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Ashley Wendt Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board NPS Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Wendt Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board NPS Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Wendt Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board NPS Project Manager

2 Point and Nonpoint Source Pollution ALL of Texas’ river and coastal basins, estuaries, coastal wetlands and bays have been impacted by point and/or nonpoint source pollution. of impaired water bodies affected by NPS Nonpoint source pollution is the primary cause of water quality problems in Texas.

3 Water Quality in Texas Federal Clean Water Act- “restore and maintain the integrity of the Nation’s waters” Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) Agricultural and Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Establish water quality standards Including: Integrated Report, 303(d) List Point Source Permitting (WWTF, CAFO, MS4) All other forms of Nonpoint Source

4 September 24-28, 20124  5-year strategic, comprehensive plan for managing NPS pollution to protect and restore water quality  Required by federal Clean Water Act in order for State to continue receiving §319(h) grants from USEPA  Jointly administered by TSSWCB & TCEQ  Major revision underway- 2017

5 Watershed Approach Geographic focus based on hydrology rather than political boundaries Water quality objectives based on scientific data Coordinated priorities and integrated solutions Diverse, well-integrated partnerships This drives all of the efforts under the Texas Nonpoint Source Management Program.

6 Watershed Protection Plans (WPP) Primary mechanism for addressing NPS in Texas WPPs include: information related to the watershed watershed problems water quality goals, solutions and partnerships measuring progress CWA §319(h) grants funds to entities to facilitate WPP development and watershed planning process in specific watersheds EPA guidelines list nine key elements Need to meet these elements in order to receive acceptance TSSWCB and TCEQ staff provide technical assistance to local stakeholder groups in developing WPPs to ensure consistency with the 9 elements 6

7 6 Steps of Watershed Planning 7

8 Merit of WPPs  Holistic – protection & restoration  Coordinated framework of strategies  Partnerships  Stakeholder driven = decision-making  Leverage resources  Voluntary approach  Adaptive Management 8

9 Thanks!! Ashley Wendt Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board 254-773-2250 x249

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