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Treasure Island Henry Tryban.

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1 Treasure Island Henry Tryban

2 Summary In the beginning of this book, the main character, Jimmy, and his parents own an inn. One day a strange pirate captain comes to the inn. He has a treasure chest but wont let anyone see what’s inside. After many other pirates come looking for him, he dies of a heart attack. Jimmy and his Mother are chased out of their inn with the chest. Jimmy opens it and finds a treasure map, and a bag of gold coins. He uses the coins to hire a crew, buy a boat and go out and look for the treasure.

3 Summary 2 After a while they get to Treasure Island. Once they arrive, half the pirates turned on them and send them running into a cove. After a series of pirate attacks, Jimmy and the rest of his loyal men go into the woods to search for the treasure. They meet Ben Gunn, an old sailor who was marooned there years ago, that would help them. Ben gave them food and a place to stay. He had previously found the treasure and put it in the cave. They need to get the boat back to go home.

4 Summary 3 Jimmy and is crew go out to scout the pirates. They find them looking around for the treasure. The pirates find the hole where the treasure used to be. Two of Jimmy’s men started shooting at them. The pirates shot back. A couple more of Jimmy’s men come in. all the pirates are killed except Long John Silver. Jimmy and his crew take the treasure on the boat with Silver and Ben Gunn, and sail back to the mainland. Once there, Jimmy reunites with his mom, all his men are rich, and Silver is never heard from again.

5 About the Author Robert Louis Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father wanted him to be a lighthouse engineer like himself. However Robert wanted to write. As a kid he was kept inside most of the time because he had tuberculosis. Robert married Fanny Osbourne at age 26. On December 3rd, 1894, at age 44, died of a stroke.

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