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How are birds adapted for reproduction?

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Presentation on theme: "How are birds adapted for reproduction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are birds adapted for reproduction?
A close look at the chicken egg

2 Birds What you know: Fertilization occurs … INTERNALLY
Development occurs … EXTERNALLY (outside of mother’s body) The avian egg contains everything that the developing embryo needs FOOD = Yolk OXYGEN = Shell Pores PROTECTION = Shell and Amniotic Fluid

3 Chicken Reproduction Hen x Rooster ↓ Fertilized Egg (embryo)
Hen x no Rooster Unfertilized Egg ($2.19/dozen) Position of Ovary in A Hen

4 Egg Formation Ovary produces Ovum surrounded by Yolk ↓ Infundibulum
(catches yolk) Oviduct Uterus Vagina Vent Ovum with Shell (24 hours after yolk released)

5 The Incredible Edible Egg

6 The Fertilized Egg

7 On Day 21…

8 And Now… Watch Film Take Notes Answer Questions Tomorrow…DISSECTION!!



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