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Arden Estate Partnerships Integrating extra care housing and procurement in Warwickshire Nikki Hopkins, General Manager Vicki Ridgway, Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Arden Estate Partnerships Integrating extra care housing and procurement in Warwickshire Nikki Hopkins, General Manager Vicki Ridgway, Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arden Estate Partnerships Integrating extra care housing and procurement in Warwickshire Nikki Hopkins, General Manager Vicki Ridgway, Development Manager 27 th October 2015 Arden Estate Partnerships

2 Agenda Introductions What is LIFT? LIFT objectives A true PPP model AEP Background Business Planning Developing an Opportunity Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care AEP – Our Involvement AEP – Project Programme AEP – Building on Success Q&A Contact Details Agenda

3 What is LIFT? Local Improvement Finance Trust Public Private Partnership (40% Public Sector, 60% Private Sector) 49 PPPs, £2.5bn invested, 331 buildings, 898,279m2 Supply Chain Market tested every 5 years and on-going benchmarking - Value for money (Open Book) Bringing together skills and specialism through Partnering Services Facilitate joined up strategic planning and support integration between agencies Long term partnership Creating an investment What is LIFT?

4 LIFT objectives Developing and maintaining high quality community facilities Increasing investment in the local community Reduced transaction costs due to standard financial and legal processes Economies of scale Continuous improvement Increase integration between public sector bodies and improved links to regeneration initiatives Increase access to specialist skills A long term partnership Risk transfer LIFT objectives

5 A true PPP model

6 AEP background Arden Estate Partnerships (AEP): Established in 2004; Developed 5 primary care schemes; Total capital value of c.£35m; Management led by market leader shareholder gbpartnerships Access to wide range of partnering services Flexible lease or turnkey options AEP OJEU covers Coventry & adjacent areas, such as Warwickshire. Strategic Estates Planning work in progress on behalf of CCG. LIFT as a vehicle to address inequalities in health & social care.

7 Business Planning AEP Business Planning – directional policy matrix Customer/stakeholder needs? Skills & resources to deliver? Research What do we mean by Care? How is care different to health? What models can we work with? Legally can we do this – OJEU? Funding – how do we get our funders comfortable? Risk – what do our investors want to see?

8 Developing an Opportunity Research Relationship Building Social Care Commissioners Service providers & operators Assessing the Need Strategic service delivery plans Market position statements Using the LIFT framework Responding to a procurement Right quality Right price Right fit

9 Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – An Overview Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – An Overview Part of wider 9No surplus Local Authority owned sites, offered on a 125 year long lease. Specialist housing with care – a pressing need in Warwickshire Procurement for housing and care support for Older People / Adults with Learning / Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Mental Health issues AEP and our consortia partner in Care have been successful in 4 sites, to: Obtain funding; Design; Build and Operate each scheme. Overall AreaCapital Value No. of Apartments No. of Bedrooms 4,642m²£6.3m5913

10 Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Consortia Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Consortia

11 Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Our Vision and Objectives Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Our Vision and Objectives Create a quality, sustainable and personalised housing solution that enables people with physical, mental and social needs to live in their own home; Provide a supportive environment that promotes health and wellbeing, maximising opportunity for these customers to maintain or regain independence whilst ensuring ready access to care and support when required; Deliver a hub for younger people in surrounding neighbourhoods to access high quality day care, recreation and welfare support; Enable people with physical or mental conditions to continue to participate and play an active role in their communities; To provide a modern, flexible care solution that offers fully adaptable apartments and takes maximum advantage of care technologies; To avoid segregation and isolation of those with higher dependencies or learning difficulties, without compromising their safety, wellbeing and rights to privacy; Provide and promote healthy living (body and mind) facilities and events on site that are available to residents and the wider community.

12 Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Design Strategy Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – Design Strategy External LayoutInternal Layout

13 Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – External Design Warwickshire Specialised Housing with Care – External Design Externals

14 AEP – Our Involvement AEP - Our Involvement AEP are contracted with WCC for all four Lots, committing AEP to design, construct and lease a building. AEP’s role will be to act as Developer, meaning it will be our responsibility to ensure the building is designed in accordance with regulations, is fit for purpose, achieves a planning approval and is constructed to the highest standards. AEP will continue to own the property during the operational phase, passing a Head Tenancy of the whole to our consortia partner; Regent Housing.

15 AEP – Project Programme ActionDate Planning SubmissionJune & July 2015 Planning ApprovalSept, Oct & Nov 2015 Financial CloseJan 2016 ConstructionJan 2016 – Sept 2016* Property Ready for Occupation*Lot 2 – Sept 2016 Lot 3 – Aug 2016 Lot 5 – Jun 2016 Lot 6 – Sept 2016 *estimated

16 AEP – Building on success AEP in discussions with NHSE and LA Social Care Commissioners for a whole site campus scheme Strategic Partnering Agreement discussions ongoing Health and Wellbeing lifetime neighbourhood housing Transferrable skills AEP – Building on success

17 Q & A

18 Contact Details Nikki Hopkins T: 07725 247 457 E: Vicki Ridgway T: 07972 136 093 E: Web:

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