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Digestive System.  Non-ruminants are referred to as single-stomached or monogastric animals  The digestive system of rabbits and birds are classified.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System.  Non-ruminants are referred to as single-stomached or monogastric animals  The digestive system of rabbits and birds are classified."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System

2  Non-ruminants are referred to as single-stomached or monogastric animals  The digestive system of rabbits and birds are classified as non-ruminants even though their system is slightly different MONOGASTRIC SYSTEM

3 ● Similar to a horse ○ Large cecum - “blind pouch” w/bacterial digestion ○ Reason rabbits can eat more high-quality roughage material than other small animals ● Rabbits must maintain levels of bacteria in the cecum for digestive process and health ● Rabbits eat undigested feces (coprophagy) to help bacterial action Rabbit Digestion

4 ● Unique system for breaking down the seed and food they eat. ● Birds do not have teeth ○ Saliva is added to assist with swallowing, but very little breakdown of food occurs in the mouth. ● Largest digestive organ for birds is the gizzard. ○ Grinds and crushes food before passing it into the small intestine. Avian (Bird) Digestion

5 ● Type of feed fish eat is largely determined by the type of teeth they have. ● Some fish swallow prey whole while others chew up their food. Fish Digestion

6 1. Food is broken down in the mouth (except birds) 2. Then, food moves to stomach (gizzard in birds) 3. Next, it is passed into the small intestine ○ Primary site for digestion/absorption of nutrients 4. Food passes from the small intestine into large intestine ○ Site of water absorption 5. Mucus is added to waste to aid in passage to exit of body (anus) Digestive Process

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