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ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Update

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1 ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Update
Budget Period Judy Marchetti, Healthcare Preparedness Program Manager Emergency Preparedness and Response Section Health Partnerships Division Minnesota Department of Health Judy Marchetti, Program Manager, Healthcare Preparedness Program, Health Partnerships Division, Emergency Preparedness & Response

2 Redwoods Analogy - shallow roots but long and intertwining - stay up for hundreds of years during windstorms.

3 HPP’s Data-Driven Innovations Advance Health Care Preparedness
Current Project Period Next Project Period Capabilities developed in focused on aligning the HPP and Public Health Preparedness Program (PHEP) programs to better integrate medical and public health systems Refining Capabilities to distinguish between Medical and Public Health Activities and Reflect Changes in Health Care Delivery Systems Initial measures set a high bar for performance; however, they are subjective and are not easily validated Improving Performance Measurement to be Objective, Exercise-based and Peer Assessed Fostered collaboration among competitive health care entities through the establishment of regional HCCs across the country Optimizing HCCs to Maximize Effectiveness and Functionality Grant alignment reduced awardee burden, eliminated federal duplication and improved federal efficiency Refocusing HPP Funding on Health Care Entities versus Public Health Departments to Ensure Funds Target Medical Preparedness Healthcare Preparedness Program

4 Health Care Preparedness Capabilities Refresh
Healthcare Preparedness Program

5 2012 Healthcare Preparedness Capabilities
Healthcare Preparedness Program

6 Capabilities Update ASPR’s Health Care Preparedness Capabilities were published in January 2012 The overarching goal of the update is to create new or modified health care preparedness and response capabilities that will increase regional coordination among health care sector partners, decrease deaths, injuries and illnesses during emergencies, and enable the health care system to rapidly recover The update process is also focused on distinguishing between the health care and public health activities Healthcare Preparedness Program

7 Guiding Principles The capabilities aim to support health care preparedness and response for the nation The updated capabilities should remain focused on what is needed for the health care system to be prepared and response-ready The capabilities apply to health care organizations, health care systems, and health care coalitions Healthcare Preparedness Program

8 Stakeholder Feedback The current scope of the capabilities is generally correct The capabilities need to be streamlined for greater clarity: There is redundancy and overlap across the capabilities, e.g., Emergency Operations and Information Sharing As written, some of the capabilities, functions, and tasks are outside of the scope of health care coalitions, e.g., Fatality Management and Volunteer Management The capabilities need further clarification of the differences in the roles and responsibilities for health care and public health Healthcare Preparedness Program

9 Proposed Capabilities
Healthcare Preparedness Program

10 Capabilities Crosswalk – Current vs. Proposed
Healthcare Preparedness Program

11 Proposed Capabilities Overview
Healthcare Preparedness Program

12 What’s Next ASPR will: Analyze feedback for common and conflicting themes Define roles and responsibilities in the proposed capabilities Develop the content for inclusion in the proposed capabilities based on stakeholder feedback Complete draft – target mid July 2016 Develop a national engagement strategy to elicit stakeholder reaction - Webinars Finalize health care preparedness and response capabilities by October Healthcare Preparedness Program

13 Questions ? Healthcare Preparedness Program

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