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House Bill 97: Recent Legislation Impact on Educator Preparation Dr. Rebecca Garland Deputy State Superintendent Joyce Gardner Dr. Andrew Sioberg NCDPI.

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Presentation on theme: "House Bill 97: Recent Legislation Impact on Educator Preparation Dr. Rebecca Garland Deputy State Superintendent Joyce Gardner Dr. Andrew Sioberg NCDPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 House Bill 97: Recent Legislation Impact on Educator Preparation Dr. Rebecca Garland Deputy State Superintendent Joyce Gardner Dr. Andrew Sioberg NCDPI Educator Preparation April 19, 2016

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3 House Bill 97:Legislation and Educator Preparation Programs Teacher and Administrator Program approval process Monitoring and oversight of IHE program effectiveness with a state peer review process Admission requirements for teacher education programs Student teaching/internships guidelines Qualifications of clinical teachers who mentor and supervise student teachers/interns Lateral Entry teacher preparation and support Program reporting and monitoring 3

4 Teacher and Administrator Program Approval Process IHE educator preparation programs must be nationally accredited or approved by the State Board of Education. State Board rules for program approval shall mirror national accreditation standards. The State Board of Education will continue to require SBE approval regardless of national accreditation status. 4

5 Standards Alignment NC Program Approval is aligned with standards from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) NC Professional Teaching Standards Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) 5

6 Blueprint Program Proposal Review Process IHEs prepare and submit Blueprints for educator preparation programs leading to licensure to DPI. Blueprints are distributed to trained state IHE faculty, DPI content consultants and local district expert reviewers (2 reviewers minimum per Blueprint). IHEs receive feedback and have opportunities to revise proposals before final decisions. Programs recommended by reviewers are submitted to the SBE for final approval prior to implementation. 6

7 Ongoing Monitoring of Performance A state peer review process will be reinstated to review programs annually. IHE Performance Reports, IHE Report Cards, Title II Reports and CAEP reviews are analyzed for program effectiveness. –Program completers/licenses issued –Pass rates for licensure tests by IHE –Teacher Effectiveness –Recent Graduate Surveys –Employer surveys (in development) 7

8 GPA Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education Programs Now a minimum 2.7 Cohort minimum 3.0 8

9 Student Teaching Must be at least 16 weeks in duration and include time at the beginning and end of school year Must be supervised by a “clinical teacher” who: –is licensed in the same field; –has 3 years successful teaching experience; –be rated at “accomplished” or higher on evaluations; and –meets expectations for student growth 9

10 Lateral Entry Partnerships Community Colleges, 4-year and 2-year institutions, and the NCDPI will collaborate to offer courses of study for licensing Lateral Entry Teachers in high needs areas of the state. Lateral Entry Teachers must participate in 2 weeks of training prior to service and in the Beginning Teacher Support Program 10

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