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1. mirandus, -a, -um. to be wondered at, wonderful.

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Presentation on theme: "1. mirandus, -a, -um. to be wondered at, wonderful."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. mirandus, -a, -um

2 to be wondered at, wonderful

3 2. stupeo, -ēre, -ui

4 to stand agape, be dazed

5 3. obtutus, -ūs

6 view, gaze

7 4. caterva, -ae

8 band, troop, crowd

9 5. stipo (1)

10 to stuff, crowd

11 6. iugum, -i

12 yoke, (mountain) ridge

13 7. exerceo, -ēre, -ui

14 to train, busy

15 8. glomero (1)

16 to gather, roll together

17 9. Oreas, Oreadis

18 mountain nymph

19 10. pharetra, -ae

20 quiver (for arrows)

21 11. superemineo, -ēre

22 to tower above

23 12. gradior, -i, gressus sum

24 to step, walk

25 13. pertempto (1)

26 to try, master, possess

27 14. tacitus, -a, -um

28 silent

29 15. foris, foris f.

30 door, gate

31 16. testudo, -inis f.

32 tortoise (shell), vault, dome

33 17. saepio, -ire, -psi, ptus

34 to fence in, enclose

35 18. solium, -i

36 seat, throne

37 19. subnixus, -a, -um

38 resting on (+ abl.)

39 20. aequo (1)

40 to equalize, match

41 21. concursus, -ūs

42 meeting, throng

43 22. penitus (adv)

44 deeply, wholly

45 23. ater, atra, atrum

46 black, dark

47 24. metus, -ūs

48 fear, dread

49 25. avidus, a, um

50 eager, greedy

51 25. incognitus, a, um

52 unknown

53 26. dissimulo (1)

54 to feign, hide, disguise

55 27. speculor, ari, atus sum

56 to spy out, watch

57 28. amicio, -ire, -ui, -ictus

58 to enfold, wrap

59 29. venia, ae

60 pardon, mercy, favor

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