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Kiwis eat berries, insects, worms, crayfish, fruit, seeds, small lizards, spiders, wetas, frogs and slugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiwis eat berries, insects, worms, crayfish, fruit, seeds, small lizards, spiders, wetas, frogs and slugs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kiwis eat berries, insects, worms, crayfish, fruit, seeds, small lizards, spiders, wetas, frogs and slugs.

3 The kiwis life span is 40-45 years but 60 years is possible. And did you know that in 1987 a dog was loose in Waitangi state forest in the bay of islands. For 6 weeks it was in the forest killing every kiwi it came in contact with. By the time the dog was found and captured 500 out of the 1,000 kiwis in the forest were dead.

4 The kiwis most biggest threat is cats and dogs who go out at night and kill them. There are also stoats, ferrets, weasels, rats And possums.

5 A female kiwi can lay up to 100 eggs in her life time These are a kiwi egg and a hen egg guess which one is which

6 This is the threats to the kiwi at a certain age

7 characteristics/kiwi-life-cycle/producing-an-egg/

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