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The Gift of Age: Project Board Requirements  Brochure o Front cover – the time period you researched o One panel for each of the following categories.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gift of Age: Project Board Requirements  Brochure o Front cover – the time period you researched o One panel for each of the following categories."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gift of Age: Project Board Requirements  Brochure o Front cover – the time period you researched o One panel for each of the following categories  What was happening in the world?  Local businesses  Local construction  Recreation/entertainment  Schools and education  Graphic Organizer that displays the challenges people faced  Pictures of what life was like and a caption underneath explaining what you are trying to show your readers in each picture and why it was important or unique to that time period  KWL o Know – What I knew before I started my research o Want to know – the questions I had hoped to get answered through my research o Learned – everything I learned from my research  Bibliography of your resources o List all of the resources you used to get your information The Gift of Age: Project Board Optional Activities  Create an advertisement for a product that Allen residents might have purchased at that time  Newspaper article about an important event taking place in the world at that time and tell how it might have affected Allen residents  Timeline of Allen The Gift of Age: Our Community’s Histor y □ Choose a time period from our community’s history to explore, such as 1950-1960 (could be a shorter or longer period of time) □ Use the 3 questions below, plus write three more questions that are specific to your time period that you will investigate: o What was life in our community like during that time period? o What challenges did people face in the community during that time? o What did people in the community do for recreation during that time period? □ Research your time period using various resources including books, videos, newspaper articles, magazine articles, people from that time period in Allen, and the internet. Below I have included two great resources for researching Allen’s history. Research should include historical documents that describe community life in the past and oral history interviews with an aging person or expert on Allen’s history. Remember: when you interview a person, you should prepare a set of questions you want answered before conducting the interview. o Tim Carroll- Director of Public Information at Allen ISD  He is extremely knowledgeable on the history of Allen and has done extensive research on this topic. He responded to an email I sent that said he would be glad to help and has “loads of resources” to offer you on the history of Allen ISD.  His contact info : 972-727-0510 or (Have few options of times you would like to meet with him so that he can choose one based on his availability.) o Ann Gifford – Allen Heritage Guild  The Allen Heritage Guild sets out to preserve the history of Allen and to educate the citizens of Allen about this history. She would be a great resource.  Please see me for her contact info when you need it. □ Create a written or visual product that presents the information you obtained from your research and interviews. Product ideas include a scrapbook, essay, biography, photo album with captions, biography poem, timeline, video clips from any interviews you conducted, or another product of your choice. □ Present your product to the class, sharing key learning and insights gained. Students will be able to ask you questions about the time period you studied, so be prepared to answer them.




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