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Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (CETIS) FE Focus Group Co-ordinator Newark and Sherwood College.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (CETIS) FE Focus Group Co-ordinator Newark and Sherwood College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (CETIS) FE Focus Group Co-ordinator Newark and Sherwood College

2 Context of Standards Assessment Content Management VLE MIS & Legacy Systems NLN Publishers College DNER The World Learning Flow/ Organisation

3 Publishers NLN CGFL DNER Colleges Repositories of Content and Tests TUTOR NGFL NLN The Assemblies

4 Need for Standards content (information, tests, animations etc.)can be moved from learning system to learning system (like CDs). Hardware and software components of a learning system are interchangeable (like hi-fi separates) Content can be found (Metadata)

5 Role of Group  Raise awareness of standards  Disseminate latest information about standards web site  Set up communities of interest within FE on-line forum  Provide examples of interoperability application. Informed purchasing of learning systems and content. Partnerships between FE and HE

6 Areas for Standards 1  Finding Content: descriptions of content and application…. Metadata  Assessment: Tests can play on different systems, results can be returned to MLEs, tests can be styled to meet individual needs….Question and Test Interoperability  Playing Content: Content can be played through any VLE…Content Management

7 Areas for Standards 2  Stitching together chunks of content….Content Packaging  Styling Content….XSL  Learner Profiles…..Learner Interface Profile  Linking to Management Information Systems….Enterprise  Describing learning flow for a collection of learning components…EML

8 Finding the Content: Metadata Curriculum areaEngineering Subject AreaElectrical TopicPrinciples Topic areaBasic Principles Topic 1Volts, Amps and Ohms Topic 2Power Application ScopeGeneric Content Object TypeKnowledge Lowest NVQ level2 Highest NVQ level4  Associated with all content (at any level)  Conforms to international standards  Sectors would have their own extensions and vocabulary Work by Becta. MEG, JISC

9 Contacts

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