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The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. welcome To Every body.

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Presentation on theme: "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. welcome To Every body."— Presentation transcript:

1 The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. welcome To Every body

2 Productive Pedagogies In classroom Presented by Debdas karmakar Senior assistant teacher New Model High School

3 Productive Pedagogies A guide to Productive Pedagogies: Classroom reflection manual lists three degrees of incorporation of Higher-order thinking skills in a “Continuous of practice”: Students are engaged only in lower-order thinking; i.e. they receive, or recite, or participate in routine practice. In no activities during the lesson do students go beyond simple reproduction of knowledge.

4 Remembering The learner is able to recall, restate and remember learned information. –Recognising –Listing –Describing –Identifying –Retrieving –Naming –Locating –Finding

5 Remembering content List Memorise Relate Show Distinguish Repeat Recall Know Group Read Write Listen Group Choose Review Quote Record Match Select Underline

6 Classroom Roles for Remembering Teacher roles Directs Tells Shows Examines Questions Evaluates Student roles Responds Absorbs Remembers Recognises Memorises Defines Describes

7 Questions for Remembering What happened after...? How many...? What is...? Who was it that...? Can you name...? Find the definition of… Describe what happened after… Who spoke to...? Which is true or false...?

8 Understanding The learner grasps the meaning of information by interpreting and translating what has been learned. –Comparing –ExpInterpreting –Summarising –Paraphrasing –Classifying

9 Understanding content Restate Identify Discuss Retell Research Translate Examples Associate Describe Report Recognise Review Observe Outline Account for Define

10 Classroom Roles for Understanding Teacher roles Demonstrates Listens Questions Compares Contrasts Examines Student roles Explains Describes Outlines Restates Translates Demonstrates

11 Questions for Understanding Can you explain why…? Can you write in your own words? How would you explain…? Can you write a brief outline...? Who do you think...? What was the main idea...? Can you clarify…? Can you illustrate…?

12 Applying The learner makes use of information in a context different from the one in which it was learned. –Implementing –Carrying out –Using –Executing

13 Applying content Translate Illustrate Calculate Make Practice Apply Operate Interview Change Compute Show Solve Collect Construct Use Draw

14 Classroom Roles for Applying Teacher roles Shows Facilitates Observes Evaluates Organises Questions Student roles Solves problems Calculates Compiles Completes Illustrates Constructs

15 Questions for Applying Do you know of another instance where…? Can you group by characteristics such as…? Which factors would you change if…? What questions would you ask of…?

16 Analysing The learner breaks learned information into its parts to best understand that information. –Comparing –Organising –Deconstructing –Outlining –Finding –Structuring –Integrating

17 Analysing content Distinguish Question Experiment Examine Separate Inquire Arrange Investigate Research Calculate Compare Contrast Survey Group Order Test Debate Analyse Relate Categorise

18 Classroom Roles for Analysing Teacher roles Probes Guides Observes Evaluates Acts as a resource Questions Organises Dissects Student roles Discusses Argues Debates Tests Examines Questions Calculates Investigates Inquires

19 Question for Annalysing Which events could not have happened? What do you see as other possible outcomes? Can you explain what must have happened...? What are some or the problems of...? Can you distinguish between...? What were some of the motives behind..? What was the turning point? What was the problem with...?

20 Evaluating The learner makes decisions based on in-depth reflection, criticism and assessment. –Checking –Hypothesising –Experimenting –Judging –Testing –Detecting –Monitoring

21 Evaluating content Judge Rate Assess Score Revise Determine Compare Evaluate Defend Select Choose Conclude Deduce Debate Justify Recommend Value Argue Decide Reject

22 Classroom Roles for Evaluating Teacher roles Clarifies Accepts Guides Student roles Judges Disputes Compares Questions Argues Decides Selects Justifies

23 Questions for Evaluating Is there a better solution to...? Can you defend your position about...? Do you a good or bad thing? How would you have handled...? How would you feel if...? How effective are...? What influence will....have on our lives? Why is....of value? What are the alternatives? Who will gain & who will loose?

24 Creating The learner creates new ideas and information using what has been previously learned. –Constructing –Planning –Producing –Inventing –Devising –Making

25 Creating content Compose Organise Invent Propose Construct Plan Prepare Develop Originate Imagine Formulate Improve Act Predict Produce Set up Devise Compile

26 Classroom Roles for Creating Teacher roles Facilitates Extends Reflects Analyses Evaluates Student roles Designs Formulates Plans Takes risks Modifies Creates Proposes

27 Questions for Creating Can you design Can you see a possible solution to...? Why don't you devise your own way to...? What would happen if...? How many ways can you...? Can you create new and unusual uses for..? Can you develop a proposal which would...?

28 A good teacher makes you think even when you don’t want to.

29 Masterful 21 th century classroom focused on essential learnings, applying good learning theory supported by technology Master of classroom Strategies, application Of learning theory, differentiation Techniques, grading practices Engagement in the classroom using technology, but activities stray away from essential learning Masterful 20 th century classroom with strong content and Good application of learning theory Master of information technologies and able to support use both by Students and teachers Master of the content in the subject area earning the designation “ highly qualified” Use of technologies to Enhance exploration Of content but minimal Learning theory present Classroom teaching Pedagogy 21 th Century Technology Content

30 This world is but a canvas for our imaginations. For better teaching and Learning we should remember the following : He who learns but does not think is lost.


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