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Rennaisance Dubrovnik and Marin Držić. Dubrovačka republika (Republic of Dubrovnik) Dubrovnik = dubrava = in Croatian, oak woods Republic since the mid.

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Presentation on theme: "Rennaisance Dubrovnik and Marin Držić. Dubrovačka republika (Republic of Dubrovnik) Dubrovnik = dubrava = in Croatian, oak woods Republic since the mid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rennaisance Dubrovnik and Marin Držić

2 Dubrovačka republika (Republic of Dubrovnik) Dubrovnik = dubrava = in Croatian, oak woods Republic since the mid 14th century to 1808. (Napoleon) Economic peak in the Rennaisance period (15th and 16th century) Trading (between Venetia and Ottoman Empire) Sailing - even reaching south India (near Goa) Arts and culture – famous playwriters, poets, painters and architects

3 Reasons of economic decline of Dubrovnik at the end of the 17th century Great earthquake of 1667: The biggest natural catastrophy to hit Dubrovnik! 3000 people died (out of 6000 living in Dubrovnik) and all of the renaissance arhitecture got destroyed, except Sponza and Duke’s palace! Since the discovery of the “New continent” – trading centers are being shifted to America (Dubrovnik has no ports there!)

4 Knežev dvor (Duke’s palace), mid 15th c. Center of government and duke’s home Knez = duke of Dubrovačka Republika Government was divided between knez, and 3 different kinds of parlament (Senat, Veliko vijeće, Malo vijeće)

5 Above the entrance to Knežev dvor, it is written in Latin: Obliti privatorum publica curate = "Zaboravite privatno i brinite se za javno“ = “Forget about the private, take care of the public”

6 The customs house (Sponza), beginning of the 16th century


8 World powers in the 16th century – Croatia between Venetia, Habsburgs and the Turks


10 Marin Držić (1508 – 1567) Renaissance play writer and prose writer Famous for his comedies Through comic relief, Držić is making fun of society he lives in and people whose moral is often hypocritical. Also, he is famous for having a typical Renaissance approach to life (to enjoy life is the most important!) and optimism.

11 “Za njega je život bio farsa”/“For him life was a joke.” L. Paljetak Marin Držić himself was a true Renaissance man who enjoyed life, tried several different jobs (from politician, actor or musician to valet of an austrian count); he spoke several languages: latin, italian (latin and italian were official languages of Dubrovnik), greek, german, turkish, and played 6 different instruments.

12 Dundo Maroje (1551 or 1556) Comedy play (Komedija) written in Croatian language Maro is naive and hedonistic son of rich but stingy trader from Dubrovnik, Dundo Maroje. He lives in Rome where, without thinking, he is enjoying life, spending his father’s money. Other important characters in the play are - Laura, Maro’s beautiful lover; Ugo Tudešak, his “enemy”; Pera, Maro’s fiancee; and servents: Pomet (servent of Ugo) and Popiva (servent of Maro). Comedy of confusion – Maro pretends he doesn’t recognise his father when he comes to visit him in Rome; Pera comes to Rome dressed up as a boy, etc.

13 POMET Pomet is the one controlling the events and ploting throught the play. He is the most skillful and intelligent character with the good sense of humour (especially sarcasm). Pomet is also a typical reneissance man enjoying life’s joys, and believing that wise person can adjust to different kinds of circumstances and make the best out of it.

14 Pomet’s monologue on how important it is to make the best out life’s challanges Kralj je čovjek od ljudi kad se umije vladat.. Nije ga imat dinar, er vidim mnoge s dinarmi potištene; nije ga bit doktur, er vidim mnoge te brigate fantastike, nije ga nit, junak s mačem u ruci, er su ti većekrat ali ubijeni, ali ih se pune tamnice; nije ga bit poeta, ni komedije umjet činit, er tizijem svak` ore i na svaki ga pijer hoće operat, kao bastaha, i umjesto zahvaljenja da mu reku: „Ne valja ništa, iždeni!“ i da mu neprijatelji ostanu: nije ga bit mužik, er tizijeh druzi čine pjet, kad veću volju plakat imaju. Kad se umije vladati = kad se umije prilago đ avati prilikama Brigata = tal. društvo fantastik = vjetrogonja bastah – nosač, služnik Iždeni! – izgoni, nosi se Pjet = pjevati

15 Two servents are talking about how cheap/stingy oldman Dundo Maroje is.... In this dialogue Držić makes fun of people who think money is the most important thing... Dukate plačeš, a dukati ti r đ ave u škrinji...Za česa su dukati neg da se pije, ije i trunpa. Plakati (ti plačeš) Dukati = novac R đ a(vi)ti = spoiled, waisted Škinja = treasure box Za čese = for what Ije = jede Trunpa = zabavljati se, ludovati

16 Nikola Božidarević (1460 – 1518)

17 Annunciation

18 Franciscan Monastery (completed in the 14th century, but now largely Baroque in appearance)

19 Ljetnikovac (Summer House), mid 16th century


21 Read more about: (about Dubrovačka Republika) %87 (about Marin Držić) %87

22 HW / Domaći rad Review today’s lesson. I am going to ask you questions about it before the start of our next class!!! This lession is also important because it will appear in the Final exam!!! One essay page about Marin Držić and Dubrovačka Republika during his lifetime. Times New Roman, 12, 1,5 space, 1 page or more! Answer questions: 1.Who is Marin Držić? Why is he important for Croatian literature? Why is he called a Renessaince man? Why are his plays considered to be typical products of the Reneissance period? 2.What was political and economical position of Dubrovnik in the 15th and 16th century?

23 Bad homeworks will be returned! Bad homeworks are copy pasted homeworks without understanding. It’s important for me to see you were paying attention during the class!!! If you are quoting a source, please indicate this in the parenthesis. For ex.: “his comedies are among the best in European Renaissance literature..” ( %87 ) %87

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