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In your opinion, where does the most effective evangelism happen?

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Presentation on theme: "In your opinion, where does the most effective evangelism happen?"— Presentation transcript:


2 In your opinion, where does the most effective evangelism happen?




6 What do you think prevents personal evangelism from occurring more often?


8 What could personal evangelism look like in the local church?


10 “Follow Me,” Jesus told them, “and I will make you fish for people.” Mark 1:17 Jesus formed His group for evangelism!

11 Sunday School is how the church is organized to impact lostness.


13 How will Connect>1 work? Two phases Equipping phase Engaging phase

14 Equipping Phase Lifeway’s “Unvarnished Truth” series in Bible Studies for Life 6 week study of the Gospel Focus is studying and understanding the Gospel, not “Gospel talking points”

15 Engaging Phase 3151 Challenge Beginning October 2, “Soulwinning Commitment Day” Church members accept the 3151 Challenge


17 3151 Challenge 3Pray for three lost people you know personally 1Learn one Gospel presentation 5Invite five people to your group 1Share the Gospel at least one time

18 3151 Challenge Individual Prayer for lost 3 Gospel learned 1 People invited 5 Gospel shared 1

19 3151 Challenge IndividualGroup Prayer for lost 3 30 Gospel learned 1 10 People invited 5 50 Gospel shared 1 10

20 3151 Challenge IndividualGroupChurch Prayer for lost 3 30 300 Gospel learned 1 10 100 People invited 5 50 500 Gospel shared 1 10 100

21 3151 Challenge IndividualGroupChurchAssociation Prayer for lost 3 30 300 12,000 Gospel learned 1 10 100 4,000 People invited 5 50 500 20,000 Gospel shared 1 10 100 4,000

22 Resources Pastor’s Guide Group Leader’s Guide 3151 Challenge tract One Great Hope Gospel tract Pastor CD w/ sermon suggestions “Unvarnished Truth” Bible study from LifeWay Children’s Evangelism Lesson Many many more!!

23 For resources and more information

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