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KEY AMENDMENTS: First Amendment - speech, press, assembly, religion Fourth Amendment – Privacy (search and seizure) Fifth Amendment - life, liberty, property.

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Presentation on theme: "KEY AMENDMENTS: First Amendment - speech, press, assembly, religion Fourth Amendment – Privacy (search and seizure) Fifth Amendment - life, liberty, property."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY AMENDMENTS: First Amendment - speech, press, assembly, religion Fourth Amendment – Privacy (search and seizure) Fifth Amendment - life, liberty, property

2 KEY AMENDMENTS: Eighth Amendment – cruel and unusual punishment Tenth Amendment – School as a state function Fourteenth Amendment – Equal protection under the law. Establishes that a person is first a US citizen and that a citizen of a state.

3 Notes on Courts: State courts deal with state law and constitutions. Federal Courts deal with U.S. constitutional issues or when cases involve more than one state. Each state has at least one Federal Court

4 Notes on Courts: There are 13 Federal courts of appeals. Colorado is in the 10 th district (see map p. 8) Appeals courts are the last courts by right Supreme courts must grant certiorari

5 SOURCES OF LAW FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS Federal and state constitutions Federal and state laws State board of education policies and directives Local board policies Local negotiated agreement with a recognized teacher or support organization

6 TERMS: Color of the State Statute Stare Decisis Diversity of Citizenship Plaintiff Defendant Writ of certiorari Remand

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