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TP-CASTT Analysis I read it, but I don’t get it..

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Presentation on theme: "TP-CASTT Analysis I read it, but I don’t get it.."— Presentation transcript:

1 TP-CASTT Analysis I read it, but I don’t get it.

2 TP-CASTT Title- What do you think the title means before you read the poem? Paraphrase- Restate the poem in your own words. Connotation- What do you think the poet is trying to say in the poem? Go beyond the literal meaning or the plot of the poem. Attitude- Describe the speaker’s attitude or tone toward the subject. Use specific adjectives to describe your ideas.

3 TP-CASTT continued Shifts- Describe where the poem appears to shift, either in subject, speakers, or tone. Title- Re-examine the title. What do you think it means now in the context of the poem? Theme- What do you think is the overall idea?

4 In the reading/literature section of your notebooks 1).Read the poem. 2).Write a response for each part of TP-CASTT 3). On a separate sheet of paper, write a power paragraph (8 sentences) explaining the theme of the poem. You will turn this in next class period for homework.

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