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Cold War HW Quiz  1. What was the name given to Satellite Nations and East Germany (because they created a barrier between democratic and communist nations)?

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War HW Quiz  1. What was the name given to Satellite Nations and East Germany (because they created a barrier between democratic and communist nations)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War HW Quiz  1. What was the name given to Satellite Nations and East Germany (because they created a barrier between democratic and communist nations)?  2. What strategy was used to make European nations more stable and less likely to fall to communism?  3. By what method was Truman able to extend Marshall Plan aid to West Berlin?  4. What did MacArthur want to do, but Truman refused to do?  5. What policy said that communism could not spread?  Bonus (10 points): Who led the Universal Negro Improvement Association and the “back to Africa” movement?

2 The Cold War and American Society Goal 11

3 Essential Idea  The fear of communism (Second Red Scare) had a profound effect on America.

4 The Second Red Scare  Fear of Communists Returns:  Second Red Scare – a time of intense fear of communists that occurred after World War II

5 HUAC  HUAC  House Un-American Activities Committee, set up by Congress  HUAC investigated communists and the film industry  Film industry members who were suspicious or did not help HUAC were placed on blacklists  McCarthy/Hollywood McCarthy/Hollywood

6 Taft-Hartley Act and the CIA  Taft-Hartley Act – required union leaders to take oaths promising they were not communist  National Security Act – created the CIA, which investigated communists (and other “un-American activities”)

7 Soviets Make a Bomb  BOOM!  How did they know HOW to make a bomb??  Spies had infiltrated the Manhattan Project!  Red Scare Activity

8 Alger Hiss  Alger Hiss:  Hiss was a former diplomat who helped FDR and attended the Yalta Conference  He was convicted for perjury after he lied to HUAC about being a communist spy (he couldn’t be convicted for spying because the statute of limitations had run out)  Hiss confirmed fears that even government officials could be communists

9 The Rosenbergs  The Rosenbergs:  This Jewish couple was accused of spying for communists  Both were convicted and executed

10 Rosenbergs Convicted  Many people said they were convicted as a result of hysteria and nativism

11 Joseph McCarthy  Consequences of the Second Red Scare:  Americans became paranoid about the presence of communists  This hysteria allowed Senator Joseph McCarthy to rise to power

12 McCarthyism  Rise of Joseph McCarthy:  After Hiss’ conviction, McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 communists who were working within the government

13 McCarthyism  McCarthy’s claim sparked a witch hunt for communists  Accusations were often based on vague or false evidence (McCarthy never produced the list)  Who is the man in the picture?  What is he holding?  What has the public started to think about Senator McCarthy?

14 McCarthyism  People were quick to believe McCarthy because they were afraid

15 McCarthy ’ s Downfall  The public realized McCarthy was out of hand when he started accusing military officials  On television, McCarthy bullied officers until one asked “have you no sense of decency?”  The public agreed, and McCarthy’s power went in to decline

16 Life during the Cold War  The Drill:  “Duck and Cover”  What it was:  School drills used to practice for atomic bomb attacks  Duck & Cover Film Duck & Cover Film Duck & Cover Film

17 Fallout Shelters  The Shelter:  Fallout Shelters  What it was:  Shelters people built to protect against atomic bombs and radiation

18 The Fair Deal  Truman’s Domestic Program:  The Fair Deal (similar to FDR’s New Deal)  Successes:  Raised the minimum wage  Increased social security benefits  Authorized the construction of low income housing

19 Shortcomings of the Fair Deal  Failures:  Failed to create national health insurance  Failed to give federal aid to schools  Did not enact Civil Rights legislation

20 Eisenhower Elected  Election of 1952:  Dwight Eisenhower (nicknamed “Ike”), a hero from World War II, won the election of 1952

21 Need for Roads  Cars and Society:  Because of the economic boom, more people drove cars than ever  Federal Highway Act:  Authorized the construction of the interstate highway system

22 The Eisenhower Doctrine  The Truman Doctrine:  Don’t let communism spread to Greece and Turkey!  The Eisenhower Doctrine:  Don’t let communism spread to the Middle East!  What is in common?  Don’t let communism spread!

23 Growth of Television  Art form:  Television  How it changed in the 1950s:  After World War II, almost every home had a TV  Popular shows:  I Love Lucy and Gunsmoke

24 Rock ‘ n ’ Roll  Art Form:  Music  How it changed in the 1950s:  Rock ‘n’ Roll, whose “king” was Elvis Presley  The “British Invasion”, a.k.a. The Beatles

25 Generation Gap  Teenagers loved the new music, but most parents did not  Generation Gap – means that parents and children were culturally separate

26 Competing Cultures  The Culture: Conformity  Fear of communism made many people afraid to be different (might look suspicious!)  Many people started to act similar

27 The Beatniks  The Culture: Counterculture  Many people thought that the 1950s culture was shallow  Beatniks – young artists who went against mainstream culture (basically, early hippies)

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