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Human Resource Management Major Functional Areas n Recruitment & selection n Compensation n Performance management n Training & development n Job analysis.

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1 Human Resource Management Major Functional Areas n Recruitment & selection n Compensation n Performance management n Training & development n Job analysis & human resource planning Competencies n Administrative –Managing systems & people –Project management n Technical –Legal compliance –Best practices n Interpersonal –Develop relationships –Integrity & transparency pv

2 n Course material on classdat server – n Course is team-taught –Students work in teams n Students exercise freedom, ownership, & responsibility pv Leader: decreasing need for support and supervision Follower readiness: ability and willingness Unable and Unwilling Unable but Willing Able and Willing Directive Able and Unwilling Monitoring Telling Selling- coaching Delegating Participating

3 n Demographics and Diversity n Economics and Employment n Legal and Labor Relations Issues n Technology and Competencies n Attitudes and Values pv

4 –Women’s labor force participation rate n Comparable to men (62% vs. 73%; recent declines for both) n 3/5 of college graduates are women –Greater proportion of minority workers –Better educated population n Higher expectations moderated by competitive employment environment –Increasingly older (workforce) populationIncreasingly older (workforce) population n 10,000 retirees per day for 20 years n Yet many must delay retirement –Young have fewer opportunities and stay in school longer pv

5 Trend Reversal in Historical Labor Force Participation Rates pv -50% -17% -3% +21% +88% +110% +150%

6 –Global competition n Off-shoring to save on labor costs –China is not immune –Stagnant or low growth economy –Two-tiered workforce n Core and periphery –Rise in career debt delays consumption –Declining entrepreneurshipDeclining entrepreneurship pv

7 SOURCE: Brookings Institution 2014

8 –1964 & 1991 CRA, ADA and ADEA n Potential for litigation requires vigilance –Declining labor movement n Defined benefit versus Defined contribution plans –13% DC plan in 1975 and now >80% n Portability & asset allocation versus certainty n Lower job security pv Public sector union employment alone slows the decline

9 pv $15 Minimum wage vs state and county medians –Debates about utility of regulations n Do they provide adequate protections or reduce opportunity and contribute to slowing growth? –Affordable Care Act as a recent example –Controversy over minimum wage increases Bloomberg Business Week, August 2015 issue; see also Dan Price Gravity Payments and $70k minimum wage

10 n Preference Mandate for IT competencies –Downsizing of positions with traditional skills –Robotics and automated manufacturing n Accelerated rate at which technical skill sets become antiquated –Continuous learning requirement n The ascent of Teams –By technology & dawn of ‘team competencies’ pv

11 An Inductive Model of Team Competencies in Self-Managed Teams pv ClusterCompetency Interpersonal Behaviors Understanding Unified effort & cooperation Confronting norm violations Performance Focus Attention to feedback Team self-evaluation Team confidence Performance orientation Clear work procedures Flexibility External Actions Organizational awareness Organizational resourcefulness Proactive problem-solving Inter-team relationships

12 n Higher educated workforce –Higher expectations & more career debt n Less employment security –Lower organizational commitment n Value perspectives toward ‘work’ –Slower growth and instrumental valuation n Lower job satisfaction (<50%)(<50%) –Pessimism, envy, and narcissism n Have we had it so good that we expect things to come easy? pv

13 ORGANIZATIONS n Fluid not static skills n Core employees n Lower employee loyalty n Weaker labor movement n Social responsibility n Technology rules INDIVIDUALS n Fewer employer commitments n Continuous learning to remain competitive n Portfolio orientation n Intra versus Entrepreneurial focus n Employee networking pv

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