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Red Tape  refers to the complex maze of government rules, regulations, procedures, and paperwork that makes government so overwhelming to citizens that.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Tape  refers to the complex maze of government rules, regulations, procedures, and paperwork that makes government so overwhelming to citizens that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Tape  refers to the complex maze of government rules, regulations, procedures, and paperwork that makes government so overwhelming to citizens that many people try to avoid any contact.  The web of rules, regulations, procedures, and paperwork must be followed to get something done.  Results from cumbersome rules and procedures because government agencies must hire based on “merit”, must observe strict accounting rules, must supply Congress with detailed information on their programs and must allow for citizen access in countless ways.  Meeting each need requires rules; enforcing such rules requires a listing of procedures and of course, forms!

2 Conflict  exists because some agencies often seem to be working at cross-purposes with other agencies and governmental departments.  When Congress sets up agencies and programs, it often wants to achieve a number of different goals or finds that it cannot decide which goals it values the most.  All members of Congress will want different things.

3 Duplication  sometimes called wasteful duplication, this occurs when two government agencies and/or departments appear to be doing the same thing.  The same could be said for duplication- members of Congress have different goals and want different outcomes.  The people who serve in government agencies and departments will also experience something similar.

4 Unchecked Growth  sometimes referred to as “imperialism”, this refers to the tendency of agencies to grow unnecessarily and without regard to the benefits that their programs confer or the costs that they entail.  Costs usually escalate in proportion to growth.  Often results from government agencies seeking goals that are so vague and difficult to measure that it is hard to determine when goals have been attained.

5 Waste  spending more than is necessary to buy some products and/or services.  There are often weak incentives to keep costs down- bureaurcrats will not receive a reward for keeping costs down for their agency or department, the money goes back to the Treasury.


7  Term used by political scientists to describe the policy-making relationship between Congress (committees), the bureaucracy, and interest groups.  Result: an alliance sometimes called a “subgovernment” because of its durability and power to determine policy.

8  Interest groups often attempt to influence Congressional votes in their favor and can sufficiently influence the re-election of a member of Congress in return for supporting their programs.

9  Members of Congress align themselves with a constituency for political and electoral support. Often times, in turn, these congressional members support legislation that advances the interest group's agenda.

10  Bureaucrats are often pressured by powerful interest groups that their agency is designated to regulate.

11  Bureaucratic agencies, as political entities, seek to create and consolidate their own power base. Hence, an agency’s power is determined by its constituency, not by its consumers.  By aligning itself with selected constituencies, an agency may affect policy outcomes.

12  alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite to promote a single issue in gov’t policy.  push for a change in policy within the government bureaucracy  Example: network of environmental groups and individuals who push for more environmental regulation in government policy.

13  political executives  career bureaucrats  management/policy consultants  academic researchers; universities  Journalists; members of the media  White House aides

14  Iron triangles are mutually beneficial relationships between interest groups, private businesses and corporations, congressional oversight committees, and federal agencies.  Iron Triangle relationships seek only to benefit those involved at the expense of the constituencies that Congress and the Federal bureaucracy are supposed to represent, the general public.

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