlightenment of being “One with the universe.”

24 The Maurya Empire (321 – 181 BC)  A young Hindu king, Chandragupta Maurya, unites all of northern India.  His grandson, Asoka, defeated southern India. To celebrate the victory, he had 10,000 people killed.  After the massacre, Asoka converted to Buddhism.

25 Mauryan Empire - Chandragupta Maurya had his empire highly centralized. - Chandragupta was a very paranoid leader. - He always feared assassination, despite a very large security force. - He never slept in the same bed twice in a row, and always had his food tasted.

26 Mauryan Decline - Asoka was a kind ruler following his conversion to Buddhism. - He had hospitals built for the welfare of his people. - He also had numerous trees and shelters placed along side of roads for weary travelers. -Following Asoka's death the empire declined. In 183 BC the last Mauryan leader was assassinated and India fell into disunity.

27 Asoka’s accomplishments  The first to unite all of India.  Tolerance- “All faiths should be honored.”  Spread Buddhism – China, Southeast Asia, and Japan.

28 The Kushan -Following the decline of the Mauryan, the Kushan Empire arose in modern day Afghanistan. - The empire grew wealthy from trade along the Silk Road. -Only luxury goods traveled along the Silk Road. -India sent ivory, textiles, precious stones and peppers along the Silk Road.

29 The Gupta Empire (AD 320 – 535)  Founded by Maharaja Sri-Gupta  But Chandragupta I unites northern India again.  Under the Gupta, India experienced its golden age.  Mostly notable for its many advances in science, mathematics, architecture, and sculpture.

30 The Military of the Gupta - Its military relied heavily on archers wielding the long bow. - Used steel weapons. - The Gupta were also masters of siege machines. - Soldiers were extremely well trained.

31 Various Facts About the Gupta  Gupta’s develop the decimal system; 1 – 9.  The empire was destroyed by invading Huns.  Scholars of this period proposed the earth moved around the sun; 1000 years before the theory emerged in Europe.

32 Conclusion  In Ancient India, there was one of the world’s oldest civilizations. This culture was overtaken by the Aryans who began the Hindu religion and culture which still thrives in India today.

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