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Student Created Technologies Do you get tired of making power points? Are you sick of thinking of mnemonic devices? Are you working harder than your students?

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Presentation on theme: "Student Created Technologies Do you get tired of making power points? Are you sick of thinking of mnemonic devices? Are you working harder than your students?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Created Technologies Do you get tired of making power points? Are you sick of thinking of mnemonic devices? Are you working harder than your students? Are your children being raised by the family dog so you can find meaningful and relevant examples of ELA content? This session will cover many student created technologies that inspire creativity, utilize active participation and are user friendly enough for all levels of students and teachers.

2 1.) Visual Arguments Create a video representation using YouTube Video Editor to visually prove your thesis. Find YouTube videos that relate to your theme or thesis and edit them together into a video about your argument. Visually Prove Your Thesis. Other Options: Windows Movie Maker Imovie VideoCrisp

3 Digital Writing: Creative Writing Semester Project Directions: Turn any thematic piece of writing into a video representation of that poem. Use Movie Maker, Video Crisp or YouTube Editor. You will present this item to the class. 1.) Pass out the copy of the piece of writing you are presenting 2.) The class will read the piece. 3.) Then explain how your video visually represents that piece of writing.

4 Make a video of your ‘thumbprint’ on your generation.

5 Example 2

6 Visual Argument Ideas Choose a theme in literature and create a movie showing the progression of that theme: Show, through pictures, text, and audio what, “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely” means. Compare how a theme, symbol or conflict in literature to contemporary society. Make a video of a symbol in literature. For instance, The Conch Shell. Find images and music that pertains to the symbolic meaning within the text. Use pictures, text, audio. Trace the dramatic structure of a Shakespeare play. Depict each act in exactly 2 pictures. Add music. Raise awareness through a video about a contemporary issue.

7 YouTube Example Topic: Remixing Education

8 Topic: Love 1)Click on UPLOAD 2)Select Files 3)Select Videos

9 Application: On Your Note Card Write down the subject you teach: Write down the literature you teach and list all the symbols, themes, and arguments you can think of. Hamlet Revenge Thesis/Argument Visual Argument Ideas

10 2.) Google Docs Student create key word or vocabulary reviews

11 Application: On your note card create a sample slide with the vocabulary word we gave you. Write the wordDef. & part of speech A sentence you think of using the word correctly A clever way to Remember the word

12 3.) Portfolio Websites Students create Weebly sites as a portfolio based assessment or final project. Students compile and upload materials such as writing, vocabulary, test scores, assessments, reflections, or essays. Periodic website checks are administered to make sure students are on task. Other options: Google Sites/Any other free Website Service

13 Weebly Example Vocabulary and Writing Portfolio Student Sample 1 Student Sample 2 Student Example 3

14 Suggestions for use Weebly Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Introduction Key words in a reading Main Ideas in a reading Speaking skills if students present Collaboration Live document so students can access at the same time.

15 Application: On Your Note Card Think of a unit you teach, A time period A standard A skill A Test A book …..That you could make into a Weebly Site Portfolio.

16 Animoto Students create their own cartoon. It is very simple to navigate and has a lot of different options. Students can choose the settings, characters, voices, dialogue, and movements. View examaple: inkshare&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=usercon tent Possible lesson ideas: Use vocabulary words appropriately to tell a story. Create an alternate ending to a story that you are reading. Use the same characters and create a scene with a different setting. Recreate a scene from the book. Make a part 2 to something you have read.

17 MovieMaker Students save pictures, images from the internet, songs, and videos to create a movie. They can add transitions, effects, etc. to make the video their own. Possible lesson ideas: Use symbols and a song that represent the themes from the book. Make a movie with different slides that represent your vocabulary words. Use different pictures to recreate a scene from a book/history event/vocab words form content. Make a poem “live”. Put pictures to figure language.

18 Storybird Illustrators have collections of pictures and the students select the one they like the most. Then, they are given different pictures by that illustrator. They can pick as many pictures as they like and put them in any order they would like. Lastly, the student adds their own words to create an online book. They can email the link to their parents, teacher, or anyone else they would like to see it. Possible lesson ideas: Use vocabulary words appropriately to tell a story. Describe each picture using a vocabulary or using literary elements. Use the same characters and create a scene with a different setting. Recreate a scene from the book. Make a part 2 to something you have read. Working with story elements, grammar, or figurative language.

19 Prezi Used to create a “moving powerpoint”. Can also include video clips and pictures. View example: are&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share Possible lesson ideas: Presentation of any content material such as thematic units, figurative language, grammar, etc. Includes video clips, animations, pictures, graphs, etc. Choose terms and present things that fit that term. Create a poster that represents a novel: theme, symbols, character, etc.

20 Glogster A “live poster”. Can include animations, video clips, charts/graphs, links, and pictures. View example here: maddisoncone/g-6l3dvnbcoo8negq7tqjepa0 Possible lesson ideas: Presentation of any material. Choose terms and present things that fit that term. Create a poster that represents a novel: theme, symbols, character, etc. Create a poster with symbolic representations of a character.

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