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Software Methodology Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga Indra Kharisma Raharjana, S.Kom, M.T. Semester.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Methodology Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga Indra Kharisma Raharjana, S.Kom, M.T. Semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Methodology Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga Indra Kharisma Raharjana, S.Kom, M.T. Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2011 / 2012 Februari 2012

2  Brooks (1987) identify main problem in Software development  Complexity – penambahan entitas dapat menambah kompleksitas secara non-linier.  Conformity - difference institution, technical machine or working routine may need difference interface.  Changeability – software is constantly subject to pressures for change.  Invisibility – abstract, sulit untuk memvisualisasikan software serta componen dan fungsinya.

3  Data processing (early 1950’s)  Management services (mid 1960’s)  Information processing (early 1980’s)  Business process Integration (early 1990’s)


5  1 st computers available in early 1950  As calculator  automate routine work in companies  Developer concentrate on making computer run rather than rationalising the development process  COBOL and FORTRAN programming language

6  1960’s  becoming more reliable and efficient  Using big mainframe computer  Decrease the number of moderately paid clerks, but had to hire highly paid data processing professional + hadware investment  Maintenance cost are high

7  1970’s  software enginnering was introduced  Waterfall life cycle paradigm originates from this era – to assist understanding and handling complex software development  After became automated, need cross relating and cross-referencing data.  Stand alone batch system could not fulfil these need  Rational database dan normalisation are born

8  Mini computer [lebih besar dari PC!]  PASCAL programming language  Structure and modularity became important in programming and system development  Structure design and analysis  Structure programming

9  Software & hardware bundled as one product  Focus on biggest customer not Medium-size company  Vendor-Independent Software offered programming service  IBM, major hardware & software company  Provide customer service & access to software library  Decide to separate hardware & software to independent product  Emerging software products in this era  Tailored enterprise solution  Standart enterprise products  Database system

10  Microcomputer  PC  individual user able to buy and use computer  In software development & maintenance  Cost of small computers < human cost  Idea of interconnecting small computers accelerate convergence of telecomunication  Need more reliable life cycle paradigm


12  Not feasible anymore?  Misconceptions and errors move on the next steps and multiplied as error caused more error  Requirement set at beginning and will not change

13  Requirement gathered at beginning  Followed by quick design and building a simple prototype  Customer evaluates the prototype  Change are made  System is complete  Pressman stated that prototyping ideally serves as a mechanism to collect reqirement



16  Need for the integrated information system for all business function and organization.  Quality of IS, requirement became more complex throught distributed component use and reuse  Rapid rise of internet and World Wide Web

17  Different type of product



20  Traditional software development method are not always feasible in rapidly changing business enviroment

21  Lihat presentasi Scott W. Ambler “Agile Software Development: What’s Really Going On”



24  Find an idea – tema StartUp  Presentasikan ide kelompok anda  Model bisnisnya?  Requirement  User Interface design (raw)  Deliver  Powerpoint presentation  Berita acara rapat kelompok  Simulasi presentasi ke Business Stakeholder  Kelompok lain sebagai customer – feel free to make comment

25  A role does not equal a position or a person  Tugaskan tim kalian sesuai dengan kebutuhan (adaptive, sesuai kebutuhan)  Iteration Manager  Technical Lead  Business Analyst  Developer  Designer  Business stakeholder









34  To be define later…


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