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Honors English III Miss Kiel. Brotherly love, belief in the power of the Gospel, did not separate religious life from secular life. Self Concept: very.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors English III Miss Kiel. Brotherly love, belief in the power of the Gospel, did not separate religious life from secular life. Self Concept: very."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors English III Miss Kiel

2 Brotherly love, belief in the power of the Gospel, did not separate religious life from secular life. Self Concept: very conscientious, people of prayer, responsibility, and accountability. View of Nature: Literal Genesis Creation, the living work of God, but most were not naturalists. View of history: Supernatural, the Seen and the Unseen worlds that co-exist. Representative Persons and works: Wm. Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation; Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Anne Bradstreet, various poems

3 They were Protestants who sought to purify the Church of England and return to a simpler form of worship. Some thought the Church of England was too corrupt to reform and called for complete separation from it. They wanted to establish a new society patterned after God’s word and a self-sustaining, profitable colony. Because Puritans believed that the arrival of God’s grace was demonstrated by saintly behavior, they tried to behave in as exemplary a way as possible Harvard College was founded soon after the first Pilgrims landed to train ministers for the rapidly expanding Colony.

4 Total Depravity - through Adam's fall, every human is born sinful - concept of Original Sin. The existence of a physical world known as “heaven” and “hell” and the belief that all people will go to one of these worlds after death. The concept of “salvation” from hell through God’s grace alone – good works are not enough to escape punishment. Good works are signs that a person is one of the “elect” – the chosen few that God has destined for eternal life in heaven. The existence of an “invisible” world of spirits, demons, etc. with the power to influence people and other elements of the visible world.

5 A person's natural desire to do good - this works against predestination. Resentment of the power of the few over many. Change in economic conditions - growth of fishery, farms, etc. The presence of the frontier - concept of self-reliance, individualism, and optimism. Theocracy suffered from a lack of flexibility. Growth of rationality - use of the mind to know God - less dependence on the Bible. Cosmopolitanism of the new immigrants.

6 The need for moral justification for private, public, and governmental acts. The Questing for Freedom - personal, political, economic, and social. The Puritan work ethic. Elegiac verse - morbid fascination with death. The city upon the hill - concept of manifest destiny.

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