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Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead

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1 Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead
Vocabulary Week THREE Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead

2 assail While the defendant claims he did not assail the claimant, the claimant did have bruises to prove otherwise.

3 assail Pronounced: ah SAIL Part of speech: verb Definition:
to attack violently

4 fetter The prisoners were fettered by shackles around their ankles.

5 fetter To restrain; to hamper Pronounced: FET ur Part of speech: verb
Definition: To restrain; to hamper

6 intrepid The intrepid bullfighter stood in the arena before the fierce bull.

7 intrepid Pronounced: in TREP id Part of speech: adjective Definition: fearless; bold

8 kismet To those who believe in fate, kismet is the cause of everything.

9 kismet Pronounced: KIZ met Part of speech: noun Definition: fate

10 lambaste The drill sergeant lambasted his troops for their poor performance on the obstacle course.

11 lambaste Pronounced: lam BAST Part of speech: verb Definition:
to give a thrashing; scold

12 marauder Christine referred to her husband Christopher as a kitchen marauder for his midnight raids on the refrigerator.

13 marauder Pronounced: muh RAWD er Part of speech: noun Definition:
raider; intruder

14 masticate The doctor explained that a person’s digestion is aided when they masticate their food slowly.

15 masticate Pronounced: MAS tuh kayt Part of speech: verb Definition:
to chew

16 plucky He fought his disease in a plucky way which we all admired.

17 plucky Pronounced: PLU kee Part of speech: adjective Definition:
brave and spirited; courageous

18 poltroon Many considered him a poltroon because he was in his 30s yet still afraid of the dark.

19 poltroon Pronounced: pol TROON Part of speech: noun Definition:
a coward

20 spawn The flu outbreak spawned major attendance problems at school.

21 spawn Pronounced: spahn Part of speech: verb Definition:
to give rise to; to produce in large numbers

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