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VERB VOICES AND MOODS. ACTIVE VOICE  In the active voice a subject performs an action.  Example: We threw the frisbee all afternoon.

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Presentation on theme: "VERB VOICES AND MOODS. ACTIVE VOICE  In the active voice a subject performs an action.  Example: We threw the frisbee all afternoon."— Presentation transcript:


2 ACTIVE VOICE  In the active voice a subject performs an action.  Example: We threw the frisbee all afternoon.

3 PASSIVE VOICE  In the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by someone or something else.  Example: The frisbee was thrown all afternoon.

4 VERB MOODS  Mood is the attitude a verb conveys or expresses in a sentence.  If you change a verb’s mood, the tone of the sentence containing it will change as well.  The mood also depends on the sentence’s purpose.

5 THE INDICATIVE MOOD  Used to make a statement  Most commonly used mood  Example: Al needs to clean his room today.

6 THE IMPERATIVE MOOD  Used for commands or direct requests.  Sometimes end in exclamations points  Can be used to try to create a dramatic effect or when trying to be persuasive.  Example: Al, clean your room today!

7 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD  Used to speculate or express a wish  Example: Al wishes he were finished cleaning his room.

8 THE CONDITIONAL MOOD  Expresses an action or idea that is dependent on a condition  Expresses hypothetical statements  Example: If Al had cleaned his room, he could have played.

9 THE INTERROGATIVE MOOD  Used to ask a question  Always end interrogative sentences with question marks  Example: Have you cleaned your room yet, Al?

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