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TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS By Joseph Kinyenye, NS241, Fall 2011 INTRODUCTION The Progress of Technology has benefited us in many ways; but it also comes with.

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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS By Joseph Kinyenye, NS241, Fall 2011 INTRODUCTION The Progress of Technology has benefited us in many ways; but it also comes with."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS By Joseph Kinyenye, NS241, Fall 2011 INTRODUCTION The Progress of Technology has benefited us in many ways; but it also comes with it some effects. We are living a good present thanks to technology but we are likely to suffer in our future because of its effects. This poster is highlighting the pros and cons of the technology progress in out lives. We are enjoying our present but at the same time ruining our future. Unfortunately, humans have been dominated by machines; almost everything now is run by a machine. Technology has also affected the food industry which is turn causing diseases such as Obesity because of taking too much chemicals in our foods. CONS Laziness Technology is making the world a lazy society. This is brought about the invention of certain levers that can even brush our teeth, stir our tea, lift things etc. Job loss Since the invention of computers, human labor has drastically reduced, new machines are still being invented everyday therefore job opportunities are going down. This has enhanced the rise of crime rates in some cities since jobs are limited. Diseases Usage of certain gadgets have led to rise certain diseases. e.g. the Bluetooth gadget can affect our ears because of the concentrated magnetic current. Some people work on the computers 24/7, this can cause an eye problem. Weapons Technology has come with it deadly weapons that can kill us in a blink of an eye. e.g. the atomic bomb, guns, grenades and the nuclear weapons. Some can argue they protect us but if in the wrong hands they threaten our life. Pollution Technology goes hand in hand with industrialization. Some of the big machines used in industries are run by gas which produces fumes causing air pollution. They are also loud hence noise pollution. water pollution is likely to be experienced as some industries dispose their waste products in rivers which affects marine life. Competency People are loosing the simple knowledge e.g. spelling and working out simple sums as they are dependent on the computers on doing so. Behaviorism People have become addicted to some gadgets especially computers, iPods which sometime makes people not to manage their time well. This has also affected the children as they use the gadgets for the wrong purpose. Lost of Skills Since machines perform most of the tasks, people have forgot the skill of doing something by themselves because they rely more on the machines. PROS Making work easier Technology has greatly reduced the work load and made things easier. With computers and calculators; we can now retrieve information and do hard sums easily and fast. Different levers which can lift heavy things and do tiresome tasks. Networking With mobile phones and social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Skype; people can now connect and chat easily from different parts of the world. Health Our hospitals now have special facilities that can cure chronic diseases e.g. the radio active machines which can cure cancer. We also have the I.C.U and life supporting machines which can protect patients from dying. Knowledge We have learned about the outer space and the water life with the help of rockets and sub-marines which are all as a result of technology. We have also acquired the knowledge on how to operate the machines and make new ones. Resource Management/Utilization Solar panels have helped us utilize the solar energy in place of electricity. This has helped in terms of costs since electricity is expensive. Water recycling plants have also managed the utilization of water which is a precious resource. Well Being Technology has come with gadgets which has improved our well being. With computers, ipads, phones we can readily get any info’ from the internet. The 3D TVs have made it interesting to watch movies by bringing them to reality. Automatic cars which are easier to drive and are also prestigious and fast. Elevators and escalators. Vending machines. Automatic doors. IPods. CONCLUSION Technology is good but we should anticipate its effects before taking up some of its inventions. REFERENCES Copyright © 1999-2011 Demand Media, Inc. Science On Giants’ Shoulders-Melvyn Bragg. Themes and Variations-Wayne Weiten Dr. Marsh

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