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Evaluating Psychotherapi es & Prevention Strategies Unit 13 Module 72.

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1 Evaluating Psychotherapi es & Prevention Strategies Unit 13 Module 72

2 Is Psychotherapy Effective? Hard to “prove” success. Most clients report they felt “fairly satisfied.” Glowing testimonials can be deceiving Research shows: -Need to consider the placebo effect-> -“Regression towards the mean”-> -Studies from skeptics on fashionable treatments in the 1800s (i.e bleeding) showed control groups actually got better on their own -Hans Eysenck reported that among treated and UNTREATED, 2/3 were better in time -All in all, research shows that those treated are better off than 80% who do not get treatment

3 Are Some More Effective Than Others? Little if any connection between a clinician’s experience, training, supervision, and licensing impact client outcome. Some are more effective than others in treating particular issues: Therapy is best when treating clear-cut problems. APA encourages _______________________________in psychology. Advocates that clinicians integrate the best available research with clinical expertise and patient preferences.

4 Alternative Therapies Many do seek alternative therapies such as herbal medicine, massage, and spiritual healing. EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Created by Francine Shapiro. She noticed that her anxious thoughts would go away when her eyes spontaneously darted about. She began her research by having someone think of a traumatic event then would wave her finger in front of their eyes supposedly enabling them to unlock repressed memories. She reports 84-100% success with single trauma patients. Many question it. Some say it is merely distracting patients, thus allowing emotion-stimulating events to diminish. Light Exposure Therapy:

5 Looking at Psychothera py Three Major Benefits of all therapies: Does offer hope for demoralized people-> Offers a new perspective-> Effective therapists offer an empathetic, trusting, caring relationship where people feel safe to communicate their feelings. Offer a good listening ear.

6 Preventing Psychologic al Disorders Can disorders be prevented? ->Need to build individuals’ resilience! -> Need to not only look at the person who needs treatment, but the person’s social context. -> Need to focus on empowering those who feel helpless, renew the disintegrating family, bolster parent and teacher skills, etc. in order to foster growth, self-confidence, and resilience- BAM!

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