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Syntax Parts of Speech and Parts of the Sentence.

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1 Syntax Parts of Speech and Parts of the Sentence

2 Elements of Syntax  Parts of Speech  Subjects and Predicates  Phrases  Clauses  Types of sentences

3 Parts of Speech

4 Nouns  Names a person, place, thing, or idea  Can be concrete or abstract  Desk is concrete  Freedom and liberty are abstract  Can be common or proper

5 Nouns (continued)  Can be singular or plural  Can be possessive  Ex. The cat’s fur

6 Pronouns  Takes the place of a noun, a group of words acting as a noun, or another pronoun

7 Personal Pronouns  Refers to a specific person or thing  I, we, you, he, she, it, they

8 Possessive Pronouns  Show ownership  His, hers, its, yours, ours, theirs

9 Relative Pronouns  Links two pronouns into one complete thought  Who, whose, that, which, whoever, whatever, whichever, whom, what  Ex. Bob is the man who built the house

10 Reflexive Pronouns  Used when the object of the sentence is the same as the subject. Each personal pronoun has its own reflexive pronoun.  Myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves  Ex. I did not want to hurt myself.

11 Interrogative Pronouns  Pronouns can be used to form questions.  Who, whom, whose, what, and which

12 Demonstrative Pronouns  Points out specific persons, places, things, or ideas  Demonstrates  This, that, these, those

13 Indefinite Pronouns  Refer to persons, places or things in a general way  All, both, each, either, few, everything, none, nothing, some, one, other

14 Verbs  Express action or a state of being. You must have a verb in a sentence to express a complete thought.

15 Linking Verbs  Link, or join, the subject of a sentence with a word or expression that describes the subject.  Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been

16 Auxiliary Verbs  Other verbs that “help” the main verb  Forms of be (see linking verbs)  Forms of have (has, have, had, having)  Can, could, do, does, did, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would

17 Principal Parts of Verbs  Base  Past  Present participle  Past participle  I eat (base)  I ate (past)  I am eating (present participle)  I have eaten (past participle)

18 Verb Tense  verb tense expresses time  In English, there are 6 verb tenses  Present, past, future  Present perfect  Past perfect  Future perfect

19 Adjectives  Modify (describe) nouns or pronouns. They also show comparisons or degrees.  Ex. Cold, colder or coldest

20 Adverbs  Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs  Answer the questions how, where, why, and to what degree  If a word ends in –ly, it is an adverb  not  Words such as never, very, often, quite, and not are adverbs

21 Prepositions  Show the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some other word  Test—cat and a box  The cat can go the box, the box, the box  The cat can go in the box, around the box, beside the box

22 Conjunctions  Words that join single words or groups of words

23 Coordinating Conjunctions  Joins words or groups of words that have equal grammatical weight FANBOYS For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

24 Correlative Conjunctions  Work in pairs to join words of equal importance  Both…..and  Just as……so  Not only…..but also  Either…or  Neither….nor

25 Subordinating Conjunctions  Joins a dependent idea or clause to a main clause  Carlos called you arrived  Carlos called before you arrived  Some other examples are because, although, in order that, unless, where, while, and  Some other examples are because, although, in order that, unless, where, while, and until

26 Parts of Sentences

27 Review  A sentence has a subject, a predicate, and a complete thought.

28 Subjects Subjects  The is the key noun or pronoun that tells what the sentence is about  The simple subject is the key noun or pronoun that tells what the sentence is about   A compound subject is made up or two or more simple subjects that are joined by a conjunction and have the same verb  My mother and I  Ex. My mother and I can’t sleep.

29 Complete Subjects  A complete subject consists of the simple subject and all the words that modify it

30 Predicates Predicates  A is the verb or verb phrase that expresses the essential thought about the subject of the sentence  A simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase that expresses the essential thought about the subject of the sentence  A is made up of two or more verbs or verb phrases that are joined by a conjunction  A compound predicate is made up of two or more verbs or verb phrases that are joined by a conjunction  Ex. The elves in the garden.  Ex. The elves sang and danced in the garden.

31 Complete Predicates  A consists of the simple predicate and all the words that modify it or complete its meaning  A complete predicate consists of the simple predicate and all the words that modify it or complete its meaning

32 Complements  A complement is a word or group of words that complete the meaning of the verb. There are four kinds of complements— direct objects, indirect objects, object complements, and subject complements

33 Direct Objects  Answers or following an action verb  Answers what or whom following an action verb  Ex. The cat ate the.  Ex. The cat ate the turkey. (Ate what? The turkey)

34 Indirect Objects  Indirect objects also follow action verbs. They answer the questions to whom? for whom? to what? or for what?  Ex. George Washington gave his troops orders.  Gave what? Orders (D.O)  To whom? Troops (I.O.)

35 Subject Complement  Follows a subject and a linking verb and describes the subject.  If a noun or pronoun follows the linking verb, it is called a  If a noun or pronoun follows the linking verb, it is called a predicate nominative.  If an adjective follows the linking verb, it is referred to as a.  If an adjective follows the linking verb, it is referred to as a predicate adjective.

36 Examples of Subject Complements  Ex. The best player is Jacob.   “Jacob” is the predicate nominative.  patient  Ex. The people have been very patient.   “Patient” is the predicate adjective.

37 Object Complements  Object complements describe or rename the direct object.  Ex. Amelia found the man.  Ex. Amelia found the man handsome.  “Handsome” modifies “man,” which is the direct object of the sentence

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