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Industrial Revolution Clash of Two Worlds. Key vocabulary includes:  Sweatshops  Patent  Immigration  Investment Capital  Generator  Thomas Edison.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution Clash of Two Worlds. Key vocabulary includes:  Sweatshops  Patent  Immigration  Investment Capital  Generator  Thomas Edison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution Clash of Two Worlds

2 Key vocabulary includes:  Sweatshops  Patent  Immigration  Investment Capital  Generator  Thomas Edison  Standard Time  Tenement  Sweatshops  Patent  Immigration  Investment Capital  Generator  Thomas Edison  Standard Time  Tenement  Transcontinental Rail Road  Carnegie  Rockefeller  Legacy  Gilded Age

3 Growth of IR: Seven Factors  Growth of industry in America between 1860 and 1914 transformed life in America  Throughout the 1880’s factory production expanded in the United States  Growth of industry in America between 1860 and 1914 transformed life in America  Throughout the 1880’s factory production expanded in the United States

4 Factor One: Plentiful Natural Resources  Immense Forests  Large supplies of water  Mineral Wealth  Coal  Iron  Copper  Gold  Silver  Immense Forests  Large supplies of water  Mineral Wealth  Coal  Iron  Copper  Gold  Silver

5 Factor Two: Growing Population  From 1860 – 1900 US population increased from 31.5 million to 76 million  This immense growth led to the need for more goods which meant the need for more industry!!

6 Factor Three: Improved Transportation  Early 1800’s major transportation consisted of steamboats, canals, and some railroads  After the Civil War, railroad building boomed  This allowed shipping raw materials & finished goods easier  This fed the growth of industry

7 Answer me this…..  Analyze the relationship between the development of transportation in 19 th century United States in the growth of industry?

8 Factor Four: High Immigration  Between 1860 and 1900 14 million people immigrated to the United States.  Many were skilled tradesmen whose talents were important to industry  Unskilled workers were also valuable - they provided the labor in industry

9 Factor Five: New Inventions  New machines & improved processes helped industry produce goods  Thomas Edison: Light bulb  New machines & improved processes helped industry produce goods  Thomas Edison: Light bulb  Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone  Typewriter, Sewing Machine  How would all of these inventions encourage the IR?

10 Factor Six: Investment Capital  When the economy was thriving, many businesses made large profits!  Banks and wealthy people lent their money (invested in!) to businesses.  When the economy was thriving, many businesses made large profits!  Banks and wealthy people lent their money (invested in!) to businesses.  Businesses used this capital (money) to build factories, buy equipment and grow their businesses!

11 Factor Seven: Government Assistance  State and federal governments used tariffs, land grants and subsidies to help businesses grow  Tariff: tax on foreign goods  Land grants: Gift of land from government to companies to develop it!  Subsidies: government loans to businesses

12 Electricity Thomas Edison’s Contribution  The electric-power industry grows during the 1800’s  Thomas Edison found the most ways to use electricity, such as…  The electric-power industry grows during the 1800’s  Thomas Edison found the most ways to use electricity, such as…  Light bulbs for home use!  A system to deliver electricity to buildings!  How would this change industry in the US?

13 The Big Difference  Although all these inventions made an impact on the lives of all citizens, there is one industry that had a greater impact on American life than any other.

14 The Railroad Transforms the Nation  Why does the Federal Government want a Transcontinental Railroad?  How did the Government encourage the building of the Railroad?

15 What is a Transcontinental Railroad?  A transcontinental railroad spans the entire continent.  This railroad would facilitate settling the west.  Would develop the economy of the west and the entire country.  A transcontinental railroad spans the entire continent.  This railroad would facilitate settling the west.  Would develop the economy of the west and the entire country.

16 Who was Andrew Carnegie?  Controlled the Steel Industry  Sought to control all the processes related to the manufacture of steel  Bought the mines that supplied the iron ore  Controlled the Steel Industry  Sought to control all the processes related to the manufacture of steel  Bought the mines that supplied the iron ore  Bought the ships and the railroads that carried the ore  Dominated the steel industry!!

17 Who Was John D. Rockefeller?  Controlled the oil industry  Created a monopoly (a company that WIPES out its competitors to control an industry!)  Controlled the oil industry  Created a monopoly (a company that WIPES out its competitors to control an industry!)

18 Philanthropy! Donating money/goods/services to a cause that will benefit society  John D. Rockefeller donated large sums of money to the University of Chicago, and Rockefeller University in New York  Gave away $500 million in his lifetime  John D. Rockefeller donated large sums of money to the University of Chicago, and Rockefeller University in New York  Gave away $500 million in his lifetime  Andrew Carnegie donated large sums of money to universities  Built hundreds of public libraries  Gave away more than $350 million in his lifetime

19 What was the Gilded Age?  The late 1800’s was a time of fabulous wealth!  The wealth of a few members of society masked society’s problems!!  These problems included working conditions in factories (sweatshops!) as well as the living conditions of the average citizen who lived in tenements.  The late 1800’s was a time of fabulous wealth!  The wealth of a few members of society masked society’s problems!!  These problems included working conditions in factories (sweatshops!) as well as the living conditions of the average citizen who lived in tenements.

20 Video Task 1.Watch the short video 2.Observe as much detail as you can 3.With your partner, brainstorm and list the specific details that you noticed in the film. 4.Pay close attention to things like surroundings, homes, possessions, activities and clothing. 1.Watch the short video 2.Observe as much detail as you can 3.With your partner, brainstorm and list the specific details that you noticed in the film. 4.Pay close attention to things like surroundings, homes, possessions, activities and clothing.

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