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II kolokvijum Lekcije 4,5,6 i 7 Broj pitanja: 30 Broj bodova: 30 Elektronski kolokvijum Vreme trajanja: 30 minuta Tip pitanja: višestruki izbor (multiple.

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Presentation on theme: "II kolokvijum Lekcije 4,5,6 i 7 Broj pitanja: 30 Broj bodova: 30 Elektronski kolokvijum Vreme trajanja: 30 minuta Tip pitanja: višestruki izbor (multiple."— Presentation transcript:

1 II kolokvijum Lekcije 4,5,6 i 7 Broj pitanja: 30 Broj bodova: 30 Elektronski kolokvijum Vreme trajanja: 30 minuta Tip pitanja: višestruki izbor (multiple choice)

2 Oblasti 1.Vokabular (reči iz lekcija, frazalni glagoli, izrazi, kolokacije) a)Phrasal verbs (strane u udžbeniku 53 + lekcije) – ponuđeni su frazalni glagoli i definicije koje je potrebno naučiti napamet To get on with – continue doing something, especially work I need to get on with my homework project, otherwise I won’t finish it for tomorrow. b) Collocations (strana u udžbeniku 42,63,75) Collocations with food/dish/meal; I’m quite surprised, but I’m really enjoying English meal. Food This beef food is really tasty, isn’t it? Dish convenience food, balanced meal Collocations with job and work. (you should know the difference between these two words) - challenging job, full-time job,

3 Verb collocations with sporting activities Do/take exercise Go jogging/cycling/swimming Play football/golf c) Reading and Use of English (strane u udžbeniku 42, 54, 75, 80) Words often confused: food, dish, meal; find out, get to know; learn, teach, study; attend, join, take part and assist; look, see, watch, listen and hear; Anton knew (learned) English quickly because some of the lessons in his school were studied (taught) in English. (sentence containing mistakes) I was looking down the course, planning my next shot, when I saw paragliders floating down. (sentence with blank spaces) d) Reči iz lekcija, sinonimi, antonimi, definicije reči

4 2. Word formation (gradjenje reči pomocu sufiksa i prefiksa) (Language reference page 181) Pg. 50, 51,58, 72 (verb ~ noun, adjective ~ noun, noun ~ adjective, noun ~ noun) Nature, n. – natural Friend, n. – friendly Doubt, n., v. – doubtful 3. Conditional sentences (Zero, I, II conditional) Str: 54-55 If you speak a bit of the language, it _________ much easier to make friends. a)Is b) Was c) is being d) would be If I study, I will pass the exam. If I studied, I would pass the exam.

5 4. So/Such, Too/Enough pp. 43, 44, 45 Language reference pp. 175 I always enjoy visiting his house because he makes ________ lovely food. such a b) such c) so d) so a 4. Sentence transformations (pp. 43, 45, 50, 51, 55, 79) Transformacija rečenica pomoću date reči koja ne sme da se menja, uz uslov da nova rečenica mora da ima najmanje 2 a najviše 5 reči. Kroz transformacije se testira poznavanje svih gramatičkih i vokabularnih oblasti koje su obradjivane na času i pokrivene su nastavnim planom i programom (kondicionali, frazalni glagoli, so/such, too/enough itd.) He managed to win the race. (SUCCEEDED) He succeeded in winning the race.

6 5. Verbs followed by to infinitive or -ing form of the verb pp: 77, 78 What sport would you advise someone ___________ (do) a) doing b) to do I’m thinking of ______ camping this weekend. Would you like to come? (go) Climbing is safer than it looks. (climb) I’m looking forward to going on holiday./ She’s used to studying everything in English.

7 Verbs followed by either an infinitive or a verb + -ing with almost the same meaning: love, begin, continue, hate, prefer, like, start I love playing tennis. I love to play tennis. It continued raining all day. It continued to rain all day. Note: When love, hate, prefer and like are used with would, they are always followed by the infinitive. I wouldn’t like to do an adventure race. I’d prefer to watch it on television. Verbs followed by either an infinitive or a verb + -ing with a difference in meaning: remember, forget, regret, try, mean, stop

8 6. Članovi, brojive i nebrojive imenice (pp. 68,69) Have you heard _____latest news? a) The b) A c) / I am having ____ wonderful time! a)The b) / c) a Can I give you a ______ of advice about shopping in this town?/piece or bit Expressions of quantity: A great deal of effort (money)/ a large number of guests/the amount of food

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