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Programming Application in Civil Engineering

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1 Programming Application in Civil Engineering
- Application of Data Structure

2 Sparse Matrix Matrices with relatively high proportion of zero or null entries are called sparse matrices. When matrices are sparse, then much space and computing time could be saved if the non-zero entries were stored explicitly i.e. ignoring the zero entries the processing time and space can be minimized in sparse matrices. In this matrix we have 6 rows and 7 columns. There are 5 nonzero entries out of 42 entries. It requires an alternate form to represent the matrix without considering the null entries.

3 The alternate data structure that we consider to represent a sparse matrix is a triplet.
The triplet is a two dimensional array having t+1 rows and 3 columns. Where, t is total number of nonzero entries. The first row of the triplet contains number of rows, columns and nonzero entries available in the matrix in its 1st, 2nd and 3rd column respectively. Second row onwards it contains the row subscript, column subscript and the value of the nonzero entry in its 1st, 2nd and 3rd column respectively. Let us represent the above matrix in the following triplet of 6 rows and 3 columns The above triplet contains only non-zero details by reducing the space for null entries.

4 Application of Linked List
Sparse Matrix Representation Polynomial Representation Dynamic Storage Management

5 Sparse Matrix Representation using linked list

6 struct node { int row; int col; int data; struct node. link; }
struct node { int row; int col; int data; struct node *link; }*head=NULL,*curr=NULL,*p=NULL; main() m=no. of rows n=no. of columns for(i=0;i<m;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); if(a[i][j]!=0)

7 curr->data=a[i][j]; curr->link=NULL; if(head==NULL) head=curr;
curr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); curr->row=i; curr->col=j; curr->data=a[i][j]; curr->link=NULL; if(head==NULL) head=curr; else { p=head; while(p->link!=NULL) p=p->link; p->link=curr; } }//end of inner for loop }//end of outer for loop

8 p=head; if(head==NULL) printf("\nSparse matrix empty
p=head; if(head==NULL) printf("\nSparse matrix empty!\n"); else { while(p->link!=NULL) printf("%d %d %d ",p->row,p->col,p->data); p=p->link; } printf("%d %d %d ",p->row,p->col,p->data); }// end of main

9 Polynomial Representation
We want to represent the polynomial : We will represent each term as a node containing coefficient and exponent fields, as well as a pointer to the next term. Declarations: typedef struct poly_node *poly_pointer; typedef struct poly_node { int coef; int expon; poly_pointer link; };





14 Application of Stack Parenthesis Matching Tower of Hanoi Problem
Quick Sort Recursion

15 Application: Parenthesis Matching
Problem: match the left and right parentheses in a character string (a*(b+c)+d) Left parentheses: position 0 and 3 Right parentheses: position 7 and 10 Left at position 0 matches with right at position 10 (a+b))*((c+d) (0,4) Right parenthesis at 5 has no matching left parenthesis (8,12) Left parenthesis at 7 has no matching right parenthesis

16 Parenthesis Matching (((a+b)*c+d-e)/(f+g)-(h+j)*(k-1))/(m-n)
Output pairs (u,v) such that the left parenthesis at position u is matched with the right parenthesis at v. (2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) (27,31) (0,32) (34,38) How do we implement this using a stack? Scan expression from left to right When a left parenthesis is encountered, add its position to the stack When a right parenthesis is encountered, remove matching position from the stack

17 Example of Parenthesis Matching
(((a+b)*c+d-e)/(f+g)-(h+j)*(k-1))/(m-n) 1 2 1 15 21 stack output (2,6) (1,13) (15,19) (21,25) Do the same for (a-b)*(c+d/(e-f))/(g+h)

18 Application: Towers of Hanoi
Read the ancient Tower of Brahma ritual n disks to be moved from tower A to tower C with the following restrictions: Move 1 disk at a time Cannot place larger disk on top of a smaller one

19 Let’s solve the problem for 3 disks

20 Towers of Hanoi (1, 2)

21 Towers of Hanoi (3, 4)

22 Towers of Hanoi (5, 6)

23 Towers of Hanoi (7) So, how many moves are needed for solving 3-disk Towers of Hanoi problem?  7

24 Time complexity for Towers of Hanoi
A very elegant solution is to use recursion. The minimum number of moves required is 2n-1 Time complexity for Towers of Hanoi is Q(2n), which is exponential! Since disks are removed from each tower in a LIFO manner, each tower can be represented as a stack

25 Recursive Solution n > 0 gold disks to be moved from A to C using B
1 n > 0 gold disks to be moved from A to C using B move top n-1 disks from A to B using C

26 Recursive Solution move top disk from A to C B C 1 A

27 Recursive Solution move top n-1 disks from B to C using A B C 1 A

28 Recursive Solution To move n rings from A to C using B as spare:
if n is 1 just do it, otherwise... move n-1 rings from A to B using C as spare move one ring from A to C move n-1 rings from B to C using A as spare

29 #include <stdio. h> int n,A,B,C; /
#include <stdio.h> int n,A,B,C; /* number to move, source pole, destination pole and spare pole respectively */ void move(n,A,C,B) { if (n==1) printf("Move from %d to %d.\n",A,C); } else move(n-1,A,B,C); move(1,A,C,B); move(n-1,B,C,A); main() move(4,1,3,2);

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