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Strategic Awards Assessment Taskforce (SAATF) Update June 11 th, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Awards Assessment Taskforce (SAATF) Update June 11 th, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Awards Assessment Taskforce (SAATF) Update June 11 th, 2010

2 Taskforce Scope – Phase I Evaluate and recommend a streamlined process and supporting infrastructure for submission of award nominations, evaluation of nominations, approval of award recipients, notification to nominees, final delivery of the award and the ongoing review process for the Society. Make it easy for individuals and sections to submit applications to showcase excellent work. In scope: Identify gaps and recommend enhancements for the current process and infrastructure Ensure cohesive linkage between various steps of the awards processes Recommend ownership and accountability for the execution of the recommended awards processes and changes)

3 Recommendations Submittal Process Automatic email sent back to the submitter letting them know their award package was received. Nominator sends complete awards packet in one PDF document. Ask nominator to verify if the nominee is aware of the nomination. Eliminate HQ screening of candidate packages. Limit number of awards collegiate sections can submit. Judging Process Automate posting of information to SWE Communities or have multiple people post. Coordinators (only) screen awards packets. Give them less than two weeks to do this process. Give judges 2 weeks max to judge awards and return score sheets. Recruit 5 judges for every 10 applicants. Ensure judging slate is set before award packets are posted on communities.

4 Recommendations Notification Process Team of people (not just president) call nominators within 1 week of BOD vote. If the nominee knew they were nominated, ensure the nominee is also notified. Automate email notification or create team of people to send all of these notifications by hand. Send award recipients detailed letter that explains which event they will receive their award at, if there is a reception they are expected to attend, if they get any guest passes to their banquet, if they are to speak or not, where they should look to be seated, etc. Feedback Process Ensure feedback is given before end of year.

5 Next Steps to Complete Charter Phase I: Outline needed structure for Phase I process improvements (07/01/10) Phase II: Review current award categories and process (08/01/10) Brainstorm new awards needed (09/01/10) Develop list of awards to keep, sunset, or revamp (10/01/10) Develop documentation on intent of each award, award type, and review cycle (11/01/1) Present final future state map and white paper to BOD (12/31/10)

6 Appendix

7 SAATF Charter Purpose: The Strategic Awards Task Force is chartered to provide the Board of Directors (BOD) with recommendations on future SWE awards to keep, revamp or sunset and revisions to the awards committee processes for the submission and evaluation. Implementation of the recommendations and revisions will be based on available budget and will be no earlier than FY10 and no later than the end of FY11. Background: The BOD has the responsibility to ensure that achievements of women in engineering and technology are showcased and recognized. The deliverables from this task force will aid the BOD in supporting those goals at a national level. The output set of recommendations will also support the national level Awards linkage to the value proposition for all member grades / career stages and the values within the Strategic Plan

8 SAATF Charter Scope: Evaluate and recommend a streamlined process and supporting infrastructure for submission of award nominations, evaluation of nominations, approval of award recipients, notification to nominees, final delivery of the award and the ongoing review process for the Society. Make it easy for individuals and sections to submit applications to showcase excellent work. Recommend list of awards to keep; revamp; and sunset. In scope: Identify gaps and recommend enhancements for the current process and infrastructure Ensure cohesive linkage between various steps of the awards processes Recommend ownership and accountability for the execution of the recommended awards processes and changes Both individual and section awards Out of scope: Implementation of process and infrastructure Implementation of the recommended process changes will be the responsibility of the FY10 BOD and FY10 Awards and Recognition Committee.

9 SAATF Charter Deliverables: Present a draft future state map and supporting whitepaper documentation of the revised process and recommended supporting infrastructure (including any required improvements and proposed responsibility assignment) at the FY09 BOD3. Include marketing of awards, approval of initial funding for awards and long term annual process for funding and type of recognition (i.e. plaque, cash, etc.), submission of award nominations, evaluation, approval of award recipients, notification to nominees, final delivery of the award and the ongoing review process. Include timing for funding and advertising decisions gates. In addition, include the process for submission of ideas for new awards. Final delivery by the end of June FY09. Provide a list of awards to keep; revamp; and sunset Based on the keep and revamp list, provide a document that clearly delineates the intent of the awards and the type of award (i.e., monetary nature) as well as the review time period (when the award should be reviewed for relevancy).

10 SAATF Charter Criteria for Success: Ability to translate the strategy into actionable objects and plans allowing the Awards Committee to implement changes and increase the number of awards applicants. Awards linkage with the phases of member career/life (similar to PD programming). Awards linkage with the values within the strategic plan. Minimal interference with the activities required to deliver awards in FY09. An order of magnitude reduction on cycle time, shorter lead time between submissions and award presentation, and more reasonable lead times for application submissions (for example: 50% reduction in the time it takes a member/nominee to complete the application.)

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