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WAVE Visualization—Draw the image you have in your mind of a wave. Association – What is it like? Synonyms? Examples? Definition—What is the technical.

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Presentation on theme: "WAVE Visualization—Draw the image you have in your mind of a wave. Association – What is it like? Synonyms? Examples? Definition—What is the technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAVE Visualization—Draw the image you have in your mind of a wave. Association – What is it like? Synonyms? Examples? Definition—What is the technical or literal meaning of the word? Context – Write acomplete sentence using the word in its correct context.


3  A disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another.

4  Material through which a wave travels

5  The highest point of a transverse wave

6  The lowest point of a transverse wave

7  A wave that causes the medium to vibrate at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels

8  An area of longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.

9  An area of longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are spread out.

10  A wave in which the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction the wave travels.

11  A wave that travels along a surface separating two media.

12  Any motion that repeats at regular time intervals.

13  Time required for one wave to pass.

14  The number of complete waves that pass per second.

15  Unit used to measure frequency of a wave.

16  The distance between a point on a wave and the same point on the next wave.

17  The maximum height of a wave.

18  The interaction that occurs when a wave bounces off a surface that it cannot pass through.

19  The bending of a wave as it enters a new medium at an angle.

20  The bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening.

21  The interaction of two or more waves that combine in a region of overlap.

22  The interaction between two or more waves in which displacements combine to produce a wave with larger displacement.

23  The interaction between two or more waves in which displacements combine to produce a wave with a smaller displacement.

24  A wave that appears to stay in one place and does not seem to move through the medium.

25  A point on a standing wave with no displacement from rest.

26  A point of maximum displacement midway between two nodes in a standing wave.

27  A longitudinal wave consisting of compressions and rarefactions, which travels through a medium.

28  The rate at which a wave’s energy flows through a given unit of area.

29  A unit that compares the intensities of different sounds.

30  A physical response to the intensity of sound, modified by physical factors.

31  The frequency of a sound as the listener perceives it.

32  A technique for determining the distance to an object under water.

33  A change in sound frequency caused by motion of the sound source, motion of the listener, or both.

34  The response of a standing wave to another wave of the same frequency, with dramatic increase in amplitude of the standing wave.

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