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Kazakh Abai Pedagogical University Professional Oriented Foreign Language Lesson 5 Professor Khalikova Gulira Zamanbekovna

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Presentation on theme: "Kazakh Abai Pedagogical University Professional Oriented Foreign Language Lesson 5 Professor Khalikova Gulira Zamanbekovna"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kazakh Abai Pedagogical University Professional Oriented Foreign Language Lesson 5 Professor Khalikova Gulira Zamanbekovna e-mail:

2 Research on the Internet. Past Simple and Past Continuous. Plan: Introduction to English Tenses The Present Simple and Present Continuous Using a word processor

3 Positive Negative. I didn’t finish leave arrive Yesterday. at 3 o'clock. three weeks ago. He/She/It We You They I finished left arrived Yesterday. at 3 o'clock. three weeks ago. He/She/It We You They Form The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons. Positive

4 Question Whendidyou he they (etc.) finish the report? get married? Did you enjoy the meal?Yes, we did. No, we didn't. Short answer

5 Use The Past Simple is used to express: 1) a finished action in the past. We met in 2000. I went to Manchester last week. John left two minutes ago. 2) actions that follow each other in a story. Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. She heard a noise coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtain open, and then she saw... 3) a past situation or habit. When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on the beach with my dog. This use is often expressed with used to. We used to live in a small house...I used to walk for miles...

6 Spelling of verb + -ed 1. Most verbs add -ed to the base form of the verb. worked wanted helped washed 2. When the verb ends in -e, add -d. liked used hated cared 3. If the verb has only one syllable, with one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant before adding -ed. stopped planned robbed But we write cooked, seated, and moaned because there are two vowels. 4. The consonant is not doubled if it is -y or -w. played showed 5. In most two-syllable verbs, the end consonant is doubled if the stress is on the second syllable. Pre’ferred ad'mitted But we write 'entered and 'visited because the stress is on the first syllable. 6. Verbs that end in a consonant + -y change the -y to -ied. carried hurried buried video

7 I met her last night, two days ago. yesterday morning, in 2001. in summer, when I was young. Past Simple and time expressions Look at the time expressions that are common with the Past Simple.

8 Past Continuous Form Positive and Negative

9 Past Continuous Form Positive and negative Question Short Answer Were looking for me?Yes, I was. No I wasn't. I Was Wasn’t she working he it weWere Weren’t you they I she washe Whatitdoing? we wereyou they

10 The Past Continuous is used: 1. to express activities in progress before, and probably after, a particular time in the past. At 7 o'clock this morning I was having my breakfast. I walked past your house last night. There was an awful lot of noise. What were you doing? 2. for descriptions. Jan looked beautiful. She was wearing a green cotton dress. Her eyes were shining in the light of the candles that were burning nearby. to express an interrupted past activity. When the phone rang, I was having a shower. While we were playing tennis, it started to rain. 4. to express an incomplete activity in the past in order to contrast with the Past Simple that expresses a completed activity. I was reading a book during the flight. (I didn't finish it.) I watched a film during the flight, (the whole film) Use

11 Note The Past Simple is usually used to express a repeated past habit or situation. But the Past Continuous can be used if the repeated habit becomes a longer setting for something. Compare: I went out with Jack for ten years. I first met Harry while I was going out with Jack.

12 The Internet Before you start Have you ever surfed the Internet? Which websites did you visit? Reading Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). ◦ The Internet first started in the USA. ◦ The Internet and the WWW are different. ◦ Berners-Lee invented the Internet. ◦ One file on the WWW can have two or more addresses. ◦ There are 40 million Internet users today.

13 THE INTERNET originated in the early 1970s when the United States wanted to make sure that people could communicate after a nuclear war. This needed a free and independent communication network without a centre and it led to a network of computers that could send each other e- mail through cyberspace. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) when he discovered a way to jump to different files on his computer using the random, or unplanned, links between them. He then wrote a simple coding system, called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), to create links to files on any computer connected to the network. This was possible because each file had an individual address, or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). He then used a set of transfer rules, called HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), to link Web files together across the Internet. Berners- Lee also invented the world's first browser. This lets you locate and view Web pages and also navigate from one link to another. The WWW became available to everyone in 1991 and the number of Internet users grew from 600,000 to 40 million in five years. Today, that number is much larger and there are now many browsers that provide Web pages, information and other services. You can also do research, download music files, play interactive games, shop, talk in chat rooms and send and receive e- mail on the WWW.

14 3. Find the correct word or abbreviation in the text. 1. an address for Web pages 2. a coding system that creates links 3. this finds and shows Web pages 4. rules for transferring files. 5. a group of computers joined together Vocabulary 4 Match the groups of verbs below with their general meaning from the box. move ■ make, start ■ join ■ look at ■ find 1. browse, surf, view 2. download, navigate, transfer. 3. connect, link 4. discover, locate 5. originate, create, invent.

15 5. Complete the sentences (1-7) with the highlighted words from the text 1. Some people spend too much time playing __________games on the Internet. 2. You can sometimes have a computer _______________ that is not connected to the Internet. 3. It is easy to around a screen with a mouse. 4 Berners-Lee discovered how to __________________ between computers in new ways. 5. Some people surf the Internet at ____________ just to see what they can find. 6. People use the Internet to ______________ information from one place to another. 7. When you surf the Internet, you are travelling in _______________.

16 Speaking 6 Work in groups. Say which of the following ideas about the Internet are good or bad. independent ■ world wide ■ cheap to use ■ expensive to buy computers the information may not be true or correct ■ spend too much time playing games ■ talking in chat rooms ■ make new friends ■ visit many interesting websites ■ wait for a long time to download Web pages Get real Use a browser to surf the Internet at random. Find five interesting websites to tell the class about. Write down the URL of each website and bring the list to class. Build a class file of interesting sites so that other students can visit them.


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