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Ch. 5 Socialization. Socialization is… The lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical,

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 5 Socialization. Socialization is… The lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 5 Socialization

2 Socialization is… The lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society the process where by people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their society (culture)

3 Nature Vs. Nurture Debate The relative importance of cultural and biological (genetic) factors in the developmental process of human beings Human nature refers to nearly permanent qualities which humans possess Often used to justify inequality rather than search for reasons for inequality.

4 Social Survival and Social Isolation Contact with others is essential to meet our social and emotional needs. Survival of the individual and the group depends on its members being properly socialized Feral children, children raised in isolation, institutionalized children show how essential contact is for socialization

5 The Harlow Study Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Experiment Harlow: Social isolation caused monkeys raised in isolation to develop abnormally Bandura study: children learn aggression through observation and imitation Social learning theory Click Here for Handout

6 Nature vs Nurture: Language Linguist Noam Chomsky: “we acquire language, not because we are taught it, but because we are born with the principles of language” Psychologist Eric Lenneberg: “but there is a deadline for applying them [the principles]” Which is it? Genie: Secret of the Wild Child (Nova, 2012)Secret of the Wild Child Excerpt from Secret of the Wild Child Excerpt

7 Socialization Perspectives Sociological: – Structural Functionalism: socialization is benign process necessary for humans to fit into society – Conflict: socialization a coercive process – Symbolic Interactionism: G. H. Mead and the development of the social self

8 George Herbert Mead: The Social Self Self develops in stages through “role-taking” 1. Preparatory stage (prepare to role take) 2. Play stage: learn to role-take through interactions with "significant others." 3. Game stage: learn demands and expectations of larger society - "the generalized other"

9 Psychoanalytic Perspective Sigmund Freud: The Elements of Personality humans have two fundamental drives: life instinct (need for love/sex) and death instinct (thanatos) or aggressive drive Tri-partate model of personality – Id operates according to “pleasure principle” – Ego mediates between the id and superego – Superego (culture) sublimates selfish demands

10 Social-Psychological Perspectives Social Learning – modelling – Bandura and Bobo doll experiment 1976 Cognitive Developmental: Jean Piaget – Sensorimoter, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development – Pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional levels of moral reasoning Carol Gilligan: The Gender Factor – Males use justice principle, females have care orientation

11 The Socialization Process Primary Socialization Anticipatory Socialization Gender Socialization and Gender Roles Resocialization Total Institutions (Erving Goffman)

12 Agents of Socialization Family School Peer Groups Mass Media

13 Socialization and the Life Course Childhood – the first twelve years of life – freedom from adult responsibilities. Adolescence – buffer stage between childhood and adulthood Adulthood – period of life's accomplishments occur – begin their careers and even start families Old Age (gerontology) – final stage of life – leaving behind past roles, becoming dependent again

14 Erik Erikson and the Life Course Eight stages of psycho-social development Issues must be resolved to move on to next – 1. Infancy (trust vs mistrust) = hope – 2. Toddlerhood (autonomy vs doubt/shame) = will – 3. Preschool (initiative vs guilt) = purpose – 4. School age (industry vs inferiority) = competency – 5. Adolescence (ego identity vs role confusion) = fidelity – 6. Young adulthood (intimacy vs isolation) = love – 7. Middle adulthood (generativity vs stagnation) = care – 8. Old age (integrity vs despair) = wisdom

15 Cultural variation in socialization Food for thought….. Have you been socialized to be past, present or future oriented? Is this orientation generally manifested across the culture or subculture within which you were socialized? The Secret Powers of Time (Phil Zimbardo) – (RSA, 2010)

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