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Dieses Projekt wird von der EU kofinanziert. Die Mittel stammen aus dem Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) Investition in Ihre Zukunft.

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Presentation on theme: "Dieses Projekt wird von der EU kofinanziert. Die Mittel stammen aus dem Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) Investition in Ihre Zukunft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dieses Projekt wird von der EU kofinanziert. Die Mittel stammen aus dem Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) Investition in Ihre Zukunft TTCN-3 embedded The TTCN-3 Real Time Concepts proposed by TEMEA

2 Standardized Test Technology for the Automotive Industry TEMEA WP4: Test Methodology and Quality WP3: AUTOSAR Test Framework WP2: TTCN-3 embedded Concepts WP1: Automotive Requirements WP5: Case Study

3 Standardized Test Technology for the Automotive Industry TTCN-3 embedded Tasks TTCN-3 embedded for real time systems  TTCN-3 embedded for continuous behavior  TTCN-3 embedded hybrid behavior  Graphical presentation format for TTCN-3 embedded  Preparation for standardization 3

4 Real Time TTCN-3 Simple Real Time Scenario [t WAIT ] test component value check time check system under test (SUT) [t MAX ] time control stimulus - OUT_MSG_1 reaction - IN_MSG_1 stimulus - OUT_MSG_2 reaction - IN_MSG_2 timer t1,t2; p_out.send(OUT_MSG_1); t1.start(t_max); alt{ []p_in.receive(IN_MSG_1){setverdict(pass)}; []t1.timeout{setverdict(fail)} } t2.start(twait); t2.timeout; p_out.send(OUT_MSG_2); p_in.receive(IN_MSG_2); setverdict(pass);

5 But where is the Problem?  Time measurement in classic TTCN-3 is not directly related to communication events! 5 s_time snapshot(k) snapshot(k+1) t MAX r_time snapshot(k) snapshot(k+1) t WAIT s_time t WAIT s_time t WAIT s_time

6 Problem Summary  Snapshot semantics is not real time capable -affected by durations for decoding/matching etc. -snapshot intervals depend on implementation related issues and are hard to predict.  The notion of timer is not adequate/exact -not directly related to the communication but to the control flow inside the test system -originally introduced to catch mid-term or long-term timeouts but not intended to handle real time properties -not always intuitive 6

7 TTCN-3 embedded Time: Concepts & Representation  Test case related relative time -dedicated to denote time points -time progress starts with the beginning of test case execution -synchronized for dedicated components -represented by TTCN-3 type float -constants that ease the definition of time literals (e.g. second, millisecond, microsecond ) const float myTimeConst:= 123.0*millisecond;

8 TTCN-3 embedded Measurement of Time  … to retrieve the enqueue time of a message,  and time measurement at any place in the test 8 var float myTime:= now; // yields the actual time p.receive(t)-> timestamp myTime; // yields the reception time of a message

9 TTCN-3 embedded Verification of Time  Verification of enqueue time for incoming messages, procedure calls etc. 9 p.receive(t)-> timestamp timevar { if (timvar>max){setverdict(fail)} else {setverdict(pass)} };

10 TTCN-3 embedded Temporal Control  … at any place during test case execution,  and similar for message timing 10 wait(timepoint); p.send(t); wait(timepoint);

11 Real Time TTCN-3 Simple Real Time Scenario [t WAIT ] test component value check time check system under test (SUT) [t MAX ] time control stimulus - OUT_MSG_1 reaction - IN_MSG_1 stimulus - OUT_MSG_2 reaction - IN_MSG_2 timer t1,t2; p_out.send(OUT_MSG_1); t1.start(t_max); alt{ []p_in.receive(IN_MSG_1){setverdict(pass)}; []t1.timeout{setverdict(fail)} } t2.start(twait); t2.timeout; p_out.send(OUT_MSG_2); p_in.receive(IN_MSG_2); setverdict(pass); var float r_time,s_time; p_out.send(OUT_MSG_1); s_time:=now; p_in.receive(IN_MSG_1)-> timestamp r_time; if(r_time>s_time+tmax) setverdict(fail); wait(r_time+twait); p_out.send(OUT_MSG_2); p_in.receive(IN_MSG_2); setverdict(pass);

12 Use Case: Test of an Indicator Derived Interfaces 12 module IndicatorTest{ type enumerated IndicatorSwitchState { OFF, LEFT, RIGHT} type enumerated IndicatorSignal {OFF, ON} type port LeverPos message { out IndicatorSwitchState} type port IndicatorSignals message { in IndicatorSignal} type component IndicatorTestComponent { port IndicatorSignals RearOut, FrontOut; port LeverPos LeverIn}...

13 Use Case: Test of an Indicator Testing Temporal Properties 13  Maximum activation time 60 ms, phase length 600 ms  Synchronization between signals: distance < 5 ms

14 Use Case: Test of an Indicator Testing Activation of Indicator 14 testcase tc1( ) runs on IndicatorTestComponent{ var float l_actv, r_actv, f_actv; const float TMAX = 60*millisecond; activate(tc_timout); leverIn.send (LEFT); l_actv:= now; interleave{ [ ] FrontOut.receive(ON) -> timestamp f_actv; [ ] RearOut.receive(ON) -> timestamp r_actv; } if ((f_actv-l_actv > TMAX) or (f_actv-r_actv > TMAX)){setverdict(fail)} setverdict(pass); }

15 Use Case: Test of an Indicator Testing Signal Synchronization 15 testcase tc2( ) runs on IndicatorTestComponent{ var float r_actv, f_actv; const float TMAX = 5*millisecond; activate(tc_timout); leverIn.send (LEFT); interleave{ [ ] FrontOut.receive(ON) -> timestamp f_actv; [ ] RearOut.receive(ON) -> timestamp r_actv; } if (abs(r_actv-l_actv) > TMAX){setverdict(fail)} setverdict(pass); }

16 Open Issues  Synchronization of components  Semantics of wait statement: what happens when the time point to wait for has already passed? -enable decision by the user and allow him to apply setverdict(error) or setverdict(fail)  Use of now statement in guards alt{ [now<10.0] p.receive(m) } 16

17 Further Steps  TTCN-3 embedded continuous behavior – Syntax & Semantics (March 2008)  TTCN-3 embedded hybrid behavior – Syntax & Semantics (November 2009)  Graphical presentation format for TTCN-3 embedded (March 2010) 17

18 Contact and Info Jürgen Großmann Fraunhofer FOKUS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31,10589 Berlin Tel: +49-30-3463-7390

19 TEMEA Goals  Testing discrete and continuous real time systems with TTCN-3 embedded.  Test support for the entire integration process.  Exchange of test definitions between -OEM and supplier -various test- and simulation platforms e.g. Model in the Loop (MIL) platforms, Software in the Loop (SIL) platforms, and Hardware in the Loop (HIL) platforms  Integration with model based development especially with AUTOSAR.  Analysis and improvements of test quality. 19 Test Specification Technology and Methodology for Embedded Real Time Systems in the Automobile

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