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Provision Mapping to Support School Improvement Advisers Learning Support Learning and Improvement Service September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Provision Mapping to Support School Improvement Advisers Learning Support Learning and Improvement Service September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provision Mapping to Support School Improvement Advisers Learning Support Learning and Improvement Service September 2011

2 Aims of the Session To understand the rationale behind the provision mapping process. To understand how to create provision maps and follow their application in schools.

3 Provision Mapping Effective provision mapping is an ongoing process enabling schools or settings to identify and meet the needs of pupils. It is a process that supports raising standards and achievements. It is a strategic management tool.

4 Why Provision Mapping? Allows us to audit the needs of children and plan systematically how best to use the school’s resources to meet those needs. Allows us to plan staff and skills required to meet pupil needs. Can help prevent over- provision for some and under-provision for others.

5 Why Provision Mapping? Audits how well provision matches need Highlights repetitive or ineffective provision - informing change Assesses school effectiveness when linked to outcomes for pupils Plans development to meet identified pupil need

6 Why Provision Mapping? Reports annually on the success of the SEN policy Demonstrates accountability Informs parents, LA, Ofsted and other outside agencies how resources are used to meet needs Focuses attention on whole school issues of teaching and learning rather than on individual child issues Records changes in provision

7 5 steps to effective PM Analyse and evaluate Agree priorities Set objectives Focus actions Measure and evaluate impact Overall aim is to strengthen and reinforce the concept of determining provision

8 Points to consider and evaluate Diffuse LSA support Small reductions in class sizes/groups Setting ICT schemes

9 Points to consider cont. Early interventions: nurture groups, targeted social skills groups, parenting support, early language, literacy and numeracy intervention e.g. Reading Recovery, Acceleread/write, Catch-up, Paired Reading, FFT Wave 3, ECaR and ECC, Talking Partners Anger management with planned follow-up work Stress reduction with follow-up work Specific needs e.g. sensory impairment, behaviour Pupil participation

10 Planning the Process Contracting with Senior Leadership Team Staff and governor involvement Preparation: eg. documents required Staff meeting to introduce process Final timescale

11 A quick guide: process Audit levels of need in the school Overview table Develop a detailed register of need in year groups Support staff costs Year group Provision Maps

12 School SEN Overview: Date ClassNo. of pupils GirlsBoysSASA+STU/A Nursery Year R Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

13 SEN Summary Table ClassNameDoBYr GpCoP Level Audit Point s Details of Reports/ Assessment s Summary of Need Areas addresse d by IEP targets Curre nt Prov Com ment s N YR 1

14 Support Staff Costs To calculate the average hourly cost of a T.A.. Pay spines Find mean Add on-costs:25% Weekly cost: divide by 38 Hourly cost: divide by 26

15 Constructing a Provision Map Include data from summary table of pupil needs: ie. pupil numbers and times Include audit allocation for the year group Interventions detailed Cost calculated in weekly and annual terms

16 School Provision Map Year GpProvision/ Resource Staff/pupil ratio Staff involved Cost in time (Weekly cost per pupil x no. of pupils) Annual cost pupil x School Action pupil x School Action Plus pupil x Statement

17 Next Steps Ensure provision matches needs in your school. Can you extend it? Is your deployment of T.A. time effective? Can this be used to inform staff training needs? Performance management? Does this method suit your school? How will it be reviewed?

18 Whole School Discuss with Headteacher and SEN governor Identify links with work of other advisory teams Share with colleagues Implement and monitor its effectiveness Evaluate at the end of the year, amend and roll out again

19 Different types of PM Provision map structures can show additional provision in a variety of ways:  Inclusive PM  SEN PM  Provision by year group or key stage  COP four areas of need  Provision mapped by Waves.

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