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Your gifts will continue to allow the Nutri-Heroes to defeat Rumble and Growl.

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2 Your gifts will continue to allow the Nutri-Heroes to defeat Rumble and Growl.

3 Our goal? To conquer the evil forces of Hunger through your VBS gifts. Every penny, nickel, dime, and dollar will help defeat Rumble & Growl! Rumble Growl

4 How do we stop them? With our very own dynamic duo of… &

5 The evil plan Growl has taken the children’s lunch. “Help, Growl took my lunch!!!” Don’t worry kid, I’ll take care of him. Get back here!!!

6 Meanwhile… Rumble is also causing problems. If I destroy the rice fields, the people will be low on energy and unable to stop me. You don’t really expect me to let that happen do you? OH NO, Captain Rice. I’m out of here. Oh no you don’t, you aren’t getting away this time Rumble.

7 Come back coward, you can’t outrun justice.

8 Don’t you ever give up? Hunger will never have a chance. The BCH kids will never be hungry on my watch.

9 The Nutri-Heroes followed the forces of hunger back to their hideout… Are they on the verge of beating their nemesis, or could it possibly be a trap? There is only one way to find out. Onward they go deeper into the cave.

10 Rumble and Growl have stolen hundreds of rice bags and intend to hold them for ransom. Unfortunately for them the Nutri-Heroes are on the job.

11 Meanwhile Super Bean deals with the forces of hunger, making sure they pay for the pain they have caused the children’s tummies. It’s time to go Growl, they’ll be here any minute. We’ll get them next time. Not today boys, justice is served.

12 Your gifts will continue to allow the Nutri-Heroes to defeat Rumble and Growl.

13 Who we are: We are Christian missionaries who help orphaned, needy, and disadvantaged children. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Eph. 6:4

14 What we do: We care for children by giving them a place to live with wonderful Christian parents who take care of them.

15 We bring care and the Gospel to children: In the United States, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Liberia.

16 Why do we do it? Because we love children and God who loves us and has helped us so much.

17 How do we do it? Group home families Foster home placements Adoption Safe Families for Children™ hostings

18 Thank you for helping us defeat hunger for our children (Yes! In India it is just fine to eat with your hands!)

19 Thank you for joining the Nutri- heroes as they deliver nutrition to our children all over the world! Your offerings will help them defeat the hunger pangs of Rumble and Growl!

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