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How does the 1 st Amendment apply today? SS8. Warm-Up: Re-write the following text in your own words… (pg. 34, left of your notebook) Congress shall make.

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Presentation on theme: "How does the 1 st Amendment apply today? SS8. Warm-Up: Re-write the following text in your own words… (pg. 34, left of your notebook) Congress shall make."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does the 1 st Amendment apply today? SS8

2 Warm-Up: Re-write the following text in your own words… (pg. 34, left of your notebook) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

3 The 1 st Amendment  Is often considered the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights because it protects rights essential to democracy  It contains the rights that most people in the US hold most dear – freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. Collectively, these are referred to as the “five freedoms”  When the 1 st Amendment was adopted in December 1791, it became the law of the land!

4 What are the protections of the 1 st Amendment?  Religion : Congress will not establish A uniform religion for our country or interfere with any person’s free exercise of personal religious beliefs. Congress shall not make any laws that favor one religion over another  Speech : Congress will not restrict the ability to express ideas and opinions and exchange information through written, vebal or symbolic speech  Press : Publishers in all media may gather and report news and opinions without government interference in their content  Assemble : Congress shall not interfere with the people’s right to gather peacefully and lawfully  Petition the Government : People may join together to seek change from our government. People who have been wronged by our government may seek relief through the court system and other government action.

5 Limits to the 1 st Amendment…  “Congress shall make no law…” Does this mean your city council could close down all local newspapers and tv stations by passing an ordinance?  If it’s legal to handout leaflets in the park, don’t you also have the right to hand them out inside of Walmart?  If the park is governemntal property, does that mean I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want?

6 Court Cases  As you read the court cases, discuss with your group the following questions and record your answers:  Is the court protecting student speech or is it protecting the right of the school to limit speech?  What factors seem to influence the Court’s decision (e.g. the content of the speech, where and when the speech occurred, the effect of the speech etc.)  When is student speech most likely protected?

7 Warm-Up: How can you exercise each of the rights protected in the 1 st Amendment in school? On page 34, right, draw the boxes. In each box list 2-3 ways you can personally exercise this right or create a drawing with a caption. Freedom to Petition Freedom of the Press Freedom of Religion Freedom to Assemble Freedom of Speech

8 Activity  Whole class: review Court cases from day 1  With your table: Read the First Amendment Hypothetical and answer the following questions:  Is Abby’s Facebook post protected under the 1 st Amendment? Why or Why not?  How do the four case summaries you were given inform your decision?  What are the key facts that inform your decision?

9 Activity  Three judges  Group 1: Abby’s counsel (choose 1 speaker per group)  Group 3: the School District’s counsel (choose 1 speaker per group) 1.Each group will have an opportunity to plead its case to the judges 2.Judges will decide if Abby’s Facebook post is protected by the first Amendment

10 Activity  Group 1 presents  Group 2 presents  Judges give decision and explain why

11 Reflect  What facts might have changed the outcome of the case if they had been different?

12 Activity  Whole class: review Court cases from day 1  With your table: Read the First Amendment Hypothetical and discuss  Individually write a one page essay Responding to the following questions:  Is Abby’s Facebook post protected under the 1 st Amendment? Why or Why not?  How do the four case summaries you were given inform your decision?  What are the key facts that inform your decision?  What facts might have changed the outcome of the case if they had been different?

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